Stop Fitting In!
Start Breaking the Mold!
<<First Name>>, there is no one-size-fits-all when it comes to team leadership development!
You are unique.
It's not about you taking another online course, not about you being another 'student number', not about you fitting in.
It's about you breaking the mold and becoming the leader you need to be - for yourself and your team (and by that I mean Team 'Work' AND Team 'Home'!).
Leadership is All Personal.
Learning how to be that 'Dream Boss' that builds a 'Dream Team' is All Personal.
Because it's all about YOUR style, approach, needs, challenges and aspirations.
There is no ONE recipe for team leadership.
At the end of the day, it's all about YOUR legacy.
It's about leading for legacy.
About leading different and making a difference.
So be bold. And Lead Different.

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Want to Make a Difference as a Leader?
Focus on Team Well-Being!
<<First Name>>, the New Well-Being Framework is definitely a work in progress.
Leaders and organizations focused on kind leadership have looked for ways in which they can diversify the meaning of well-being in the workplace.

One of the ways in which they did that was to move from top-down 'well-being programs' to networked 'well-being initiatives' that are employee focused, from the initial focus group to better understand the needs, all the way to creating internal communities focused on different well-being pillars.

As I am building the 'Leading with Kindness' course, this is a huge part of my input, research and experience working with teams & leaders these days.

Kind leadership is all about having a balanced approach towards well-being elements, and constantly looking to understand how well-being needs develop and transform, depending on both internal and external environments.

The focus on well-being is a strategic leadership approach and an important part of the conversation on workplace flexibility!

Some of the changes we have seen so far in each of the main pillars of well-being are:

1. The emphasis is no longer on just physical well-being, but of course it remains an important part of it. We've also seen the need and creation of physical well-being communities, both virtually and in-person.

2. Mental well-being became a very important piece of the conversation, and it further developed to cover cognitive and emotional well-being, as well as access to counselling and therapy services for employees in some companies.

3. Social well-being also grew in both virtual and in-person environments, with the growth of support groups and communities, social shares, team or group sharing.

4. The financial well-being added financial education and financial advice that were so much needed during a time of crisis, and which remain on the list as continuous needs in this new framework.

5. Career well-being elements also experienced a boost in importance, among urgent needs and topics covered being inclusion & diversity, motivation & engagement, coaching (both teams and individuals), more self-paced and bite-sized learning - in general a more tailored approach and appreciation for both individuals and teams.

If this is something you are interested to explore further, either for yourself as a leader, or for you and your team, let's connect, happy to help!

As always, Lead Different!


Book a Call to Explore Well-Being Leadership Strategies Further. Talk to the Face:)!

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