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Oct 4: Member Event In Person, 9-10:30 am
Nov 17: Housing Policy Conference, 8 am - 4 pm, Westin Portland Harborview REGISTRATION OPEN

Register Today for the Housing Policy Conference

Registration is open for the November 17th Housing Policy Conference at the Portland Westin Harborview. Sign up to attend today. We have an engaging line up of speakers and analysis planned including Amanda Rector, State Economist. Thank you to our conference sponsors listed below. Want to sponsor this event and support MAHC's advocacy work year round? Click here.

Call for Nominations: MAHC's Mitchell Award

The Elizabeth H. Mitchell Award is given annually to an individual who has demonstrated outstanding leadership in addressing Maine’s affordable housing problems. It was first awarded in 2009 to Senate President Elizabeth “Libby” Mitchell, in recognition of her many years of commitment to housing issues, both as a director of Maine State Housing Authority and in her role as a state legislator.

In subsequent years, the award has been given to House Speaker Ryan Fecteau, House Speaker Hannah Pingree, Senator Chris Rector, Representative Andre Cushing, MaineHousing chairman Peter Anastos, Representative Peggy Rotundo, House Speaker Mark Eves, Senator Amy Volk, Senator Roger Katz, Representative Jared Golden and Governor Janet Mills. SUBMIT YOUR NOMINATION HERE BY 8/31. The MAHC Board will review and announce the recipient at the Nov. 17th Conference.

Get Involved! New Member Engagement & Programming Committee

Join this new committee to help identify learning and engagement opportunities for MAHC members; identify others that might be interested in MAHC. Network with other industry leaders and emerging stars and help grow the pipeline for the housing development and workforce in Maine. Learn more.

Housing in the News

Housing Crisis Puts Down Roots

Maine's Housing Shortage in Southern Maine 

Rental Shortage in Small Maine Cities As Well

MAHC DRAFT Strategic Plan for Feedback

MAHC's board is developing a strategic plan that will inform specific legislative advocacy action, launch new work groups such as a policy committee, and drive organizational development. MAHC seeks member feedback on this draft plan. Reach out directly to Laura or a MAHC board member with your input.

Housing Policy Conference Sponsors

Thank you to our conference sponsors listed below.
Gold Sponsors:

Silver Sponsors

Bronze Sponsors


Exhibitor Sponsors:

Credere Associates, LLC

Genesis Fund


Organizations interested in exhibiting or sponsoring the event, please contact Laura or Nancy at EventsYourWay. 

Meet Laura Mitchell, new Director of MAHC

Reach out to me anytime to set up a one on one conversation about your organization, what you see as challenges, and how MAHC can support you.
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