

Another busy month at Council saw a new Youth Policy adopted at the August Council meeting. If you are aged between 12 - 25, we want to hear your big ideas for the Southern Grampians so get involved, share your insights and contribute to a future Youth Strategy developed by youth, for youth. In other news, Council continues to keep a close watch on the Foot and Mouth Disease situation developing overseas and have written to key State and Federal Government representatives in readiness for a potential outbreak in Australia  - details of which you can find below.
Missed the Council Meeting? Check out our Facebook page for the meeting in full or my post meeting wrap up.

Enjoy our August edition of Southern Grampians Now - until next month.
  Mayor, Bruach Colliton
  Your Council. Your News. 

August Council Meeting

Outcome highlights from the Wednesday 10 August 2022 Council Meeting:
  • Council resolved to adopt the Child Safety and Wellbeing Policy; and new Youth Policy.
  • The Local Government Community Satisfaction Survey for Southern Grampians Shire Council results for 2022 were received.
  • Council received the Preliminary Finance Report for the year to 30 June 2022.
For a full list of Council Meeting outcomes and minutes click here

Southern Grampians Youth Strategy

Young people from across the Southern Grampians are invited to contribute their thoughts, concerns and suggestions for improvement by responding to our Youth Strategy survey which is currently open on our website. Outcomes of the survey will guide the strategy and subsequent actions.

Council is also asking young people who are keen to get more involved in planning activities or form part of action groups or committees to also get in touch with Council for future groups.

The survey is open to all residents aged between 12 - 25 years who live, work or study in the region with those completing the survey automatically going into the draw to win a $100 voucher to be spent locally. Feedback closes on 31 August 2022 so get in now to contribute your ideas for the region.
Click here to complete the Youth Survey

Foot and Mouth Disease Response

Council wrote to the Federal and State Governments in late July seeking clarity on several points relating to border protection and readiness for an outbreak of Foot and Mouth Disease (FMD) in Australia.

In letters to the Hon. Murray Watt, Minister for Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry and the Hon. Gayle Tierney, Minister for Agriculture, Training and Skills and Higher Education, Council highlighted the region as one of the densest populations of broadacre livestock farming in the world, with more than 1 million lambs, 2.3 million sheep and 120,000 head of beef cattle. Hamilton Regional Livestock Exchange is also one of the largest saleyards in Australia based on annual throughput numbers so an outbreak would undoubtedly have a widespread and devastating impact to our local agricultural and farming sectors.

Council has asked Ministers to address key questions in relation to roles and responsibilities and relevant support options. The protection of the industry is paramount to not only the wellbeing of our community, but also the health of our national economy.

To stay up-to-date with FMD news and for helpful resources, follow Council's Facebook page as linked below.
Click here to read more

Greater Grants Now Open

There's still time to get your application in for the Greater Grants Round One for 2022/23.

If you are part of a community group with an idea that strengthens the Southern Grampians community, apply for a Southern Grampians Shire Council Greater Grant. Applications can be made for funding of up to $15,000 per financial year for projects, initiatives and events. Please note, applicants seeking over $2,500 must demonstrate either cash or in-kind contributions and also provide evidence of cash held, or demonstrate financial capacity.

Eligibility criteria does apply but feel free to get in touch with Council on 5573 0444 to discuss your application. Applications for round one close 31 August 2022.
Click here to see more information

Small Towns Strategy

We are currently developing our Small Towns Strategy for each of the outer Southern Grampians townships to deliver more targeted and focused place-based improvements. After extensive community engagement and feedback collected through the 2021-2025 Council Plan, 2041 Vision, and Community Health and Wellbeing Plan, we were able to put together some key priorities we know are important.

Council is now asking residents that live and work in our towns to check out the priorities developed, fill out the survey, view the maps online and actively contribute to a ‘road-map’ for the future.

Residents can view each town priorities, complete surveys, or drop a pin with comments via maps by clicking on the link below.

You can also participate in our ongoing Community Listening Posts or call our Customer Service Team for more information.

Click here to add your comments

Cox Street Redevelopment Project

Works continued to progress this month on the Cox Street Redevelopment project with the installation of temporary solar street lights and the removal of decommissioned street lights and power poles. The installation of the lights is a temporary measure, and will be replaced by new lighting later in the project. Residents are reminded that the temporary lights may not appear as bright as permanent structures. NBN connection works at the Lonsdale Street and Cox Street roundabout also occurred with no interruptions. 

Heavy vehicles including trucks are reminded to use the Heavy Vehicle detour as signposted while the Cox Street Redevelopment project continues.

Click here for information on the Heavy Vehicle detour

Business Awards - Tickets on Sale

Tickets are now on sale for the highly anticipated 2022 Southern Grampians Shire Council Business Awards ceremony and dinner which will be held on Friday 9 September 2022.

The Awards celebration provides award winners, finalists and businesses the opportunity to network, and also meet with communications professional, content producer and journalist, Kirsten Diprose who is hosting the evening’s proceedings.

Kirsten is a former ABC Journalist and fortnightly presenter on ABC Melbourne’s “Conversation Hour”. She is a Deakin University Research Fellow and PhD candidate, an Associate Knowledge Broker for the Victoria Drought Resilience Adoption and Innovation Hub, and the co-host of the Ducks on the Pond podcast, which shares stories of rural women across Australia.

Tickets can be purchased via the Hamilton Performing Arts Centre.

Purchase your tickets here
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