Congratulations on Taking the First Steps in Freemasonry
Brother <<Last Name>>,
On behalf of the thousands of masons across Indiana and the millions of us around the world, we welcome you to our great fraternity.
Don’t worry if you’re still overwhelmed by your degree. You’ve taken your first steps into a worldwide organization with a long and complex history. We’re a fraternity taking the verbiage and lessons from the 18th century and applying them to men in the 21st century. Your lodge undoubtedly has various traditions, terminology, rituals, and rules that may seem odd to you, but that’s part of why you were assigned a mentor to help guide you along and familiarize you with our fraternity.
Now’s the time to begin getting involved in your lodge! Attend any meetings or lodge events if you are able. Your mentor will also begin working with you to prepare you for the next step in the process, the fellow craft degree. You’ll prepare by working with him to memorize a small portion of our ritual. This is not meant to be a chore, but it’s meant to help you internalize and understand what you went through in your degree. Think deeply about the symbolism and meaning behind what transpired. You’re also encouraged to attend another lodge and see an Entered Apprentice degree as an observer. This will help you understand what you went through as well. Your mentor can help arrange that for you.
This is the first in a series of emails that you’ll receive as you progress through the degrees. These emails are designed to help answer some of the questions you may have as you go along. Keep an eye on your inbox! Masonic philosophy is so vast that email can’t cover it all. Feel free to also ask your mentor, your lodge’s Worshipful Master, your lodge’s Secretary, or any other seasoned member of your lodge. They are all here to help support you as you begin your masonic journey.
The Grand Lodge of Indiana Communications/PR & Marketing Committee
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