Dear <<First Name>>,

We are delighted to offer you admission to the Lifetime Learning Institute at Bard College. We hope you will join our diverse group of lifetime learners who share their interests, skills, and unique personalities to support our dynamic LLI program. 

Please click the button below to let us know that you will join LLI and to pay your membership fee with a MasterCard or Visa credit card. The deadline to receive your payment is July 26. Your membership is not secured until your payment is confirmed. If you would like to request scholarship assistance, contact me at before paying your membership fee. If you choose not to become a member of Bard LLI, please let us know by emailing

You will be contacted shortly by a mentor, an experienced LLI member who will be able to answer any questions you may have. You will also find information about LLI on our website,,

Our Member Services Team will also reach out to welcome you with helpful orientation information and opportunities to attend a campus tour.

Below are instructions to access ProClass, our course registration system, where you will maintain your personal LLI data and pay your membership fees.

The catalog for our fall online courses will be published on August 25, and you will be notified by email when it is available.  Fall course registration begins on September 1, and our first day of classes will be Thursday, September 15.

Welcome to the Lifetime Learning Institute at Bard College!

Robert W. Beaury
LLI at Bard College

Important -- Please read instructions for payment
  1. Click the button below to log in to ProClass. Use the same username and password that you used to apply to LLI. If you forgot, you can recover your credential by using your email address. There are video tutorials on our website on using ProClass.
  2. Click the Membership button in the upper left corner of ProClass once you are logged in.
  3. Click the Select button to choose a membership from July 1, 2022 through June 30, 2023.
  4. Enter your credit card information and submit your payment.
  5. Note that in ProClass, you can click your name in the upper right corner and then click the My Account button to view/edit all your information, including payments and your membership.
  6. Having trouble? Contact the Tech Help team at if you have any problems with this.
Click here to join LLI
You can check our website at for more information.

Copyright © 2022 Bard LLI, All rights reserved.

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