The Needle; current news for Willamette Valley woodland owner/managers
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The Needle is the OSU Extension electronic announcements to help keep you informed about local workshops, tours, and other happenings for woodland landowners/managers in Benton, Linn and Polk Counties. 
Benton Small Woodland Assn Annual Picnic
Come and catch up with friends and meet new members. The Castle Family Forest is becoming our favorite location for the picnic. This is a great setting with a shelter, picnic tables, and restroom. After lunch you can take a walk on trails winding through the diverse forest.
Bring your own lunch and chairs, drinks will be provided
Date: Saturday, July 23, 2022
Time: 11:30 am
Location Directions: Castle Family Forest is located on the Kings Valley Highway (Hwy 223).  It is about a mile north of Hwy 20 on the west side of the Highway, in the Wren area.  Watch for signs. The longitude and latitude are 44.604130,-123.425829.
2022 Linn County OSWA Tree Farmer of the Year Tour - Oak Basin Tree Farm, Ed and Jim Merzenich and family 
Tour topics will include thinning, reforestation, oak restoration, and noxious weed control. Emphasis will be placed on maintaining native flora for wildlife under changing climatic conditions. Reducing drought stress and managing fuels to reduce wildfire risks by using cattle grazing will also be discussed. Oak Basin contains significant oak and native prairie and is home to the endangered Fender’s blue butterfly. We demonstrate a viable flow of harvestable timber can be produced from a property, managed for native species protection.
Shane Hetzler of Trout Mountain Forestry will discuss objectives for commercial thinning to be started this fall. Advanced Land Management (ALM Sweet Home) will demo masticating brush and small trees in a pre-commercial thinning operation, also view pine stands thinned, masticated, and pruned last year.
This will primarily be a walking tour on established roads. A wagon with benches will be available for individuals with mobility issues. Stunning views of the south Willamette valley await you on the tour. This is a “Howdy Neighbor” tour sponsored by OSWA and includes catered lunch, snacks and refreshments.
Date: Saturday August 6, 2022
Time: begins 9:30 am
Registration required by Aug. 3rd.  To register email with name, contact phone, number attending, and any dietary restrictions.
Directions: The address is 35200 Northernwood Drive. To get there travel south on Washburn street from Brownsville (aka Gap road) for 5 miles then turn east onto Northernwood. Oak Basin is at the end of the road. OSWA tour signs will lead the way.
Prospective OSWA members who attend this tour will be offered free membership for the remainder of the year. Information on this event is also on the website 
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OSU Extension Benton County Forestry
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OSU Extension Benton County
4077 Research Way
Corvallis OR 97333

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