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Friday, August 5, 2022

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How to Handle the Psycopg2 UniqueViolation Error in Python

04-Aug-22   |   By Rollbar Editorial Team   |   In Rollbar , Development

The psycopg2.errors.UniqueViolation is an error thrown by the when a user attempts to insert a duplicate key value. In an SQL or SQL-like database a key value is defined when a table is created. This key value is then used to reference specific rows of the table. In order to make calls to these rows unambiguous, this key value must be unique for every row. Any attempt to insert a new row which has a value in the key field that already exists in the table cannot be completed. This will result in a UniqueViolation error.

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How to Fix ReferenceError: Event is Not Defined in JavaScript

04-Aug-22   |   By Rollbar Editorial Team   |   In Rollbar , Development

The Javascript ReferenceError occurs when referencing a variable that does not exist or has not yet been initialized in the current scope. The ReferenceError: event is not defined usually occurs while using an event handler if the event parameter is either not declared or declared incorrectly. For example, if on an onclick event, the handler does not declare the event parameter, this error is thrown.

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5 analytics engineering tools every engineer needs to know

04-Aug-22   |   By Madison Schott   |   In ThoughtSpot , Analytics

Are you considering venturing into the world of analytics engineering? Analytics engineers are the newest addition to data teams and sit somewhere between data engineers and data analysts. They are technical, business savvy, and love to learn. A huge part of an analytics engineer’s role is learning new modern data tools to implement within data stacks. Data stacks consist of many different tools - one for ingestion, another for transformation, another for orchestration, and another for visualization.

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How to Choose the Best Data Visualization for Your Reporting

04-Aug-22   |   By Yellowfin Team   |   In Yellowfin , Analytics

Data visualization involves visually imparting information to communicate complex data. Graphics such as charts help simplify data so more people can understand the insights embedded within a dashboard or report. Businesses use data visualizations to find and highlight patterns and trends in big data sets, with many data visualization examples available today, including graphs, maps and plots to help others grasp data conveniently.

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Logging in Python

04-Aug-22   |   By Ravgeet Dhillon   |   In Honeybadger , Development

Logging is a valuable tool for performance, monitoring, and debugging. This article will teach you best practices for logging in a Python application.

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9 Best WebSocket Libraries for Node.js in 2022

03-Aug-22   |   By Janani   |   In Atatus , Development

The ability to establish communication between your browser and the servers is now possible due to WebSocket libraries. It enables you to send messages to that server and receive event-driven responses in return. Even without checking with the server for updates. Additionally, some developers choose to use the WebSocket libraries' APIs. This is done to provide asynchronous communication between the server and your browsers. It enables you to show performance issues, address bad connections, handle authentication and authorization, and finally, scalability may require a framework or library.

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Connect a Ruby on Rails App with React in a Monolith

03-Aug-22   |   By Paweł Dąbrowski   |   In AppSignal , Development

More and more people are using Ruby on Rails to create a back-end API application for a front-end app. But what if you want to create a rich and functional interface with JavaScript and use Rails for the back-end, without having them in separate repositories? You can create a monolithic Rails application. This article will show you how to connect a Rails application with a front-end developed in React (without splitting the code into two separate applications). We'll also give some alternatives if React is not your framework of choice, but you like the idea of a monolithic app with a rich front-end.

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Optimize your cloud data cost: 4 steps to reduce cloud data platform cost before they control you

03-Aug-22   |   By Sonny Rivera   |   In ThoughtSpot , Analytics

If you have managed a cloud data platform, you have undoubtedly gotten that call. You know the one, it's usually from finance or the office of the CFO, inquiring about your monthly spend. And it usually comes in one of two forms: While both are clear and present dangers to cloud data platform owners, they don’t have to be. In this post, I’ll share four essential components of a cost control capability for your cloud data platform (CDP.) I’ll provide some examples using Snowflake, but the features and principles will also apply to other CDPs.

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Six ways high-volume data replication reduces SAP data issues

03-Aug-22   |   By Edwin Commandeur   |   In Fivetran , Analytics

A high-volume data replication solution makes it easy to gain real-time access and easily integrate your SAP ERP data so you can maximize its value.

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The Beginner's Guide to Developing APIs

03-Aug-22   |   By Spencer Nguyen   |   In DreamFactory , API

In the data-driven world, APIs have earned a crucial spot in the space where business and tech collide. Everyone from software engineers to business owners can benefit from APIs. This post will serve as a beginner’s guide on APIs, highlighting how they work and the benefits they can provide to business operations.

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All You Need to Know about EdgeDB

02-Aug-22   |   By Tharaka Romesh   |   In AppSignal , Databases

Today, non-relational, schemaless data models dominate the domain of databases. Non-relational databases are more developer-friendly and scale better than the relational databases of the past. However, it is harder for them to do complex tasks. Now we have a new player in the game to address this issue: EdgeDB. EdgeDB is built on top of PostgreSQL and introduces a new conceptual model for representing data. But before we dive into what EdgeDB is, how it compares to SQL and ORM, and how to create a Node.js app with EdgeDB, let's take a quick look at relational databases.

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How to use Bitrise to improve collaboration across teams

02-Aug-22   |   By Amy Tom   |   In Bitrise , Collaboration

In this article, you’ll learn how to use Bitrise and Mobile DevOps to improve collaboration across your teams. With Bitrise, you see all the information you need and can easily onboard new team members.

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CSS Margin vs. Padding

02-Aug-22   |   By Janani   |   In Atatus , Development

Developers can adjust the space within and outside of elements on a webpage using the CSS margin and padding attributes to give it the appropriate look and feel. Despite how crucial these qualities are, most developers, especially beginners, frequently misunderstand them. The controversy around CSS margins vs. padding is clarified in this article. We'll discuss the CSS box model, the definitions of the margin and padding properties, when to use each one, and how, as well as the differences between them.

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How to Innovate Fast with API-First and API-Led Integration

02-Aug-22   |   By Samuel Niraj   |   In WSO2 , API

How can you innovate quickly with APIs? Most companies are already implementing them, and some have success stories to share. But even enterprises that embraced APIs and were able to deliver their first ones quickly struggled over time as the extra work that went into managing, reusing and maintaining APIs became so intensive that it slowed down innovation by the time they reached hundreds of APIs This paradox of continued innovation slowing you down is a situation that more and more organizations are likely to find themselves facing as the majority of global 2000 companies continue to add more APIs and as demand for APIs and DevOps continues to skyrocket.

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What Is Exploratory Testing and Why Is It So Helpful?

02-Aug-22   |   By TestQuality Team   |   In TestQuality , Testing

We are sure you've heard of Exploratory Testing, and you've probably heard about how amazing it is. (Yes! This is the weapon of choice!) And you may believe you know all of it. You're doing it, your team is doing it, therefore everything should be OK; according to the great book of plans, you're all set. In a previous blog post we discussed How to develop a Structured Exploratory testing strategy and we introduced why it is the real asset to exceptional functionality and superb UX if you want your QA to go above and beyond basic expectations. Also, in another blog post we analized if our Exploratory Testing should be be automated.

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A Complete Guide to Understanding API Gateways

02-Aug-22   |   By Spencer Nguyen   |   In DreamFactory , API

An API’s main purpose is to allow multiple applications to communicate with one another. This is made possible by the API’s functions allowing applications to access data and interact with external software components, operating systems, and microservices. While APIs are extremely useful tools on their own, they can present some security vulnerabilities. Of course, security vulnerabilities are a clear drawback whether working with enterprise APIs, mobile applications, or web applications.

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How to Mock APIs in Kubernetes

02-Aug-22   |   By Damaso Sanoja   |   In Speedscale , API

Mock APIs in Kubernetes are used to simulate actual API requests. This is useful for detecting issues early in development, improving application performance, speeding up development, performing integration tests, and checking the behavior of new features in a controlled environment. You may be wondering, If using mocks is so advantageous, why do some developers hesitate to use this technique? The problem is that manually creating mocks in Kubernetes can be so overwhelming that the effort required to code them can outweigh its benefits.

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What is an API Gateway?

02-Aug-22   |   By Alisdair Broshar   |   In Koyeb , API

An API gateway is a server that sits between your backend services and your users. It provides an abstraction layer that helps you manage the communication between clients and your services. API gateways are a single point of entry into a microservices application and they work like a reverse proxy: They receive API calls from clients, route them to the right microservices in the backend, and return aggregated responses to clients. To learn about how they work, check out our post API Gateways: Improving performance, security and management of microservices.

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Best BI Tools for Ecommerce |

01-Aug-22   |   By Terence Bennett   |   In Integrate , Analytics

Our three key points are: How well do you really know your Ecommerce business? If you have no way of accessing your store’s real-time big data, you can’t see a snapshot of your business at any point in time. Without a business intelligence software platform or BI tools, you’re missing out on real-time benefits.

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Change and Impact Analysis in SAP World and Its Relevance to Testing

01-Aug-22   |   By Suresh Patnayakuni   |   In Cigniti , SAP

Enterprise customers have their business operations spread across the globe, and their business requirements change frequently to meet the everchanging customer needs. Business managers are frequently astounded by the lack of agility in their SAP applications. SAP support managers should optimize their change management processes to adapt to their live SAP business processes faster without compromising system integrity. So, while reviewing and optimizing any SAP change management process, the following five basic steps are to be considered: Impact Analysis, Governance Process, Application Changes, Testing, and Transport Management.

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How a modern data stack supports data maturity

01-Aug-22   |   By Josh Martin   |   In Fivetran , Analytics

Modern, cloud-based data infrastructure can serve as a bridge from the beginning of your data journey to the final stages of data maturity.

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Operational, Strategic or Analytical Dashboard: Which Type Is Best for BI?

01-Aug-22   |   By Yellowfin Team   |   In Yellowfin , Analytics

In this modern era of digital transformation and big data, business intelligence (BI) dashboards have grown increasingly important in the improvement of business performance and growth of organizations. Dashboards enable you to easily identify and analyze key insights at a glance, and more accurately make important decisions. There are different types of dashboards to fit particular use cases and audiences, including the operational dashboard, strategic dashboard, and analytical dashboard. But which type of dashboard is the best for BI? In this post, you will find all the answers.

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FIDO Passkeys With Asgardeo

01-Aug-22   |   By Thamindu Jayawickrama   |   In WSO2 , API

In March 2022, FIDO Alliance and the W3C WebAuthn working group proposed a new version of the WebAuthn specification where they claim to resolve common usability issues with FIDO while ensuring a high level of security. This has started to gain significant attention in the identity domain during the past couple of months especially with the joint announcement from Google, Apple and Microsoft on their extended support for the FIDO passwordless standard.

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Starting an API-First Company

31-Jul-22   |   By Derric Gilling   |   In Moesif , API

You’ve developed an amazing API product. Fantastic. But that’s just the beginning of your journey. Starting an API-first company brings with it a whole host of unique challenges for you to face along the way. Based on Moesif’s own experience of founding an API-first company, we’ve shared some insights below to help you avoid some of the pitfalls and make the most of the opportunities that lie before you. “API-first” can mean different things to different people. However, for the purposes of this article, we’re referring to companies that publish APIs as their primary product and make money by selling their APIs to other businesses.

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Is your app crashing on TestFlight? Issues and potential solutions

30-Jul-22   |   By Codemagic   |   In Codemagic , CI CD

For more details on each of the points, read the article below. After successfully building and testing your iOS app on Codemagic, you may want to upload the build to TestFlight or App Store. Sometimes, you may face a crash that did not happen locally but only when you release the app to your users, either on TestFlight or App Store, making it difficult for you to understand the core problem behind the crash. You are not alone in this, and crashes happen even if everything worked fine locally on the simulator without any errors. This article discusses the differences between debug and release mode, the causes of app crashes, and the potential solutions to fix them.

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5 steps to master the data governance maturity curve

29-Jul-22   |   By Davide Pelosi   |   In Talend , Analytics

Data governance was an exclusive set of skills and tools based on old-school rules until a few years ago. Today, that's changed. While people who manage data still need tools, rules, and protocols to control and secure data use and sharing, three major trends have transformed the data ecosystem. First, the explosion of data from many nontraditional sources (personal devices, sensors, social data, etc.) provided businesses with massive and unprecedented information to dig for insight. Consequently, the technology landscape changed and became more complex, with architectures based on multi-cloud environments adapting to the new inputs.

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Software Test Automation: False Positives & How to Avoid Them?

29-Jul-22   |   By Rahul Parwal   |   In Testsigma , Automation

Software Testing is primarily an information-gathering process that assists stakeholders in making informed decisions. However, it can be problematic to gather information if the testing process is constantly interrupted by diversions and interruptions. Software Testing tools and test automation scripts can lead to false positives if proper measures and considerations are not taken when setting up the testing and automation process. In this article, I will discuss some of the common causes behind false positives and provide you with some tips and tricks to help you avoid them during your software test automation process.

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5 Signs of a Rookie Mistake in Data Management

29-Jul-22   |   By Bill Inmon   |   In Integrate , Analytics

This is a guest post by Bill Inmon, an American computer scientist. Many industry leaders recognize him as the father of the data warehouse. Inmon authored the first book, held the first conference, and wrote the first magazine column on data warehousing. He currently focuses on developing the revolutionary technology known as textual ETL.

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