[Image of Carl]

Welcome to Newsletter #255

A bunch of tales I wanted to share with you

A tale I read

Art Gallery Address by John Hegley
[Art Gallery Address by John Hegley]

A tale I heard

Writer Shonda Rhimes on her approach to portraying relationships: 

"I love the exploration of what happens when you go from the belief in the magical romantic fiction to the realities of what an actual relationship is, can be, and cannot be. Most women have been conditioned from birth to believe that romance and being loved is the most powerful, amazing, special thing that can ever happen to them. I’ve been writing a deconstruction of that my entire career."

A tale I saw

My Mother Quit Bread by Cecilia Knapp

A tale I wrote

His arms were skyscrapers
stuffed with stories.

He smashed windows with his smile.
His veins were a staircase to the clouds.
His 4x4 was a camouflaged spaceship.

His legs were motorways
taking flowers from the north
to lemonade-boiled hams
and pickled eggs in the south.

His thoughts were too big.

There’s a woolly hat
in a charity shop
that never fit my head.
His frying pan sat
on my countertop.
I could never pick it up.

A tail I like

[A tail I like]
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