
Please join the Clackamas River Basin Council for a fun and inspiring evening at the 20th Clackamas Watershed Celebration. Tickets are on sale now!

August 18th, 2022 | 6 - 8:30 PM
Carver Event Center
16077 OR-224, Damascus
Tickets: $50, Table: $500

2022 Theme:
Clackamas Inspires

In spirit of our 2022 theme, “Clackamas Inspires,” we will be recognizing how the Clackamas watershed inspires our art, culture, and way of life while highlighting key restoration accomplishments over the past year. 

The night will include a silent auction, dinner, drinks, awards, art pop-up, and presentation. 

Our event will also feature an interactive and collaborative art project for all to contribute to - no art skills required!

Purchase your tickets here!

Tickets can also be purchased via check.
Contact Amy Barton at or (503) 303-4372 x 101 with any questions.

Thank you to our 20th Annual Watershed Celebration Sponsors
River Heroes

Tributary Stewards

Thank you to our Silent Auction Donors:

Portland Timbers
Clackacraft Drift Boats
Clackamas River Outfitters
Ruzzo Hard Citrus
Backyard Bird Shop
Oregon State Parks
J. Frank Schmidt & Son Co.
Clackamas Repertory Theatre
Book Nook
Bob's Red Mill
Maddy Sheehan
E.B. and Judith Forseth
Fisherman's Marine and Outdoor
Bosky Dell Natives
Clackamas County (WES)
Henderson Environmental Design-Build Professionals
Bill Monroe
John Borden
Ris Bradshaw
Brian Chou, Professional Fly Casting Instructor
Eric Butler
Amy Barton
Great Harvest Bread Company
Alan Dyck

Have an item or gift certificate to donate to the Silent Auction? If so, please contact Amy Barton at 503-303-4372 ex. 101 or 

Copyright © 2022 Clackamas River Basin Council, All rights reserved.

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