Audio Link to this NotificationHERE(6-min/mp3) PLEASE NOTE that I have created the audio link above
for those times it is easier to LISTEN than READ.
Hello Everyone! This week, I've posted everything super-early because I have a big project ~ I'm upgrading the website to be more functional, and will finally work on your phone! Many of you already know that I've been testing out the teaching platform and they have made several improvements over the last year that are going to support this community so much better than my old website. So stay tuned for progress reports there and please forgive any glitches as I make the transfer.
As for our week, it is lining up to be life-changing as well. The energies are fairly intense, between Pluto & the Full Moon, we're not going to get around that but we are also tremendously supported for re-setting our primary foundations in ways that can and will support us for the long term.
So let's dive in because another reason this is all going out early is in the hopes that you will join me & Shanta Gabriel to Celebrate the Lion's Leo Gate of Power this coming SUN/Aug 7th @4pm (eastern) ~ you can Register HERE to Receive the Tools, Replay + Activations! Plus, I have a special NEW offering for the upcoming Mercury Retro in Libra/Virgo ~ Details HERE and both are linked below too! PS ~ Just in case you missed it, there is always a Notification Audio HERE of me going through this email with you - explaining all the links. It was originally created for those who have sight issues but proven valuable for those times when listening is easier than reading.
Kelly M Beard ~ Your Mystic Mentor
Shamanic Astrologer & Earth Medicine Practitioner
Read Post HERE ~ Listen to Podcast HERE ~ Watch VideoHERE (Audio/Video = 29-min)
It is my pleasure to serve in this way, so thank you again for being
part of my ever-expanding Power Circle Global Community!