Welcome to the 2022-2023 School Year!
September 2022 - L&S Advising Newsletter
Dear L&S Student,

Welcome to the start of a new academic year! Whether this is your first semester, your last year, or you're in the middle of your L&S academic career, Fall always offers new opportunities to explore, engage, and find support at Cal. 

In this newsletter you will find…

 Upcoming deadlines
 The scoop on DeCals
 Satellite L&S College Advising locations
 Premed, pre-health, pre-law, and pre-MA/PhD events
 New admissions policy for Haas
 Update to transfer credit policies
 Our Fall kick-off giveaway!

Upcoming Fall 2022 Deadlines
Deadlines are set at 11:59 PM Pacific Time.
[Icon] Alarm Clock
Sept 2: Deadline to drop Early Drop Deadline (EDD) courses
Sept 14: Deadline to add/swap/change units for courses and deadline to drop non-EDD courses
Oct 14: Deadline to request an EGT for Fall 2022 for students not enrolled at Berkeley or for students who want to change an EGT from a future term to Fall 2022
Oct 28: Deadline to change grading options 

See MORE Fall 2022 deadlines
L&S Discovery and Connect Highlight:
What's the deal with DeCals?
Have you heard the term "DeCal" but feel fuzzy on what they actually are? Today, we'll cover these fantastic add-ons to your semester schedule. 

What are DeCals?

DeCal stands for "Democratic Education at Cal" and refers to student-run courses at UC Berkeley. Students create and run their own courses on a huge array of subjects, from the broadly practical to the niche interest. Some recent examples include:

  • Art for Animation
  • Life Skills: Intro to Baking
  • Introduction to Real Estate Investing
  • SwingCal (photo highlights this DeCal)

DeCals are P/NP-only courses and are typically 0.5 - 2 units, making them a popular choice for adding a dash of interest to your schedule or reaching your 13 unit minimum.

Keep in mind that while DeCals are low in units, some do require a lot of effort and time, so make sure to read about your DeCal thoroughly and attend any information sessions to know what you're signing up for. 

How do I sign up for a DeCal? 

Click to continue reading

Satellite L&S College Advising

L&S Advising is committed to providing increased access to College advising for students who are historically marginalized and underserved by university systems. We therefore offer advising services through the following campus partners: 
  • AASD: African American Student Development 
  • APASD: Asian Pacific American Student Development
  • CLSD: Chicanx Latinx Student Development
  • DSP: Disabled Students' Program
  • EOP: Educational Opportunity Program
  • TSC: the Transfer Students Center
Contact each center to learn more about L&S College Advising satellite hours at that location. 
Pre-Professional Grad Programs Events

Pre-Masters/PhD Planning Session

⇨ Co-facilitated by L&S Advising, L&S Mentors and the Career Center

Thursday, September 15 from 3:30 - 5:00 p.m. 

Pre-Law: Crafting a Strong Personal Statement
 Co-facilitated by L&S Advising and the Career Center

Tuesday, September 20 from 3:00 - 4:00 p.m.

Premedical & Health Careers Planning Session
 Co-facilitated by L&S Advising and the Career Center

Wednesday, September 28 from 3:00 - 4:30 p.m.

For more workshops and services to help you prepare for graduate and professional degree programs, visit Pre-Professional Graduate Programs.
New Haas Admissions Policy: 2022-2023
Interested in applying to the Business Administration major in Haas? This year, Haas has rolled out an Early Access Admission Process for freshmen students. This is a great option for students who feel prepared to apply early and wish to beat changes to continuing student admissions coming in Fall 2023. 

Click the button below for more about this process, upcoming changes to Business Administration admissions, and resources for advising support through Haas.

MORE on Haas Early Access Admission
Update to Transfer Credit Policies

Thinking of taking a class at another school to fulfill a degree requirement? As of Fall 2022, you no longer need to request permission (or apply for "Concurrent Enrollment") to take a course at another institution while also enrolled in a Fall or Spring semester. This allows students to have more flexibility in how they satisfy some requirements.

We encourage you to review our Transfer Credit webpage to learn more about ensuring transfer coursework will apply to the requirements you're looking to satisfy. An appointment with an L&S College Adviser is recommended if you plan to take multiple courses at another school to make sure your plan will work with residence requirements

Visit the Transfer Credit webpage
Fall Kick-Off Giveaway!

What better way to show your Cal spirit this fall than with some Cal merch? 

We are giving away a Cal jacket you can wear to your fall semester classes and an Oski mug for your favorite warm drink during study sessions! ONE lucky winner will be chosen! 

Enter to win on Instagram! 
Follow L&S Advising
 by clicking the icons below for L&S student stories, advising tips, and more!
Office of Undergraduate Advising
College of Letters & Science
156 Dwinelle
UC Berkeley

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