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Dear Friends of Sue,

Campaign season is going strong. I'll be knocking doors in Lebanon this weekend and campaigning in New London and Plymouth in the coming weeks.

My summer fundraiser is coming up on Thursday, August 4th, and I hope you can make it! If you can't attend in person, you can still help make it a successful event with a contribution. Your support helps me spread the word about my campaign. I will also be supporting competitive candidates in other House and Senate races. We need to send Democratic majorities to Concord this November! The stakes are higher than ever, and who we send to Concord matters.

We had a great house party this week in Grantham, one of the communities added to Senate District 5 through redistricting. I really enjoy talking to voters at farmers markets, parades, ice cream socials, and house parties. We will win this campaign - one vote at a time. Thank you so much to Chris and Sue Buchanan for hosting!

An op-ed that I authored together with my colleague Senator Lou D'Allesandro appeared in the New Hampshire Union Leader on July 22: "Federal funding to thank for NHs Budget Surplus."

I was also very proud to receive the endorsements of two great organizations this week: Rights and Democracy NH and the Progressive Turnout Project. I am grateful for their recognition of the work I am doing in the State Senate for a more inclusive, prosperous New Hampshire.
Most of all, I am thankful for your support! I hope to see you at my fundraiser next week and enjoy catching up in-person with many of you. Let's hope the weather cooperates so we can enjoy a beautiful evening on Thursday, August 4th!


Senator Sue Prentiss
New Hampshire State Senate, District 5

P.s. Our next round of yard signs arrive August 8th, and we are planning a "Yard Sign Splash" - putting 100 yard signs up in one day! Let us know if you have a good spot for a yard sign, and we'll put you on the delivery route!! 

Paid for by Friends of Sue Prentiss for NH Senate. Abigail Kennedy, Fiscal Agent.
6 Batchelder Ave, Lebanon, NH 03784

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Prentiss for NH Senate · 6 Batchelder Ave · West Lebanon, NH 03784-1902 · USA

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