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With the stroke of a pen, Governor Ige has signed bills into law that are destined to change the lives of thousands of Hawai‘i residents for the better. From housing, health care and education to digital equity and women’s criminal justice reform, the new laws will bring changes that have been called “historic,” thanks to the efforts of many people. This issue of Capitol Connection recaps some of what lies ahead and how these actions are key to advancing the governor’s vision for Hawai‘i. (Read more)

Indoor masking will be optional at Hawai‘i’s public schools for the new school year, based on new guidance from the state Department of Health. However, masks will be “strongly encouraged" when COVID-19 Community Levels are at medium or high, said Dr. Sarah Kemble, state epidemiologist.  (Read more)

On July 11, Governor Ige signed into law HB 2511, marking the most consequential allocation of funding for the Hawaiian Homes Commission in 100 years. “Today marks an unprecedented moment in our state’s history,” said the governor of the $600 million to the Department of Hawaiian Home Lands (DHHL). (Read more)

Governor Ige and state legislators are continuing major efforts to keep Hawaiʻi residents housed with the signing of three bills. SB 3048 deposits $300 million into the Rental Housing Revolving Fund, half of which is earmarked to develop moderate-income housing for individuals and families. The bill also allows the Hawaiʻi Housing Finance and Development Corporation (HHFDC) to transfer GO Bond proceeds into the Dwelling Unit Revolving Fund to build infrastructure for future housing. (Read more)

Searching for a job just got a little easier, thanks to a new digital hub called the Hawaiʻi Career Acceleration Navigator at The site, launched by the Hawaiʻi Department of Labor and Industrial Relations (DLIR), connects unemployment insurance claimants (UI) and job seekers to promising career pathways. (Read more)

It took COVID-19 to teach us to embrace change or perish. Our children can have a future here if we can make change happen.” — Governor David Ige, July 2021.

The state took a body blow from COVID-19 but now is surpassing all economic forecasts — with more funds available for essential programs and services and major investments in education, housing and other long-standing needs. So where do we go from here? The past two years have been a chance to take stock of our lives, jobs, businesses, and the future we want for Hawai‘i. 
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For the past eight years, the Ige administration has been developing ways to make Hawai‘i and its people more resilient for the future. This has included everything from expanded broadband infrastructure to digital literacy training, remote work options and a virtual marketplace for local products(Read more)


Governor Ige signed into law June 30 a package of bills that advance his efforts to improve digital access for all communities across the state. “We are committed to addressing the digital divide for all Hawai‘i residents, and these bills will bring us another step closer towards an inclusive digital community, where all ‘ohana, keiki and kūpuna have the tools needed to thrive in today’s digital world,” said Governor David Ige. “I am proud that Hawaiʻi continues to lead the charge in digital equity.” (Read more)


If the pandemic taught us anything, it’s that the state needs more doctors, nurses and other health care professionals. On July 7, Governor Ige signed into law two bills to address the critical shortage of physicians statewideSB 2657 will help retain more graduates from the University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa School of Medicine by funding more medical residency training, especially on the neighbor islands and in partnership with Veterans Affairs. (Read more)

A package of bills supported by the Women’s Legislative Caucus and signed into law by Governor Ige has been hailed as a significant step toward addressing inequities women face in the criminal justice system. (Read more)

With the start of a new school year, First Lady and former educator Dawn Amano-Ige is sending words of encouragement to both students and teachers. “I hope we can take lessons learned from the pandemic and find inspiration from the resilience everyone has shown,” she said. “It’s always exciting to look forward to new adventures and experiences. I want all of us to stay healthy and safe  as we enjoy the months ahead.” (Read more)

Your source for COVID-19 stories and resources from the Hawai‘i State Department of Health. Our August 4 issue will feature a dive into variant BA.5, how it differs from previous variants and what it means for preventing COVID-19 in the coming days. The Hawai‘i Department of Health's COVID-19 Community Bulletin is distributed every other Thursday. Sign up at

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