Dear Fringers,

It's the final Friday of the Festival! It's been a whirlwind thus far - be sure not to miss your last opportunities to catch this year's productions. If you're not sure which to pick, you can always check out the hashtag #FringeTO - on Twitter there are a ton of reviews, and on Instagram, many artists and patrons are sharing their experiences.

If you enjoy a behind-the-scenes perspective on the Festival, be sure to take a look at this excellent interview with our Executive Director, Lucy Eveleigh, from Now Playing Toronto. 

Patrons' Picks

Tonight is the night our Patrons' Picks will be announced! Join us at the Awards Ceremony (info below), or check back on our socials and website later in the evening for the winners and to buy your tickets. Want to know the schedule in advance? Check it out here! 

Tonight and Closing Weekend at PS: Patio

  • Friday July 15 - 6pm - AWARDS NIGHT - Including Patron's Pick, the Tosho Cutting Edge Award, the Comedy Bar & Second City Award for Outstanding Comedy, the David Seguin Memorial Award for Accessibility in the Arts, and the North (519) Best of Fringe (Orangeville). Then later in the evening, we have Michael Pez & The Signature Queen Cocktail Series LIVE  - a cocktail mixing Drag Show featuring Drag Queens - Imarra and Ophelia Manson - not to be missed!
  • Saturday July 16 - 2pm - TEEN FRINGE - see what our youth program has been working on all week. Then from 10pm to 2am, it's SILENT DISCO time! AIRMOVES presents Fringe's favourite dance party! Back for the third time by popular demand, dance your feet off late into the night without disturbing the neighbours. Everyone will get a set of headphones to tune in to listen to one of three DJs, switching between sets to suit your mood. Sponsored by BIPOC Executive Search.
  • Sunday July 17 - 12pm to 5pm - our final COMMUNITY SUNDAY - come hang out on the patio for an afternoon of Toronto festival vibes. Featuring FREE food tastings from Sausage Marty and Kanto by Tita Flips, and busker performances by Fringe artists. Later at 8:45pm to 11:00pm we will launch into Closing Karaoke: join us at the PS: Patio for a final send-off in song to the 2022 Festival, hosted by the Fringe's Carly Chamberlain. We want to give a special shout-out to long-time Fringers Shakespeare Bash'd who supported Carly with their Karaoke Party wisdom.
And don't forget Happy Hour, at both POSTSCRIPT locations, 5pm-7pm weekdays | 4pm-6pm weekends!
Thank you to all our volunteers, staff, and all those Fringers out there making this festival what it is!

You can find everything you need to Fringe on our website here, including show listings, ticket sales, accessibility information, and much more. 

Happy Closing weekend,
the TO Fringe Team

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Toronto Fringe · 100 Broadview Ave, Suite 322 · Toronto, On M4M 3H3 · Canada