Audio Link to this NotificationHERE(7-min/mp3) PLEASE NOTE that I have created the audio link above
for those times it is easier to LISTEN than READ.
Hello Everyone! First, let me apologize to my Monthly Subscribers for the back-to-back emails. Normally, you only get one note from me during the first week of each month. However, this month, I rebirthed BOTH of my main websites and all my links need to be updated. So for any of you who like to go directly to, it's acting glitchy and it's Friday so it may not get resolved until Monday. That said, it's all there and I am still able to link you directly to it just fine but understand that for the next week or so, it will be my links that get you there.
As for the energies, this week "appears" to be light compared to the last 2-4 weeks, however, the Activations & Movements that do happen are critically important to consciously co-create with. Let's dive in! PS ~ Just in case you missed it, there is always a Notification Audio HERE of me going through this email with you - explaining all the links. It was originally created for those who have sight issues but proven valuable for those times when listening is easier than reading.
Kelly M Beard ~ Your Mystic Mentor
Shamanic Astrologer & Earth Medicine Practitioner
Read Post HERE ~ Listen to Podcast HERE ~ Watch VideoHERE (Audio/Video = 20-min)
It is my pleasure to serve in this way, so thank you again for being
part of my ever-expanding Power Circle Global Community!