August 11th 2022
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Good afternoon PPRTA:
Given the current sewer emergency specifically related to the dated vacuum system occurring in a limited part of Provincetown, it is nice to hear that some of our Part-Timers/members are opening their homes to friends in Town to provide some relief.  However, please keep in mind that even if you are on a non-affected part of the sewer system (see map below) you should be conserving water usage. If you are on a private system (septic system) please help your neighbors with relief.
As you are also probably aware, businesses and restaurants have been impacted. Once they can re-open please make your restaurant reservations and shop locally.  We certainly want to help support our Community Partner Businesses just as we did during the pandemic.
To be clear, the problem as we understand it, is related to an older part of the sewer system (the vacuum system). Regardless, all sewer users should be conserving water usage including flushing.  For those on private systems thanks again for helping those neighbors affected.

Now more than ever, we need to fix, update and expand the sewer system.  So you can get up to speed on this very important, and now more pressing than ever, topic here are informative links for those that could not make the last Zoom Meeting where the Department of Public Works Director presented the Town’s sewer plan.
As always, thank you.
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Join PPRTA every Wednesday evening, from 7-9pm at
The Provincetown Brewing Co.141 Bradford St.

Sponsored by PPRTA and hosted by The Provinctown Brewing Company.

Our Community Partner businesses value Part-Time Residents as neighbors and friends and display our decal in their windows. Visit a participating business and thank them for being a PPRTA partner.

Print and share our PPRTA recommended businesses list with your friends and guests.
SUPPORT OUR MISSION: Dues only cover our operating expenses. You can help us make progress on our mission
with a donation -- and we sincerely thank those of you who have already been generous. 

To dontate, click into our website and find the button at the top of the page. Please give what you can to help us give all taxpayers a say!
Please make sure to "Like" the Provincetown Part-Time Resident Taxpayer Association on Facebook! It's a great place to connect with other Provincetown part-timers to discuss the issues and challenges that we face.
About the PPRTA:
The Provincetown Part-Time Resident Taxpayers Association works for the betterment of the whole community of the Town of Provincetown by providing a forum and a voice for the interests of Provincetown part-time resident taxpayers, most of whom must make their voting residence elsewhere.

  • Maintain and support the unique quality of life that exists in Provincetown.
  • Advocate for representation on budget-related issues for part-time residents of Provincetown. 
  • Provide a forum for part-time resident taxpayers to communicate with local, regional and state governments.
  • Encouraging the participation of part-time residents in all aspects of the community.

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Provincetown Part-Time Resident Taxpayers Association · P.O. Box 1686 · Provincetown, MA 02657 · USA

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