We are all brothers, but each of us must take care to examine visitors to our lodges with the proper procedure and decorum either as a visitor or a host. Each visitor must present a current dues card, and either be vouched for by a Brother who has sat in lodge with him or pass an examination from a committee appointed by the Master. Visiting Brothers do not have the right to vote on any issue before the lodge. Be sure to give the test oath to visitors.
No visitor may be allowed to enter our doors if a single member of the lodge objects to his presence. The Master of the lodge can neither require a reason for the objection nor overrule the objection. This objection does not apply to a visitation by the Grand Master, his Special Deputy, the Deputy Grand Master or a visiting Master Mason who is present to prefer charges or to testify as a witness in a trial or to act as counsel. (Blue Book Reg. 36.040)
Remember, we are all Brothers – treat all your guests as Brothers. Do all that you can to make them feel welcome to your lodge.
Conferring of Degrees
(Blue Book: Chapter 35)
You might ask why we are addressing this topic. We have been conferring degrees for years and some may believe their lodge is reasonably proficient. There is only one Ritual in the state of Indiana, and that is the Ritual that we should be giving to our candidates. Some of the extras that exist do not coincide with the Indiana Ritual. It is imperative to follow the Indiana Ritual.
If you are present when the candidate wants to be obligated on his Volume of Sacred Law (Koran, Tanakh, family Bible, etc.), it should be placed side by side with the Holy Bible on the altar. The Grand Lodge of Indiana has yet to adopt official passages from the various Volumes of Sacred Law for the Three Degrees.
It is accepted in many Grand Jurisdictions that the Koran should be opened to the following three passages as a candidate progresses through the three degrees:
1. EA- Surah 3:103
2. FC- Surah 2:255
3. MM - Surah 85:12-16.
The Lodge Volume of Sacred Law also must be opened on the appropriate passage.