
Turned on my Out Of Office for 2 weeks!!

See, I never thought I had to do this because I keep my weeks pretty light and I take breaks when I need to. But there is always some work sprinkled in there: a client call here, writing and responding to emails there, sending and paying my own invoices, etc.

In the summer of 2020, I went on a whole summer-long road trip from New York to Michigan to Colorado and back, while taking calls, doing trainings, and even teaching tie-dye classes!

This time, I’ve moved EVERYTHING.

Including sending you these weekly love letters and my daily posts on Instagram.

(But if the mood strikes me, I still might!)

In the past, Johnny and I were excellent travelers…

For my 30th birthday, we went to Kenya on safari and watched elephants bathing in the wild and a gazelle being born!

Our honeymoon was a road trip through New Zealand and scuba diving on the Great Barrier Reef.

Two years ago, we left the kids behind and ventured to my stepsister’s wedding in Puglia, Italy, while also visiting the flour factory that produces our pizzeria’s main ingredient (obviously a business trip).

But this vacation.

This vacation will be different.

I’m not going anywhere exotic.

In fact, I’ll be between Brooklyn and the North Fork of Long Island like I usually am, with a cousins weekend thrown in at the end.

Part of the time, my kids will be in camp.

It’s important to give my brain a rest from client work and the behind-the-scenes of running multiple businesses.

To have a chance to be bored!

To make room for creative ideas.

To find new inspirations that’ll ultimately give back to my personal life and business…

I can’t wait to see what the next 2 weeks bring!

I’ll be swimming and reading (Tomorrow and Tomorrow and Tomorrow has already been purchased), and hopefully re-connecting with friends.

I’ll be snuggling my sweaty and tired kids when they get home.

On the other end, I’ll be refreshed and ready to go!

Tell me, when is your next OOO and where will you be?



PS. Speaking of being out-of-office, I’m hosting a 3-day retreat in the North Fork of Long Island in the fall. Think daily naps, yoga, in-person coaching, wine tasting, cold-water swim, and tie dye (duh)!

If you’re at all interested in joining, click here and I’ll keep you posted.

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