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Dear Friends of Sue,

I had a great afternoon knocking on doors and meeting voters in Canaan. This was a great opportunity to talk with voters about just how important the elections are this year given that the Statehouse will be the center of a new level of policymaking after the Supreme Court's most recent rulings. With the Supreme Court overturning Roe, establishing a tough new test for gun regulations, challenging the separation of church and state with a ruling that allows public funds to support religious schools, and limiting the power of federal agencies to tackle climate change, public health, and other pressing issues, state legislatures will now step in. It will be up to our NH legislators to protect the rights of women, families, public education funding, climate change, and more. Who we send to Concord matters more than ever.

My op-ed in today's Valley News, co-authored with my colleagues Senator Becky Whitley (D-Hopkinton) and Senator Rebecca Perkins Kwoka (D-Portsmouth), shines a light on the culture wars we faced in the past legislative session while we worked to support the needs of New Hampshire families. I witnessed this first hand. We lost a lot of good bills to these Republican culture wars.

"This November, we need to elect a majority that will prioritize and stand up for children and families over harmful political rhetoric and culture warfare."

As you know, running for re-election requires resources, and I am excited to announce that my former colleague on the Lebanon City Council - also a former Mayor of Lebanon - and good friend, Karen Liot Hill, will be hosting a Summer Fundraiser for me at her home in downtown Lebanon on August 4. I hope you can attend what will be a lovely evening with local food, beverages, and music. It will be nice to see each other in person once again.

Last week, I was invited to address the New Hampshire Fire Chiefs Association at their meeting in Rye. I spoke with them about my leadership in successfully passing the first substantive increase in Medicaid reimbursement rates for emergency medical services that we have had in seventeen years. We also discussed the workforce challenges that EMS and Fire Departments are facing across the state and the task force that I helped to establish at the state level to address this issue. This task force will make recommendations to the legislature before the start of the next session.

Yesterday, I attended the Canaan Street Lake Association annual meeting. Many of us who live on or around lakes - or whose drinking water relies on lakes - are becoming increasingly concerned about the growing presence of cyanobacteria in our lakes and ponds. I co-sponsored legislation this year, HB 1066, that requires the New Hampshire Department of Environmental Services to create a statewide cyanobacteria plan. It is clear that this problem is not going to get better, and the time to plan for the future is now. I know this is a serious issue for people in Canaan and in other communities around Senate District 5, and I was happy to be able to share this development with the Canaan Street Lake Association.

Lastly, I would like to acknowledge Commissioner of Health & Human Services Lori Shibinette for her hard work and dedication to the State of New Hampshire. She has been a very good commissioner, and I have had the privilege of working with her directly on two projects including community health workers and the rollout of the COVID-19 vaccinations. She has been professional, tough, and hardworking. I am thankful for the time she has invested into our state, and I wish her well in her retirement, which she recently announced.

And now it is time for me to lace up my sneakers again and continue knocking on doors. We will win this election in November - here in Senate District 5 and in the many competitive House Districts within this Senate District - by talking to voters and making sure they know just how important their vote is this November. 

Thank you so much for all of your support!

Senator Sue Prentiss
New Hampshire State Senate, District 5

P.s. If you can't make it to the Summer Fundraiser in person, you can still contribute to the cause with a financial contribution

Paid for by Friends of Sue Prentiss for NH Senate. Abigail Kennedy, Fiscal Agent.
6 Batchelder Ave, Lebanon, NH 03784

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