Save the Date
Aug 2: Member's Meeting, 9-10:30 am, at MaineHousing, 26 Edison Drive, Augusta
Sept: Virtual Member Interactive Discussion, Topic TBD
Oct 4: Member's Meeting, 9-10:30 am, TBD in person
Nov 17: Housing Policy Conference, 8 am - 4 pm, Westin Portland Harborview - REGISTERATION OPEN here or SPONSOR here.
Treasury released new guidance today on using State and Local Fiscal Recovery Funds (SLFRF) for affordable housing.
- Increases flexibility to use SLFRF to fully finance long-term affordable housing loans. It achieves what the LIFELINE Act sought to do by allowing governments to use SLFRF to fully finance long-term affordable housing loans, including the principal of such loans, subject to certain conditions.
- Expands presumptively eligible affordable housing uses to further maximize the availability of SLFRF funds for affordable housing. Treasury’s Final Rule allowed for flexibility in the use of funds for affordable housing, identifying uses consistent with HOME and the national Housing Trust Fund as presumptively eligible under SLFRF. This expands that list to include a range of federal programs from multiple agencies. It also clarifies that SLFRF may be used to finance the development, repair, or operation of any affordable rental housing unit that provides long-term affordability of 20 years or more to households at or below 65% of the area median income.
The guidance also outlines how governments can layer SLFRF with other funding opportunities for affordable housing activities. Here are links to the press release and Treasury’s SLFRF affordable housing how-to guide.
Housing Policy Conference Registration Open
Register today for MAHC's Nov 17 Housing Policy Conference a the Portland Westin Harborview. We are also offering registration for a virtual option to watch and hear the speakers. Learn more and register here.
Member Meeting, 8/2, 9-10:30 am, MaineHousing, 26 Edison Dr, Augusta
- Coffee & Catch Up
- Dan Brennan, Director of MaineHousing
- Greg Payne, Senior Housing Policy Advisor, Governor's Office
- Rhiannon Hampson, Maine State Director, USDA Rural Devleopment
- Sarah Sturtevant, USM Muskie School Shaw Fellow, Working on Affordable Housing Pilot Project
- Networking
Full details here. Remote access available as well.
MAHC Member Dues for 2022-2023
Please join MAHC for 2022-2023. It's dues time. Past members received dues letters last week. Organizations interested in becoming members can email here. If you have any questions about your letter or would like to make an additional contribution to support MAHC, we are looking for Housing Policy Conference Sponsors.
MAHC DRAFT Strategic Plan for Feedback
MAHC's board is developing a strategic plan that will inform specific legislative advocacy action, launch new work groups such as a policy committee, and drive organizational development. MAHC seeks member feedback on this draft plan. Reach out directly to Laura or a MAHC board member with your input.
Call for Nominations: MAHC's Mitchell Award
The Elizabeth H. Mitchell Award is given annually to an individual who has demonstrated outstanding leadership in addressing Maine’s affordable housing problems. It was first awarded in 2009 to Senate President Elizabeth “Libby” Mitchell, in recognition of her many years of commitment to housing issues, both as a director of Maine State Housing Authority and in her role as a state legislator.
In subsequent years, the award has been given to House Speaker Ryan Fecteau, House Speaker Hannah Pingree, Senator Chris Rector, Representative Andre Cushing, MaineHousing chairman Peter Anastos, Representative Peggy Rotundo, House Speaker Mark Eves, Senator Amy Volk, Senator Roger Katz, Representative Jared Golden and Governor Janet Mills. SUBMIT YOUR NOMINATION HERE BY 8/31. The MAHC Board will review and announce the recipient at the Nov. 17th Conference.

Meet Laura Mitchell, new Director of MAHC