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More summer heat!

Many thanks to everyone who has been watering young trees these last few weeks.  It is undoubtedly keeping many alive which would be lost otherwise.  Every single tree is needed to help with keeping cool in these hot summers. 
Tree Warden meeting – save the date
All Tree Wardens are invited to a meeting on Friday, 9th September between 5.15 and 6.15 pm at the Golf Hut in Central Park to discuss items of general interest and concern.  Details will follow soon and please forward any particular topic requests to

Tree Care at Derriford Hospital
Tree Wardens gave a boost to caring for the young amenity and orchard trees at Derriford Hospital at the end of July.  The ones in Car Park A are making good progress and should grow into fine trees but those in the orchard are struggling.  It doesn’t help that deer come most nights for a browse!  Derriford is one of many locations in the country’s NHS Forest.

AGM Minutes
Thank you to everyone who came to the AGM and contributed ideas for the coming year which looks likely to be one of change.  The AGM minutes are here

Nature Festival
Plymouth’s second annual Festival of Nature is taking place on 31st August between 10am-4pm at Poole Farm.  The day is all about people, nature, and counting as many species as possible. There will be expert-led wildlife walks as well as an art and craft zone, a wellbeing space and stalls from organisations across Plymouth.  More information on this link:

Community Tree Nursery Collaborative

This is a growing peer-to-peer learning network for those involved in Community Tree Nurseries throughout the UK.  Every two months, an Open Space Session is offered.  You are welcome to attend this free networking session if you are involved in or planning to develop a Community Tree Nursery, however small!  The sessions provide opportunities to hear what others are doing and share and ask questions.  Register for the next session, 23rd August, 7.00 – 8.30pm, on this link:

Ash Dieback Disease
Two hedgerow ash trees of similar girth and only a few feet apart, one has a full canopy and the other is bare.  It suggests there is hope for a stronger ash tree population if the right trees can be retained. 
Ancient Tree visit to Exeter and Kenn
Join Devon's Ancient Tree Forum on a visit to see one of Devon’s iconic yew trees, the 2000-year old Kenn Yew, as well as several veteran Lucombe Oaks and many other interesting trees around County Hall.  Information and booking here.
Leafy Locals
A new blog to share stories and photos of trees. Give Leafy Locals a look. 
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