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Hello Extraordinary Professionals!


Are you prepared for the “Prime Time” of the year to look for a new job? While there is no perfect time, as things can differ depending on your industry or career, experts do tend to agree that the January / February time frame is the optimal time of year for those seeking new employment opportunities. If you're considering looking for a new job -- NOW is the time to get prepared and be ready for when companies start a new cycle of hiring. And, we just so happen to be approaching International Update Your Resume Month (in September.)


While January / February may seem like a long way off from now, I’m sure you have experienced time flying by as we move into the last quarter of the year with the hustle and bustle of the holiday season. There are many career marketing tools to begin optimizing NOW, such as your LinkedIn profile, resume, accomplishments, interview strategy, and networking letters. When you are ready to begin your job search, you want to be fully prepared and have everything you need to pursue new opportunities and put your absolute best foot forward.

Have you experienced this -- You've contemplated a career change or just a new role with a different company and you've seen your “ideal job” opportunity at that awesome company you’d love to work for, but you weren’t prepared to apply, so that opportunity slipped through your fingers? Or maybe you thought about it for quite some time and wondered “Why haven’t I taken any steps or made any attempts?” The answer could be that you never felt quite prepared when opportunities surfaced and the thought of rushing to quickly apply feels daunting.

My friend, take advantage of International Update Your Resume Month to plan ahead and prepare for the "Prime Time" to pursue and fulfill your career goals. I’m here to help!

Stay well,

PS. Check out the HalfOff Deal at the end!


Looking for a new job? Here are the best and worst times to search for a new gig. Whether you’re fresh out of college and searching for your first gig or transitioning into a more senior role, here are the best and worst times to look for a job. READ MORE >>>>

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Career Boost Deal for International Update Your Resume Month
Use Promo Code "HalfOff" to invest only $74.50
Invest in your career today!
I'll take it!
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