This week, a Google engineer introduced a new project to build a programming language from scratch, called Carbon. View in browser »
The New Stack Update

ISSUE 322: Do We Need Another Programming Language?

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“Frameworks set the rules of the game, and developers have to follow them.”

___ CTO and Angular.js creator Misko Hevery, “Misko Hevery on Why Qwik Will Improve JavaScript Frameworks
What's Happening

In this episode of The New Stack’s On the Road show at Open Source Summit in Austin, Amanda Brock, CEO and founder of OpenUK, talked with The New Stack about revenue models for open source and how those fit into building a sustainable project. 

Open technology, financial sustainability and the importance of community

Do We Need Another Programming Language?

This week, a Google engineer introduced a new project to build a programming language from scratch, called Carbon.

Just as Microsoft built TypeScript to update JavaScript, and Kotlin was created to shore up weaknesses in Java, Carbon could serve as a successor language to C++, one that offers an easy jumping-off point for developers to a newer language that addresses modern development concepts such as memory safety and generics.

C++ has long been the language of choice for building performance-critical applications, though it is plagued with a number of issues that hamper modern developers.  It has accumulated decades of technical debt, and its tooling ecosystem is fragmented at best. Plus the language does not offer an easy way to ensure memory safety, which has been a source of many bugs and security vulnerabilities.

Though Carbon seeks to answer these shortcomings, many have wondered if we need an entirely new language to address these concerns.

For instance, Rust, another low-level performance-oriented language, also offers memory safety. Carbon, however, was built for people who’d rather not learn an entirely new language. Rather it was designed for those already familiar with the syntax of C++.

“If you have a large legacy C++ codebase that makes heavy use of misfeatures, migrating to Carbon will definitely be easier, because Rust doesn’t have those misfeatures. But also, the result won’t be memory safe,” tweeted infrastructure engineer Tony Arcieri.

This lack of memory safety is an important point. While the Carbon engineers promise features that will ensure memory safety, they are not in place yet. And this is a sticking point for many.

“It takes an enormous amount of effort to bring a new language into the world and make it useful, to port code, reimplement core libraries. If you aren’t getting safety out of it, why incur that cost? Is the end result actually better, or just more pretty?” Swift language designer Doug Gregor pointed out in a Twitter thread.

Many people underestimate the tooling that C++ already has to prevent memory errors. As one disgruntled reader on Hacker News grumbled. “The problem with the typical rants about C++ is that you guys are outdated.”
What do you think? Is it time for a new low-level performance-wise programming language to take the place of C++? Or is Google getting too impatient with the evolution of C++ itself?

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On The Road
AWS Webinar: Evolving data architectures to support cloud native agility


AWS Webinar: Evolving data architectures to support cloud native agility
Join this webinar to learn the integral role of data as part of your application modernization strategy. Discover the importance of test automation, data management, and data democratization in enterprises to ensure your data meets your end use and functional requirements. Save your spot!
Trust No One & Automate (Almost Everything): Building a Modern Zero Trust Strategy
With cyberattacks on the rise, no organization can afford to be careless about its security. But cloud architecture makes old ways of keeping systems and data safe obsolete.

In a distributed network, there’s no single “castle” to defend. Instead, a new strategy — known as “zero trust” — is the best approach to keeping everything that matters locked down tight — and malicious actors locked out.

A zero trust security strategy calls for not only technology that automates authentication and authorization tasks, but also a shift in thinking and organization-wide cultural changes. In this ebook, we offer a high-level overview and explore what it takes to implement a zero trust approach in an organization.

You’ll learn:
  • What zero trust is.
  • Why the old “castle and moat” approach doesn’t work on the cloud.
  • What authentication and authorization mean in a zero trust environment.
  • How cultural changes support a zero trust strategy.
  • The role automation plays in ensuring security.
Download Ebook
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