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August 2022  

World Overdose Poisoning Awareness Day

Join us on Wednesday, August 31st from 10 am - 4:00 pm for World Overdose Poisoning Awareness Day, a virtual memorial and day of education and action. We aim to amplify the voices of people who use drugs (PWUD), raise awareness about overdose prevention, and reduce the stigma that surrounds drug-related deaths. 

Register online using the online registration form.

This event is organized by the Harm Reduction Coalition of York Region. If you wish to get involved, please send an email to Dylan De la Riviere at 

Register to Attend World Poisoning Awareness Day

The Krasman Centre is seeking new board members!

We are looking for committed people who want to make a difference in their community. In particular, we are looking for people who bring certain skills to the table and who represent the rich diversity of the areas we serve.
For more information and details on how to apply, please view the board qualification requirements.
Learn more on how to become a board member

Warm Line & Chat Support Services: Volunteers Needed

Our warm line and chat support services have received over 19,000 calls in the past 3 months. We need your help! We are seeking volunteers with lived experience of mental health, addictions, and/or trauma to volunteer with us. For more information or to apply, please view our volunteer opportunity posting>>

Volunteer with the Krasman Centre

Virtual Peer Support Groups

Our virtual peer support groups offer a safe and non-judgmental space for people to share their mental health and addiction challenges. Here, we strive to maintain a welcoming virtual environment where you will find support and understanding from others who share similar experiences. 

View our upcoming online Virtual Groups Calendar 

Richmond Hill Drop by Centre is OPEN on Statutory Civic Holiday - August 1st | 11 am - 3 pm

The Richmond Hill Drop-by centre offers front door access to: 

  • Peer support, system navigation, resources and referrals 
  • Peer support-based activities
  • Harm reduction resources and supplies
  • Wellness items (limited quantities available)
  • Personal care facilities and supplies
  • Light refreshments

To get in touch with our Richmond Hill Centre, please call (905) 780-0491.

Community Connections on Georgina Island First Nation
Pictured: Peer Supporter
 Tammy Barfett-Charles, Chippewas of Georgina Island First Nation at the Georgina Island Health Fair

Family Support Group

The family support program is an opportunity for those supporting a loved one with mental health and/or substance use challenges to connect with other family members and receive support. This group runs every 1st & 3rd Tuesday of the month from 7-9 pm via Zoom. For more information please email

Upcoming groups: August 2 & 16 

Register online using the online registration link>>

Exploring Emotions & Behaviours 

Negative Self-Talk:

  • Do you find that your inner critic is controlling your life?
  • Do you have ruminating thoughts you can’t control?
  • Are you experiencing feelings you can’t identify?

Guess what, you are not alone.


This virtual group challenges negative emotions and shares coping strategies to promote our own personal wellness. Peers will be asked to share a troubling experience (personal or not) and the group will work together to come up with solutions that enable the individual to feel in control of the situation.

Join us every Tuesday from 1:00 pm-2:30 pm.
Register to attend >>

Alliston Drop by Centre BBQ event celebrated relocation & Mad Pride!

Thanks to everyone who attended our BBQ event in Alliston! 

Krasman Centre Alliston continues to provide in-person support at the Alliston Memorial Arena (49 Nelson St., West Entrance)

Support Services available:

  • Peer Support, system navigation, resources and referrals
  • Phone, Computer and Internet Access
  • Light Refreshments 
  • Shower facilities 

Operating Hours: Tuesday (10 am – 3 pm), Wednesday (12:30 pm- 3 pm) and Friday (10 am-3 pm).
Contact: South Simcoe Outreach Peer Supporter, Cathleen Marengeur
Phone: (416) 562-8824 Email:

Pictured: Peer Navigator Murat Guler at North York General Hospital

Hospital Peer Support (Peer Navigators)

Krasman Centre's Peer Navigator Program operates out of North York General Hospital (NYGH) and Southlake Regional Health Centre (SRHC). Peer Navigators work in partnership with the interdisciplinary teams at these respective hospitals. 

Individuals attending the hospital Emergency Departments at NYGH or SRHC who are experiencing distress related to mental health and/or addiction challenges have the opportunity to connect with a Peer Navigator.

The Peer Navigator assists people seeking care by providing Peer Support and connecting them with other resources in the community. Drawing from their own lived experiences with mental health and/or addiction challenges and recovery journeys, shared experiences and mutual understanding. 

Peer Supporters inspire hope, enhance recovery, and improve the quality of the 'patient experience' both in the Emergency Department and throughout the broader healthcare system.

To learn more about this program, please contact Theresa Claxton-Wali at or call (437) 229-6958.​
Toronto Community Crisis Service
The Toronto Community Crisis Service (TCCS) is a new community-based service of trained teams of crisis workers who will respond to people experiencing a mental health crisis. It is a non-police response to mental health crisis calls and well-being checks that is client centred, trauma-informed and focuses on harm reduction.

Learn more about the TCCS and its mission by reading the latest 
progress report or by viewing this infographic.

Our Vision

To support and empower people affected by mental health and/or addiction challenges by providing inclusive peer-support programs.

Our Mission

People with lived experience of mental health and/or addiction challenges live full lives of their choosing within supportive, inclusive communities.

Get in Touch with Us
Feel free to contact us for further information or to suggest programming ideas. 
If you would like more frequent updates about the Krasman Centre, please follow us on or

Contributions to our e-newsletter are welcome. Please email:
Let's Connect on Social Media
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10121 Yonge Street
Richmond Hill, ON L4C 1T7 Canada
Phone: (905) 780-0724 | Email: 

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Krasman Centre · 10121 Yonge Street · Richmond Hill, On L4C 1T7 · Canada