August 3, 2022

Make Memories Together in Life

Doug Bing, Washington Conference president
This summer I had a song of my childhood running through my head.

You see, my wife and I were back at her parents’ home finalizing the estate. It was one of those trips that you dread.

Four speakers. Five locations. Let's hit the road together and join for worship and fellowship at Sunset Lake, Bremerton, Sequim, Chehalis, and Burlington!
Road Trip Plans
The Young Adult Retreat, scheduled as a camp meeting convocation destination for the end of August, is POSTPONED and awaiting a new date.
Auburn Adventist Academy is having a campus beautification work party on Tuesday, August 9, from 5:00 pm - 8:30 pm.

Please bring your own tools and protective gear, if you have them. as we have a limited supply. Meet in the cafeteria to get your assignments. A delicious dinner by Chef Zuzana and her team will be available to those that join.
RSVP to Volunteer (& for Dinner)
The FINAL week of Vacation Bible School! Sign up your kids ages 3-12 for a time of fun and creative faith-building activities at a Vacation Bible School near you!

August 8-12 Locations
  • Onalaska
  • Shelton
  • Green Lake (Seattle)
Find a VBS Near You!
North Hill Adventist Fellowship is excited to announce the return of it's Outdoor Worship & Praise Day on Sabbath, August 20

3:30 pm - Worship Service
4:30 pm - Potluck Picnic
5:30 pm - Concert

This event will be held in the field behind the NHAF church which is located at 10106 36th St E, Edgewood, WA 98371. Be sure to bring lawn chairs and/or blankets to sit on.
Connect with North Hill

A Summer of Deliveries!

Auburn ABC's next summer delivery will be Sunday, August 14, to Bellevue, Monroe, Forest Park (Everett), Arlington area, Mount Vernon, Bellingham, and Oak Harbor.

Call your order to 253-833-6707 at least 3 days prior to delivery.
Online Catalog + Delivery Schedule

Looking Ahead

RSVP for Alumni Sabbath
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Ways to Give
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ACTS Editor: Heidi Baumgartner