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Thanks for Making a Difference in this World!
Dearest Posthumans, 
We hope that this new GPN Newsletter finds you well!

We are glad to share a selection of motivating events, publications, and projects dedicated to Posthumanism, in order to inspire your existential, scholarly and creative path in the next few weeks.

Thanks for being part of this worldwide community, which represents an affirmative, collaborative, and pluralistic environment to reflect together on the many challenges of the present-day world: Thanks for Your Commitment, Work and Vision!

Enjoy the read and best of luck for all of Your projects!

Peace, Visions and Much Appreciation,
The Global Posthuman Network




1. WEBINAR: "Stefan Sorger: Philosophy of Posthuman Art" (6 Aug)
2. ONLINE COURSE: "The Cultures of Resource Extraction: Past, Present, and Future" (The Indian Institute of Technology Hyderabad) (22-26 Aug)
3. CONFERENCE: AI and the Humanities (6-7 Sept)

New Publications

4. NEW BOOK! "Lifestyle Politics in Translation. The Shaping and Re-Shaping of Ideological Discourse" by M. Cristina Caimotto, Rachele Raus
5. NEW BOOK! "Available to be Poisoned. Toxicity as a Form of Life" by Dipali Mathur
6. NEW BOOK! "Anthropocene Ecologies of Food. Notes from the Global South" by Simon C. Estok, S. Susan Deborah, Rayson K. Alex
7. NEW BOOK!: "Glosario de Resistencia Animal(ista)" by Anahí Gabriela González and Iván Darío Ávila Gaitán
8. NEW ISSUE: Contactzone "Non-human Narrators in Science Fiction"
9. NEW ISSUE: Comparative Critical Studies "Reading Braidotti / Reading Woolf"
10. NEW ISSUE: Matter "Sixth Issue" International Conference on Education - Posthuman and Complex Perspectives Strand


 11. EXTRA: Maserclass "¿Qué significa lo Posthumano?"
12. EXTRA: "THE POSTHUMAN CENSUS: A Citizen Catrography Project"
13. PHD/POSTDOC POSITION: “AI in Cyber Physical Systems”

Get involved

We have created an online form that you can use for promoting your events through the Newsletter of the Global Posthuman Network, which currently counts with around 1200 international members. There is no fee to submit. All submissions will be reviewed and, if found in tune with the posthuman turn, will be published in our next Newsletter. Please, keep in mind that the Newsletter is monthly, so if you send an event that expires by the time we send the Newsletter, we will not be able to publish it. Thanks for your interest.

We are honored to welcome two new scholars joining the GPN as Affiliate Members:
Dr. Ivana Greguric is an Assistant Professor of Philosophy at the Faculty of Croatian Studies, University of Zagreb and a research associate at the Scientific Center of Excellence for Integrative Bioethics at the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences (Croatia) with scientific activities primarily within the Scientific and Research Committee for Bioethics, Technique and Transhumanism.
Dr. Başak Ağın is Associate Professor of English Literature at TED University, Ankara, Turkey. She is the founder of PENTACLE, the first and only Turkish website dedicated to the environmental humanities and posthumanities. Her 2020 monograph, Posthümanizm: Kavram, Kuram, Bilim-Kurgu [Posthumanism: Concept, Theory, Science-Fiction] received the 2021 Book Award of IDEA (The Research Association for the Study of English Literature in Turkey, affiliated under ESSE].
Welcome on board and thanks for your commitment!

This Newsletter, August 2022, was kindly complied by our Editor Stefano Rozzoni. Here, you can find more info about our extraordinary Team!
WEBINAR: "Stefan Sorger: Philosophy of Posthuman Art" (6 Aug)
Foreign Object organizes a new webinar titled "Stefan Sorgner: Philosophy of Posthuman Art", on Aug 6, 10am Pacific Time
Webinar Link: .

Aesthetic reflections by various members of the Frankfurt school have dominated the art world for many decades. Sorgner shows that they introduced a paternalistic logic in the field of aesthetics while attempting to overcome paternalism. His art philosophical alternative reveals the option of creating non-totalitarian total works of art. The wide spectrum of posthuman artworks reveals the immense diversity of nontotalitarian total works of art.

Stefan Lorenz Sorgner is Chair of the Department of History and Humanities and a philosophy professor at John Cabot University in Rome, Director and Co-Founder of the Beyond Humanism Network, Fellow at the Institute for Ethics and Emerging Technologies (IEET), Research Fellow at the Ewha Institute for the Humanities at Ewha Womans University in Seoul and Visiting Fellow at the Ethics Centre of the Friedrich-Schiller-University in Jena. 

For further info, click HERE
ONLINE COURSE: "The Cultures of Resource Extraction: Past, Present, and Future" (The Indian Institute of Technology Hyderabad) (22-26 Aug)
August 22-26 2022

Venue: Online Synchronous

The intent of this course is to develop a through-going analysis of the culture and politics of planetary resource extraction.

Though resource extraction has been a central, organizing dynamic of the human experience, only recently have scholars begun to bring into focus the significance of extraction as a fundamental mechanism through which power is exerted and disparities of wealth and opportunity generated.

With an emphasis on Canada and India—two (post)colonial spaces with distinct if intertwined histories of extraction—this course will provide participants with the conceptual tools to re-imagine and re-narrate the social and cultural experiences of colonialism, postcolonialism, globalization, and neoliberalism through the lens of extraction.

For further info, click HERE
CONFERENCE: AI and the Humanities (6-7 Sept)

Join the Human Futures conference, “AI and the Humanities - Emergent fields, critical perspectives, ethical implications”, on September 6-7! 

The two-day conference will address key subjects in the intersection of humanities and AI, including panels on AI and visual culture, creativity, literature, automated writing, knowledge, and learning. Read more about the conference and sign up HERE.

The conference is organized with support from the interdisciplinary research center SHAPE (Shaping Digital Citizenship), Aarhus University.

Rick Dolphijn
Mieke Bal
Femke Herregraven
Sruti Bala
Divya Nadkarni

NEW BOOK! "Lifestyle Politics in Translation. The Shaping and Re-Shaping of Ideological Discourse" by M. Cristina Caimotto, Rachele Raus
This book investigates the role of translation processes in the shaping and re-shaping of ideological discourse and their impact on the actors involved in the translation process, focusing on institutional texts and their influence on lifestyle issues both public and personal. The volume employs a unique approach in its focus on "lifestyle politics," examining texts produced by political actors, such as international organizations and national governments, and their translations. The book draws on an interdisciplinary perspective, integrating work from translation studies and linguistics with political science and economics, and applies it to English and French versions of the same documents, calling attention to ideological differences across versions. In light of our increasingly globalized world, Caimotto and Raus demonstrate the ways in which globalized discourse undergoes processes of depoliticization and marketization which produce a trickle-down effect on individuals’ personal identities. This book will be of interest to students and scholars in translation studies, critical discourse analysis, and political science.

To access the book, click HERE
NEW BOOK! "Available to be Poisoned
Toxicity as a Form of Life" by Dipali Mathur

In Available to be Poisoned: Toxicity as a Form of Life, Dipali Mathur contends that the saturation of the planet with toxic chemicals is not the "inevitable" price of progress but marks a deliberate, violent relationship with the Earth and its "others," born of colonialism and capitalism’s entwined histories. Mathur offers the innovative concept of "toxicity as a form of life" to signpost the normalization of toxic exposure. Mathur analyzes how states use toxicity to control populations on the fringes of our global political economy. Drawing on three case studies from India, Mathur shows how exposure to toxicity is weaponized to make certain populations "available for poisoning."

For further info, click HERE

NEW BOOK! "Anthropocene Ecologies of Food. Notes from the Global South" by Simon C. Estok, S. Susan Deborah, Rayson K. Alex

Anthropocene Ecologies of Food provides a detailed exploration of cross-cultural aspects of food production, culinary practices, and their ecological underpinning in culture. The authors draw connections between humans and the entire process of global food production, focusing on the broad implications these processes have within the geographical and cultural context of India. Each chapter analyzes and critiques existing agricultural/food practices, and representations of aspects of food through various media (such as film, literature, and new media) as they relate to global issues generally and Indian contexts specifically, correcting the omission of analyses focused on the Global South in virtually all of the work that has been done on "Anthropocene ecologies of food." This unique volume employs an ecocritical framework that connects food with the land, in physical and virtual communities, and the book as a whole interrogates the meanings and implications of the Anthropocene itself.

For further info, click HERE

NEW BOOK! "Glosario de Resistencia Animal(ista)" by Anahí Gabriela González and Iván Darío Ávila Gaitán
"Este glosario es, pues, un intento oportuno, y más que necesario, por restituirnos la palabra. Todavía más, un intento por dotarnos de nuevas palabras. Palabras que desenmascaren las razones pretextadas para escribir esa larga historia de negación y violencia que heredamos y continuamos, que permitan identificar, sin mitigarlos, los efectos catastróficos de un régimen de dominación que hemos construido sobre los llamados animales, sobre lo animado, en últimas, sobre todo lo viviente (biopoder). Un orden que es tiempo ya de nombrar sin ambages como especismo, pues nombrarlo como se debe es condición necesaria para crear las condiciones de posibilidad para su superación. Palabras nuevas que permitan enhebrar otras historias acerca de un nosotros que no esté únicamente compuesto por el círculo privilegiado de los humanos, sino un nosotros que se reconozca transido por vínculos multi-especies o inter-especies. Palabras capaces de motivar comportamientos que no estén más cimentados en el antropo-poder que nos hemos arrogado como especie “superior”, y cuyo corolario ha sido, paradójicamente, la puesta en marcha de una máquina imparable de exclusiones entre los seres humanos mismos, por cuenta de las cuales hay tantos que se han visto arrojados a las márgenes, considerados inferiores, subhumanos, en últimas, vidas meramente animales y por eso mismo sacrificables".

For further info, click HERE
NEW ISSUE: Contactzone "Non-human Narrators in Science Fiction"
"We live in anxious times, driven by changes of such a scale that we struggle to take them in – mutating hyperobjects of sorts, to borrow Timothy Morton’s term (2013). War and political upheaval feature daily on the national and international news. Deadly viruses spread globally. The consequences of climate change are perceived worldwide. As humans, we cannot avoid considering the impact of such tremendous upheavals on our species. Yet, we are not the only inhabitants of planet Earth. The great metamorphoses caused by the Anthropocene have a devastating impact on the ecosystem: on animal and vegetal species becoming extinct at the highest rate in history, and on non-living entities, bearing the brunt of erosion, deforestation and reckless exploitation of resources. In the 1970s, James Lovelock formulated the Gaia hypothesis, which construes the earth as a complex selfregulating system: the theory “proposes that the responses of living organisms to environmental conditions ultimately bring about changes that make the earth better adapted to support life; the system would rid itself of any species that adversely affects the environment” (Martin and Hine 2016). Lovelock’s view of a holistic self-preserving mechanism for our planet is a beacon of hope in the darkness of our times."

For further info, click HERE
NEW ISSUE: Comparative Critical Studies "Reading Braidotti / Reading Woolf"
The latest issue of Comparative Critical Studies is now available online:

Special issue: Reading Braidotti / Reading Woolf
Guest Edited by Peter Adkins, Ruth Alison Clemens and Derek Ryan

For further issue, click HERE
NEW ISSUE: Matter "Sixth Issue" International Conference on Education - Posthuman and Complex Perspectives Strand

"This issue brings into the toolbox reconceptualizations of concepts to enrich our methodologies in order to understand the complexity of the reality in which we currently live. These concepts are Christine Horns’ technologies of information and communication (ICTs), Oriol Batalla’s necrocene; Christine Daigle and Ilaria  Santoemma’s  posthuman  subjectivity;  Daniel  Heinrichs  and  Dewi  Andriani’s language; and last but not least, Alison Warren’s concept of care. Being this last one, we believe, essential in order to relate with each other in terms of affection and not through different hierarchies, as the articles, intra-views and affirmative reviews of this issue show."

For further info, click HERE

EXTRA: Maserclass "¿Qué significa lo Posthumano?"
REVISTA LATINOAMERICANA DE POSTHUMANISMO organizes a masterclass titled "¿Qué significa lo Posthumano?"

El curso en línea de Filosofía de “Lo Posthumano”, Lección n. 1, dictado por la Dra. Francesca Ferrando (NYU). En inglés con subtítulos en español.

“El Posthumanismo Filosófico”, VI Workshop Wittgenstein 2019 Realidade, Linguagem e Cognição: Fronteiras do Pós-humanismo, Universidad de Curitiba, Mayo 10, Brazil, 2019. En español.

“¿Qué es el Posthumanismo?”, Ciclo ¿Nuevos Humanismos, Nuevas Humanidades, Nuevos Humanos?, Cátedra Alfonso Reyes, Tecnológico Monterrey, Mayo 28, 2021, Moderado por Rodrigo Esparza. En español.

Este curso online sobre las filosofías de lo posthumano está pensado para cualquier persona interesada en adquirir una comprensión básica sobre los diferentes movimientos y temas dentro el posthumanismo filosófico.

El curso completo está disponible gratuitamente aquí, en Youtube y en OpenLearn. El contenido original del curso ¿Qué es lo Posthumano? está inglés pero hemos preparado un video de ayuda para que puedas activar los subtítulos en tu idioma.

Luego de los videos, incluimos el enlace al artículo Posthumanismo, transhumanismo, antihumanismo, metahumanismo y nuevos materialismos: diferencias y relaciones, publicado por la Dra. Ferrando y traducido al español por Javier Ignacio Brito Ledesma, para la revista ETHIKA+ de la Universidad de Chile; así como también el enlace al libro Posthumanismo Filosófico (Teoría en las Nuevas Humanidades), en el cual la Dra. Ferrando presta especial atención al poshumanismo filosófico, definido como una filosofía de mediación que aborda el significado de la humanidad no en la separación, sino en relación con la tecnología y la ecología. El cambio posthumano emerge así en el llamado global por el cambio social, la ciencia responsable y la coexistencia de múltiples especies. El libro se encuentra disponible solo en inglés, en formato impreso y Kindle.

For further info, click HERE
EXTRA: "THE POSTHUMAN CENSUS: A Citizen Catrography Project"

The Posthuman Census is a speculative, participatory citizen cartography project that asks: How big is the population of a posthuman city?

Collectively the census maps build a meta databank that reconsiders statistical data, how we conceive of populations and the civic diversity of our urban towns and cities. The project asks us to question the privileging of human citizens in our understandings of cities, and how census data gives partial readings of societal trends through time. Making a posthuman census from globally diverse locations disrupts this partiality and provides a glimpse of the rich multispecies civics that constitute our societies.

Citizen cartographers are invited to participate by downloading a blank map and taking a census of different citizens by inefficiently mapping the shadows they cast.

More information on inefficient mapping can be found HERE 

PHD/POSTDOC POSITION: “AI in Cyber Physical Systems”
The call for Postdoc-NeT-AI 10/2022 is out! The focus is on Artificial Intelligence in Cyber Physical Systems.

Twice a year, the DAAD selects a group of outstanding postdoctoral researchers and experienced PhD candidates worldwide to participate in the Postdoctoral Networking Tour in Artificial Intelligence (Postdoc-NeT-AI,

The fellowship includes a Virtual Networking Week and a one-week travel stipend with plenty of opportunities to personally connect with leading researchers and research institutions from all over Germany. Fellows will also become part of the DAAD AInet Fellows and Alumni Network, thus expanding and strengthening the cooperation within the group and with the German research community. 

For further info, click HERE
If you are interested in joining the community, and / or volunteering, and/ or forming regional posthuman networks in your area, please email us at: NYposthuman[at]

Thanks for connecting and sharing your insights and visions!

Peace, Health and Much Appreciation,
The Global Posthuman Network 
POSTHUMANS - The Global Posthuman Network
NY Posthuman Research Group
Posthuman Philosophy
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