Audio Link to this NotificationHERE(3-min/mp3) PLEASE NOTE that I have created the audio link above
for those times it is easier to LISTEN than READ.
Hello Everyone! I am very pleased with the transition I just made with my websites, plus I got it all done just under the wire of Mercury moving into its Retrograde Zone so now I can spend that time tweaking it even more! is working properly now, you just have to remember the "www" part and is shaping up too. The other thing that I want to mention is that I now have a Private Community HERE - it is "like" instagram & facebook but without the third-party or constant advertising. It is a true private container that I set up and maintain just for us so hopefully, we'll start being more active in there as my Tools & Offerings evolve.
As for the energies, I hope you enjoyed the breather last week because this week is pretty intense no matter how you slice it. We ARE entering the Mercury Retro Zone and we have the Virgo New Moon, among other things. Often, before we can usher in the "new", we have to empty out the past and create space so with a Virgo Moon, whatever is "not working" is going to be glaringly obvious. We are re-thinking so many things but at the top of the list is your daily rhythms & routines. Do they still support you effectively? Do the people that you interact with on a regular basis support you with ease & grace? It's a big energetic week, so let's dive in! PS ~ Just in case you missed it, there is always a Notification Audio HERE of me going through this email with you - explaining all the links. It was originally created for those who have sight issues but proven valuable for those times when listening is easier than reading.