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September | October 2022


Missional Metrics That Will Encourage Your Church

by Amy Schenkel

Every church seems to focus on the same metrics: budget, building, and butts in seats. But what if more encouraging metrics could help keep your church focused on its mission?


Every church is coming into this fall ministry season at a different stage. Yet, every church seems to focus on the same metrics: budget, building, and butts in seats. Some churches will feel great about these numbers in mid-September, but these metrics could induce guilt, shame, and frustration for many.  

What if there were metrics that would encourage your congregation in whatever stage you are in? Although there are a lot of arguments against keeping numerical metrics (especially in a spiritual institution that prefers narrative-based growth measurements), I believe that keeping metrics can actually rally your congregation around a common goal in a way that helps you live more like Christ.

Here are a few examples of encouraging metrics that can help your church focus on its mission:

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Resource Spotlight

From our partners at the Parish Collective, check out this free online assessment tool that helps congregations discern where they are in the journey of becoming a parish-minded church. In addition, it offers next steps and videos that explain the parish movement and help leaders guide others along the path.
It's Back to School Time!

Did you know that Resonate partners with local classes to support over 35 CRC Campus Ministries throughout the United States and Canada? Campus Ministries are integrated into the life of the campus, seeking engagement with—and flourishing of—students, staff, and faculty. Learn more about these ministries here

Three Fulbright Scholars at MSU share a taste of home.

The World has Come to you: International Students

For years, the church has sent missionaries to different countries to share the good news and help establish the church there. Now, the ones who we sent missionaries to are here. They are more open to learning and experiencing our culture. Through authentic friendships and loving hospitality, we can live out our calling to be sent ones.

Do you have a University and College near you? If yes, then international students are there. They are eager to experience American culture and hospitality. Many universities and colleges have programs for the community to be involved in doing this. Whether it is welcoming students at the airport, a coffee hour, goods exchange, cultural programs, or trips. The need for help in this is great. All it takes is the willingness to be friendly.

The best part of this is how fun and deeply enriching it is to be with these students. You don’t have to create a program, it is already going; you just need to step into it. Call your college or university's international student office and ask how you could be helpful as a community person. Then find a couple of others in your church to do it with you. Join together with what God is doing in these students’ lives.

Celebrate with us!

Jessica  Kuncaitis

We are excited that Jessica will partner with Resonate Global Mission as a new Mission Network Developer in our region. A mission network developer catalyzes a relational network around a common missional goal.  The missional goal aligns with Resonate’s Mission but is something other than a church plant or campus ministry.  (Jessica is currently the Pastor of Outreach and Discipleship at inSpirit Church)

Jessica says "Through relationships, we can create a safe place for the unreached. Sometimes we don’t see what is right in front of us and I believe we can go deeper in relationships with opportunities that might look a bit different, but that which God has placed right in front of us."

Resonate Great Lakes is grateful to be partnering with Jessica in her new work, and we are excited to see what God will do in your church and the community.

What Comes After Alpha?

Have you led Alpha? How do you continue to nurture community in your Alpha groups? Global Coffee Break would like to hear from you. They are exploring a learning opportunity with Alpha and Discover Your Bible material. In addition, they want to connect with churches that have completed Alpha or might consider it for this next ministry season. Please get in touch with Janis Persenaire at to explore possible next steps. We hope to hear from you!
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