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Dear Friends of Sue,

Campaign season is in full swing, and the state primary is now less than a month away! Although I do not have a primary, other important races will be decided on September 13 - for example, the Executive Council Democratic candidate for District 2 - and I hope you plan to vote.

This year's midterm election on November 8th is the most important election that I have ever participated in. The US Supreme Court's Dobb's decision overturning Roe v. Wade gives us a glimpse at the radical rolling back of fundamental rights and personal liberties that is likely ahead.
I know that many of us are wondering how we got to this place. I am excited to be launching a "Front Porch Politics" series with Linda Fowler, Dartmouth College Professor of Government Emerita, who spent her career studying American government and is an expert in national politics. We will be traveling throughout Senate District 5 and elsewhere in the state this fall to help voters understand exactly how we got here, what this means for New Hampshire, and why this upcoming mid-term election is crucial to the future of our state and our nation. I hope you can join us this Sunday for the launch at Rep. Sharon Nordgren's house in Hanover at 4:30pm!
This past weekend was the Downballot Day of Action with the NH Democratic Party's coordinated campaign, and I was happy to be part of the door-knocking efforts in Lebanon and Plymouth. I also campaigned with Rep. Linda Tanner in Springfield, a town that is new to Senate District 5 after re-districting. I enjoy the opportunity to talk to voters and hear their concerns.
Last week, I attended a meeting of the National EMS Advisory Council (NEMSAC) in Washington, DC, a position I was appointed to by Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg. Over the course of two days, we discussed the US DOT Roadway Safety Strategy, including the Post Cash Care objective and implementation.
I am very excited to have received the endorsement of Emily's List for my re-election! I appreciate the support and recognition of the hard work I have done over the past two years in the NH Senate.
Lastly, I want to thank everyone who attended my summer fundraiser last week. It was a beautiful evening that included local food and good conversations. Even a downpour could not put a damper on our good time! I was delighted that two former Senate District 5 Senators - Clifton Below and Matthew Houde - were able to attend.
Thank you so much for your support!

Best wishes,

Senator Sue Prentiss
New Hampshire State Senate, District 5
Paid for by Friends of Sue Prentiss for NH Senate. Abigail Kennedy, Fiscal Agent.
6 Batchelder Ave, Lebanon, NH 03784

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