
We are enjoying our Summer Sunday Afternoon adventures!

This summer, we've already enjoyed picnics, ping pong, and live music. (Enjoy the photo below… and let us know if you'd like to be part of more musical events!)

This Sunday, we are offsite: visiting our beautiful ancient Parish Church to explore themes of Thanksgiving and Baptism in a very interactive intergenerational gathering. Why not bring along your shakers from last week too?

Join us 3.30-5pm, All Saints’ Church Longstanton

And if you are away visiting family and friends, working, or otherwise unavailable, know that you are still very much in our thoughts and prayer. May you be a Blessing, wherever you are.

Load the images to check dates and times for this summer

Greenbelt tickets:

Click here to book your day/weekend ticket to the Greenbelt Festival on 26–29 August 2022 to celebrate artistry, activism, and faith

Greenbelt Festival - Greenbelt

“We’re somewhere artistry meets activism, where the political meets the practical. We’re somewhere to come together once a year, where we’re as likely to dream up a better world as we are to dance and debate, to pray and to party.

We were founded a long time ago by a bunch of misfits in a field. We’re still in a field. And we’re still somewhere that welcomes anyone and everyone.”

Celebrating last Sunday

Wow! It was fantastic to have musicians of all ages sharing their gifts as we sang, played, danced, lamented, reflected, explored, and worshipped together.

We'd love to do more of this: get in touch!

Food Bank

Don’t forget, if you or anyone you know in the area is hungry and can’t afford food, both Beth and Stephen can issue foodbank vouchers for 3 days emergency food.

And if you want to donate… here’s what’s currently needed. The easiest way to do this is drop donations into Bar Hill Tesco if you’ve shopped there.

The team at Cambridge City Foodbank write:

Donations needed Our #Foodbank warehouse is running low on supplies of these items. Could you help us provide visitors with emergency food? By #donating as little as one item you could #MakeADifference today.

Find our full most needed items list here:

Please re-share!”

Pop Up Youth Activities - now with multisports!

As a church, we’re a member organization of this new community-led partnership supporting young people from all faiths, cultures, backgrounds, genders, and sexualities to have fun, develop and make a difference..

On Thursdays ALL THROUGH THE SUMMER, the amazing team from The Connections Bus Project are running their pop up youth club under a Gazebo in the park., together with Multisports from Kick Start Active Life. Next week, why bring your friends (age 11+ only!) Familiar faces from the Youth Hive volunteer team at the Youth Cafe will also pop in from time to time, ready to listen to your ideas and help you get your projects off the ground.

Little Explorers - Time for You, Your Baby, and God

SUMMER PLAN: to meet at 10.30am on Thursday Mornings in Pioneer Park, after (optional) picking up a treat from Rural Coffee Project coffee en route. Message us for details of this informal parent-led get together.

While our normal gatherings focus on babies, the park is a great place for older siblings too!

Midweek Prayers

We’ve really enjoyed gathering to pray together on Thursday mornings. We all have different rhythms of life in the summer so we’ll be back in a gathered way to pray in September.

But if you’re using Lectio 365 and something speaks to you / there’s something you feel should be prayed for do pop it in the chat over the summer!

Looking ahead: Autumn Litter Picks and Community Events