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Discover the foundation of self care

The 7 Healing Practices are powerful actions you can take yourself, and they cost little or nothing. They are linked to better overall health and wellness, which may lead to better quality of life, extended life, and lower risk of recurrence.

The CancerChoices website offers a wealth of information on each of these practices, from personal stories to programs and other supports to help you start your own practices. You can find out what expert medical and research groups recommend and what specific health impacts these practices may offer you.

Explore the 7 Healing Practices

"You don’t have to start all these practices at once. Listen to your inner wisdom."

Michael Lerner, CancerChoices Co-founder

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Join us live August 3rd, 9–10:30am PDT

Walk through the New CancerChoices Website

Discover the newly launched site, designed to help people with cancer and those who care for them make informed choices in integrative cancer care. The co-creators of the new site will join The New School at Commonweal to highlight the new features and answer your questions.

Michael Lerner, co-founder of CancerChoices and author of Choices in Healing, the basis of the website

Miki Scheidel, co-founder and creative director of CancerChoices

Laura Pole, RN, MSN, OCNS, senior clinical consultant

Nancy Hepp, MS, program manager and lead researcher

Beginning August 24th, a series of conversational learning circles co-hosted with Healing Circles Global will explore each of the sections of this website in more depth.

Register for the webinar

Past webinars

Recordings of past webinars are available through the CancerChoices website:

  • Whole Person Cancer Care: Where Are We Now? A conversation with Donald Abrams, MD
Explore past webinars

Mediterranean diet, a star lifestyle choice

A Mediterranean diet is high in vegetables, fruits, whole grains, and olive oil and low in meat, sweets, and saturated fat. It is linked to lower risks of cancer and relief of some symptoms common among people with cancer.

A Mediterranean diet is also a star for balanced blood sugar and insulin, lower inflammation, and healthy gut microbes—all of which make for a healthier internal environment, your body terrain.

How we rate a Mediterranean diet:

You can explore all the ways that a Mediterranean diet can support your health and wellness, including the evidence underlying these ratings, on the CancerChoices website.
Learn more about a Mediterranean diet
A Mediterranean diet is one of 29 complementary cancer therapies fully reviewed on the CancerChoices website, with more under development.
Visit our reviews of complementary therapies

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Our mission is to reduce suffering and support healing and resilience among people with cancer. Visit CancerChoices to explore the options available for integrating self care and complementary care with conventional care.

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