MHACC 美國華裔精神健康聯盟 08/03/2022 第215期通知
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親愛的大家,收件快樂 💐


從 2022 年 7月 16 日開始,每個美國人都可以撥打 988,這個最新的自殺和危機生命熱線🔥,聯繫到訓練有素的危機顧問,幫助您解決心理危機、藥物濫用或自殺的問題。

很多時候,缺乏強大的心理健康危機系統會導致悲慘的結果。 2015 年至 2020 年間,四分之一的致命警察槍擊事件涉及患有精神疾病的人,大約 44% 的被監禁者有精神健康問題,患有精神疾病的人被登記入獄的數量全國每年約有 200 萬次。




美國華裔精神健康聯盟 執行長

Elaine Peng 彭一玲 敬上 🙏

Beginning July 16, 2022, anyone nationwide can call 988, the newest suicide and crisis life hotline 🔥. By doing this, you can connect with a trained crisis counselor who can help you with mental health, substance abuse, or suicidal thoughts.

Too often, the lack of an effective and immediate response system leads to tragic outcomes. Between 2015 and 2020, one in four fatal police shootings involved a person with a mental illness. About 44% of individuals incarcerated have experienced mental health problems. People with mental illness are incarcerated around 2 million times every year.

We believe that people undergoing mental health crises deserve professional help and timely care rather than being treated like criminals by law enforcement. Humane and dignified treatment is necessary in crisis intervention,The platinum rule of thumb: "Treat others the way they want to be treated."


Elaine Peng, Executive Director & Founder

Mental Health Association for Chinese Communities (MHACC)


NAMI Peer to Peer Mentor online Mandarin training 2022



NAMI 友護友在線普通話培訓 2022

日期: 9月 10日- 9月 11日

時間:週六和周日上午 9 點至下午 5 點 (西部時間)

Zoom:報名批准後將會收到 Zoom 鏈接電子郵件


报名截止日期:2022 年 8 月 30 日 

NAMI 友護友課程是一項免費的教育計劃,面向有心理健康問題的成年人,他們希望更好地了解自己和康復。該課程由訓練有素、經驗豐富的領導者授課,包括活動、討論和內容豐富的視頻。與所有 NAMI 計劃一樣,不包括治療方法的建議。

要了解更多信息和/或註冊,請單擊此處 To learn more and/or to Register:


Mental Health Association for Chinese Communities will host a free online course of NAMI Peer to Peer Mentor online Mandarin training.

Date : 9/10 & 9/11, 2022

Time:Saturday & Sunday 9 AM to 5 PM (PTD)

Format : Zoom (Zoom link will be given upon approval via emailing)

Application Link :

Submit Deadline : 8/30/2022

NAMI Peer-to-Peer is a free educational program for adults with mental health conditions who are looking to better understand themselves and their recovery.

Taught by trained leaders with lived experience, this program includes activities, discussions and informative videos. However, as with all NAMI programs, it does not include recommendations for treatment approaches.

 NAMI 2022 年年會 NAMI Annual Conference


NAMI 2022 年的年會將於 8月 25日至 26日,在加州紐波特海灘的萬豪酒店及水療中心舉行。今年的主題是“帶著希望和韌性向前邁進”。這是我們在 2 年疫情中斷後的第一次聚在一起,面對面地探討心理健康的未来。 會上将有各種研讨和讨论組,以及領導人們分享他們如何推進心理健康平等的經驗和建議。期待與您的相聚!


了解更多 /To learn more:

會議註冊 / Register for the conference:


NAMI California is pleased to announce that the 2022 Annual Conference will be in-person at the Newport Beach Marriott Hotel & Spa on Aug 25 & 26. This year’s theme is “Moving Forward with Hope and Resiliency,” and we are excited to collaborate and connect on the future of mental health in person for the first time in 2 years. 

The conference will feature workshops, discussions, and leaders sharing their experiences and recommendations about how we can move forward to mental health parity. We look forward to seeing you there!

 同伴支持課程畢業 Peer Support Specialists


經過 2 個多月的學習和訓練,MHACC的第二期“同伴支持 - Peer Support Specialists” 課程的學員們於7月畢業了🎓 

同伴支持者課程包括各種精神健康的康復技能,心理危機的急救,自我護理,非暴力溝通技巧,同理心,尊重和傾聽等訓練。通過這個課程的學員們可以參加加州政府的統一考核:,成為認證的同伴支持者-Peer Support Specialists。 

同伴支持者們是已經康復的心理健康患友或者有同樣經歷的家屬。 因為走過了同樣的心路,他們能更好地理解患者和家屬的痛苦。憑藉著克服自身心理健康問題所獲得的知識,並結合在課程培訓中學到的各種專業技能,他們可以為其他陷入困境的人帶來希望和支持!

After more than 2 months of training, the trainees of MHACC's second phase of "Peer Support Specialists" graduated in July.  

The Peer Supporter course includes training in a variety of mental health recovery skills, mental health first aid, self-care, nonviolent communication skills, empathy, respect, and listening skills, etc. Peer supporters who have graduated from the training may go to this website for the state government license assessment:

Peer support specialists are often mental health patients who have recovered or family members who have experienced the same hardships. Because they have walked the same path, they can better understand the pain of patients and their families. With personal knowledge gained from overcoming their own mental health issues and combined with various professional skills learned in the course training, they can bring hope and support to other struggling individuals.  



MHACC的義工們也在我們的攤位上為市民們提供熱心的心理健康資訊 ❤️

屋崙華促會主辦、美國華裔精神健康聯盟(MHACC)協辦的兩個專題攝影展:《打破沉默 停止仇視》、《鏡頭下的中華文化》成為街會上最亮麗的風景線 📹


提到在疫情期間亞裔社區面對歧視、暴力的團結與抗爭的歷程。她說:“當你目睹不公正和暴行的時候,請站出來反對它,說點什麼。因為當我們保持沉默的時候,暴力仍在繼續。” 👊

On July 30th, Oakland Chinatown’s "Qixi Summer Street Fair”, which had been suspended for three years due to the pandemic, welcomed more than 10,000 enthusiastic tourists. During this romantic festival, gongs and drums rang loud and lions danced. More than 70 booths lined the streets, carrying all kinds of delicious food and handicrafts, even providing vaccinations, free medical care, information services and so on.

MHACC volunteers also provided mental health information to the Chinese community at our personal booth. 

The two thematic photography exhibitions, "Break the Silence, Stop the Hatred" and "Chinese Culture Through the Lens", became the most beautiful scenery on the street. These exhibitions were sponsored by the Oakland China Promotion Association and co-organized by the Mental Health Alliance of Chinese Americans (MHACC). 

Elaine Peng, the director of MHACC, says that these large-scale photos are not only shocking works of art, but also pieces of our cultural heritage that can bring a kind of joy and peace, garnering pride in our identity as Chinese Americans. We are proud of our culture! 

Elaine Peng emphasizes the the Asian community's solidarity and struggle against discrimination during the pandemic. "When you witness injustice and brutality, stand up against it and say something. Because while we are silent, the violence continues," she says.

星島日報和世界日報都做了詳細報導-點擊圖片 / Sing Tao Daily and World Daily have made detailed reports - Click the Picture:


2022 年 7 月 14 日,美國華人聯合會 (UCA) 在華盛頓特區舉辦了第三屆大會,以及第一屆 UCA 青年全國大會。從會見國會議員到心理健康專家,今年的大會重點彰顯華裔美國人在他們各自社區所做出的貢獻。在 WAVES 心理健康小組会议期间,围绕華人和華人社區对心理健康资源的需求进行了讨论,同时還讨论了如何把社區的力量團結在一起以消除心理健康污名化。

今年,MHACC 在UCA大會設立了一個展位,以提高人們對其心理健康計劃和 2 款新開發的應用程序的認識(MiSunshine 和 UrSpace)。在閉幕式上,Elaine Peng 因她為社區做出的廣泛而巨大的幫助而獲獎 ㊗️

本次UCA 大會取得了巨大的成功,大會将全美不同背景的華裔聚集在一起,群策群力,為提升整個華裔社區而努力。

On July 14, 2022, United Chinese Americans (UCA) hosted their 3rd convention in Washington, DC, but this was the first time hosting their first-ever UCA Youth National Convention. From meeting district representatives to mental health panels, this year's convention focused on highlighting the works of Chinese Americans in their own communities as well as informational panels. During the WAVES Mental Health Panel, discussions surrounding the need for mental health resources for and in the Chinese were held alongside what it means for a community to come together in order to destigmatize the discussion about mental health. 

This year, MHACC hosted a booth at the UCA Showcase to raise awareness of their mental health programs and 2 newly developed mental health apps: MiSunshine and UrSpace. At the closing ceremony, Elaine Peng received an award for her extensive and tremendous help in contributing to her community. 

Overall, this year’s UCA Convention was a huge success in bringing people of all backgrounds together whilst uplifting an entire community of people dedicated to positive change.

婚姻講座 夫妻溝通


亞健社心理服務專科防備計劃將舉行婚姻講座 (一) 夫妻溝通,讓我們一起探討如何有效地聆聽和說話,並學習良好溝通的要素及障礙 👬

⏰日期: 8/4/2022 (星期四) ,時間: 下午1:00-2:00,語言: 廣東話

講者: Shirley Wong (亞健社心理服務專科防備計劃輔導員,輔導碩士,社會工作碩士)Ingrid Chung (亞健社心理服務專科臨床經理,加州執照臨床心理輔導員) 

Zoom 會議鏈接:

會議 ID: 234 369 4221


 Marriage Talk: Couple Communication

The AHS SMH Prevention Program will host a “Marriage Talk 1 - Couple Communication” in August 2022. We will be discussing how to listen and speak effectively as well as the elements and barriers to good communication. 

⏰Date: 8/4/2022 (Thursday),Time: 1-2 pm,Language: Cantonese


Shirley Wong (AHS SMH Prevention Program Counselor, MA in Counseling, MA in Social Work)

Ingrid Chung (Clinical Manager at AHS SMH, Licensed Professional Clinical Counselor)

Zoom Meeting link:

Meeting ID: 234 369 4221

心理健康手機 Apps


心理健康維護專用手機App上線啦!MHACC 為華裔社群設計了兩款免費的維護心理健康手機 Apps

MHACC has designed two free mental health mobile apps designated for the Chinese community. 

MiSunshine 是一款幫助心理健康護理人員獲取相關信息,協助管理護理工作的手機App,支持中英雙語。軟件還會關注您自己的情緒變化,提供支持和安慰,並放鬆您的心情。您還可以在這裡找到大量與心理健康相關的視頻,和分享的故事 ❤️


MiSunshine is a mobile app designed for caregivers to build a caretaking schedule based on their family’s needs. The app additionally tracks the caregiver's mood, offering a source of support and relaxation. Informative mental health related videos and stories shared by peers are available on the app. Both Chinese and English speakers may use the app.

📱安卓手機安裝 (Android Download):

📱蘋果手機安裝 (Apple Store Download):


UrSpace 是一款維護心理健康和協助心理康復的手機App,支持中英雙語。您可以在 UrSpace 裡選擇一個虛擬夥伴,並與虛擬夥伴交流,尋找支持和安慰。軟件還會關注您的情緒變化,協助您放鬆心情,提醒您使用藥物,顯示附近的活動,提供心理健康資源。您還可以在這裡找到大量心理相關的視頻,和分享的故事 ❤️


UrSpace is a mobile app used as personal mental health care and recovery tool. It supports both Chinese and English speakers. Users can select their own virtual buddy in the app, who will keep you company on your journey towards self-healing. The app also tracks mood changes, reminds you to take medication, displays local support groups, and provides professional mental health resources. You'll also find many informative videos and peer-written stories that unpack the struggles of mental health disorders. 

📱安卓手機安裝 (Android Store Download):

📱苹果蘋果手機安裝 (Apple Store Download):

患友/家屬互助組活動 Peer/Family Support Groups

患友互助小組(Peer Support Groups)


每月第二個週六(2nd Sat)- 08/13/2022

⏰時間:11:00 am to 12:30 pm(美西時間 Pacific Time)

組別:患友英語互助組 NAMI Connection-API English Peer Support Group

⏰時間:1:30 pm to 3:00 pm (美西時間 Pacific Time)

✅組別:患友廣東話互助組 Cantonese Peer Support Group


每月第三個週六(3rd Sat)- 08/20/2022

⏰時間:1:30 pm to 3:00 pm (美西時間 PST)

✅組別:患友普通話互助組  Mandarin Peer Support Group


每月第四個週六(4th Sat)- 08/27/2022

⏰時間:11:00 am to 12:30 pm(美西時間 PST)

✅組別:患友英語互助組 NAMI Connection-API English Peer Support Group


💻 患友互助組 網上會議 - Zoom Link:

Meeting ID: 913 1187 4702

Passcode: MHACC 

☎️ 或撥打電話 or Call at 1669 900 9128 / 1346 248 7799

Meeting ID: 913 1187 4702 

Passcode: 572063 

照顧者 (家人) 互助組活動安排如下(Family Support Groups)


每月第二個週六(2nd Sat) - 08/13/2022

⏰時間:3:30 pm to 5:00 pm (美西時間 PST)

✅組別:照顧者(家人)廣東話互助組 Cantonese Family Support Group


每月第三個週六(3rd Sat)- 08/20/2022

⏰時間:3:30 pm to 5:00 pm (美西時間 PST)

✅組別:照顧者(家人)普通話互助組 Mandarin Family Support Group


💻 網上會議 Zoom link:

☎️ 或撥打電話 Or call at:1669 900 9128 / 1346 248 7799, 

Meeting ID:741 323 2578

期待與您相聚!Looking forward to meeting you! 🐯🙏🏻😇


歌聲暢享人生 Sing A Song


🍻美國華裔精神健康聯盟MHACC公益健康項目 🎵歌聲暢享人生 Sing A Song

特聘:男高音夏陽老師 👨‍🏫 

⏰時間:每週二晚上 7:30-8:00pm(美西時間)

🎶活动期间,传奇抒情男高音赵夏阳先生每周都会介绍分析一首歌曲,并现场演唱。 优美的歌声是缓解压力、抚慰心灵、享受美好生活的法宝。


Sing A Song to Enjoy Life by Zhao Xia Yang

⏰Held every Tuesday night from 7:30-8:00 pm PT

The lyrical tenor Zhao Xiayang shares a song every meeting and sings it live. The beautiful singing works like magic to relieve stress and soothe the soul. By falling in love with music, we can enjoy our lives to the fullest!

💻 Zoom Link 點擊鏈接:

Meeting ID: 850 791 6770



⚠️ 應歌友們的請求,在“歌聲暢享人生”開辦一周年之即,MHACC 將向歌友開放 YouTube 頻道,分享我們錄屏的精彩視頻,歡迎 👏 大家收看並給以反饋

At the request of many, MHACC opened a YouTube channel during the first anniversary of "Sing A Song to Enjoy Life" in order to share the screen recordings of the meetings. Please watch below, any feedback is welcome~

點擊 MHACC YouTube Link 👉


跳入精彩人生 Cathy’s Fun Fitness Dance


歡迎加入“跳入精彩人生” ,大家一起保持身心健康,享受放鬆的放飛心情,開心過好每一天!💃

⚠️ 7月起平台舞會時間有調整,日場延長,新增週末場,請關注海報與每日通知


Welcome to “Cathy’s Fun Fitness Dance”! Let's stay healthy together, enjoy some refreshing exercise, and live happily every day!

Starting in July, the fitness dance time will be adjusted: the daytime session has been extended and weekend sessions have been added. Make sure to pay attention to the posters and daily notices for any new information!


⏰ 每日雲健身(Daytime Session)

美西:4:30-6:00 pm (Pacific Time)

美中:6:30-8:00 pm (Central Time)

美东:7:30-9:00 pm(Eastern Time)

北京:7:30-9:00 am (Beijing Time)

⏰ 周末(Weekend Session)

美西:8:00-9:00 am (Pacific Time)

美东:11:00-12:00 am(Eastern Time)


💻 連結 Zoom Link:

Zoom ID: 889 0406 8282

Passcode: 8888

視頻 YouTube: Fun Fitness Dance 👉

欢迎订阅🔔 /点赞👍 /转发 Please subscribe, like, and forward!


☎️當您經歷恐懼,焦慮和痛苦, 不要遲疑, 請撥打我們的心理援助熱線 ☎️(800) 881-8502, 我們一直在您身旁 👬

If you experience fear, anxiety, or distress, don't hesitate to call our Psychological Assistance Hotline at ☎️ (800) 881-8502. We will always be here for you.

⛽️ 美國華裔精神健康聯盟是聯邦認可的全國性501(c)(3)非營利公益機構,致力為華人社區的心理/精神健康提供服務,我們的點滴成長離不開您的支持。按下圖片即可在進行樂捐,非常感謝您的慷慨捐獻 ❤️

MHACC is a federally-recognized 501(c)(3) non-profit public welfare organization dedicated to providing services related to mental health issues within the Chinese community. Our growth can only be possible with your support. Click the button below 👇to make a donation. We thank you for any generous contributions!

🚗 捐舊車支持我們的工作!您可以透過網站 或致電 ☎️855-500-7433 捐出任何狀況的舊車(免費上門拖走舊車),並把舊車出售後的淨額指定捐給MHACC,可以得到退稅憑證

You can also donate used cars to support us. Donate your old car (acceptable in any condition) through the website:
or by calling ☎️ 855-500-7433 (includes free towing), and donate the net amount to MHACC to get a tax refund certificate.❤️


🛒 Support Mental Health Association for Chinese Communities on Amazon! 各位親,如果您在amazon 購物,請用amazon smile 😊選擇美國華裔精神健康聯盟MHACC為被捐助的慈善機構,在您購物的同時也在做善事!美國華裔精神健康聯盟致力於建設更美好的生活品質!堅定不移地提高大眾對精神健康的認知,共創一個大家所希望的美好家園。



美國華裔精神健康聯盟敬啟, 1800-881-8502


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