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Dear <<First Name>>,

Our minds can be both our best friend and our worst enemy so, having crossed the halfway point of 2022, I want to check in - how is it going for you so far?  Take a quiet moment to reflect back on how you started the year and what has happened since.  Has it gone to plan?  Did you have a plan?  If things have been going well, have you been allowing yourself to enjoy it? If things have been going wrong, did you figure out why they did?  We learn from what has gone before, but we don't have to be defined by it, so step into this second half of this year only taking forward what can help you to grow.

Feeling low? Focus on the little things...

It's almost expected that, in summer, we should all perk up and feel lighter.  For some it's definitely true - Seasonal Affective Disorder can make the winter months harder to navigate for many due to the reduced daylight hours. But it's not always the case. Depression, anxiety and stress all still exist through the summer months...
We may naturally lean in to negative bias, but it is a wonderful skill to be able to focus on small moments of joy.  Part of dealing with darker times in our mental health is in accepting that we are works in progress - flicking the light on doesn't magically heal our pains, but there are things we can take advantage of in summer that may help to lift our moods - even if only for a moment...

 Going outdoors.  When we feel at our lowest, we tend to shy away from the outside world, but by doing so we deprive ourselves of some healing.  If you can take a moment to go for a walk, or sit in the garden, you'll be able to reset your focus onto the natural world and soak up the calm it can bring.

🟪  Motion.  This can also be interpreted as exercise, but it doesn't have to hold as much pressure or structure as that word can often levy.  Moving your body, whether that be through walking, surfing or dancing, makes a difference, and in summer there are more options for things to try.  

🟩  New Things or Connections.  Our brains like learning new things or experiencing new places, and in summer it becomes easier to travel or try out something new.  Setting plans in place with things you can look forward to helps to make tomorrow that bit more intentional.
If you are feeling out of sync with the rest of the world, remember that you are not the only one, and there are people out there who can help.

If you need further guidance, advice or support, feel free to contact me below.

Contact Me
We have all heard of fight or flight. It's a physical reaction our bodies have to threat and works well for surviving short-term issues. But some threats that we live with – for example, chronic illness – can last a long time, and our mental health then takes on the strain.
⚡️The Lightning Process  gives you the tools to reset your systems.
We know how extreme heat can affect our physical health, but do we ever take into account how heat can impact our mental wellbeing?  A study in the US has been diving into this area and finding interesting results, concluding that during days of extreme heat there is a rise in emergency visits dealing with anxiety, mood disorders and depression.
Being your own rainbow when the gales are howling can be a struggle – you can see the colours but they are all moving, merging and are hard to get a grip on.  But there are ways you can navigate the storms and come out on the other side feeling empowered. Find out about my Resilience Training here.
Wishing you a wonderful summer, to warm your soul and lift your heart.

Warm regards,

Get in touch to begin your journey towards wellbeing.
Call me on 07949785334 or email me at

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