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It's hot as blazes out there and we're all getting a little tired of sweating.  But despite the heat, we're still working for the pups and kitties.  Our "Ace" teams of fosters and transporters are hard at work, as usual - sending loads of babes to Acworth, GA to meet up with partners from Road Trip Home.  From there, they are moving on up to the Northeast US where we are happy to share some good news from their new homes.

Would you like to join our team of foster angels?  We would be grateful and you would help save a precious life!  Email us at info@habershamhumane and we will contact you immediately.


Happy Tales!
Hi!  I am Corissa, the owner of “Honey.”  She is doing amazing and lives in Bangor, Maine.  Honey is currently being trained to be my psychiatric service dog and training is going great.  She’s very spoiled!  Her favorite treat now is gravy Milk Bones and she loves the tire I bought her.  She’s a momma’s girl!  Honey loves going to the park and she also lives with two pit bulls that are her best friends.  I am truly blessed to have her in my life and send thanks to all who helped her.  God bless!
Honey was fostered by Barbara Meyers.
We adopted Hank this past Thursday in Massachusetts. He is so adorable and playful ! Full of so much fun!! When we first saw him, we fell in love with him and were so excited to give him a forever home. He has a wonderful personality and enjoys playing with the kids as well. He has adjusted very well. Hank is in toy land at our house and he always finds something to play with. Thank you so much for rescuing Hank and his siblings.
Thanks to Cat Wiles for fostering Hank and his litter mates while here in Georgia.
Maggie was our senior girl who transported to Maine. She has a condition called masticatory muscle myositis, and she can only open her mouth a little way. But she did not let that slow her down. Enjoying her soft food diet, she is happy. Here she is with her new owner in Maine. This sweet lady lives with her daughter and was in need of a companion. Our sweet Maggie fit that bill.
Thank you to Sue Adams for fostering our sweet Maggie.
We are Terri and Walt.  We adopted one of Daisy's pups and he is a sweetheart. We just picked him up yesterdayH. is name is Tonka and he is the sweetest boy... Night 1 was a great success. He cried in his crate only for about 10 mins and slept straight through the night. He is doing his duties outside (1 tiny accident). We lost our last dog 1 1/2 years ago. We missed him so much that it took us this long.  This is our first mixed breed dog with no family history. We have always had Chocolate labs. We are SO in love with this little man.
Thank you for taking good care of him and all his siblings.
Thank you, Denise Cullom, for fostering Tonka.
 We are so grateful to our local fosters for preparing these pets for their future homes.  We're equally thankful for those awesome new "parents" in the northeast who provide love, acceptance and forever families
 to their newfound pets.
Important Info for Every Pet Owner!
There are currently 8 million dogs, cats, puppies and kittens euthanized in the United States every year simply because there aren’t enough homes for all of them. Besides preventing more unwanted puppies and kittens, spaying and neutering your dog or cat prevents diseases and prevents many behavioral problems that occur in unaltered pets. The risk of mammary cancer is greatly reduced if you spay your dog before age one. Also, cancers of the reproductive organs are eliminated. Behavioral problems such as aggressiveness towards same sex dogs, marking or spraying in the house and roaming to find a mate are also eliminated or reduced if you spay or neuter your pet.
Please help our "Moon Babies"!

Kittens, kittens, and more kittens! They just keep on coming. We have a litter of 7 beautiful kittens looking for Sponsors. $50 per kitten will give them a chance for a loving home up north. Let’s help them make that journey. Which Moon Baby would you like to sponsor?
Donate online at or mail checks to:
P.O. Box 1442
Clarkesville GA 30523


HHS is consistently mistaken for the Habersham Animal Shelter.  We get scores of emails every week asking for housing for homeless animals, inquiring where our facility is located, and requesting our assistance with spay/neuter needs.  REMEMBER ... We are TWO separate entities and we assist one another whenever we can, but HHS is a group of volunteers concentrating on foster/transport and the county shelter is a county-funded facility with a full-time staff.  We hope the following chart will help answer your questions.  For additional questions, you can find information on our website at concerning (1) steps to take if you have lost or found an animal; and (2) spay/neuter resources available in our area.

Copyright © *|2022|* *HABERSHAM HUMANE SOCIETY*, All rights reserved.

Our mailing address is:
*PO Box 1442 / Clarkesville, GA 30523

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