
Why Five Moments?

Life is made up of moments and they come in many different forms. We don’t always recognize the significance or appreciate each one like we should. Every Thursday I share some of my favorite moments with you in hopes that we can all live in and appreciate the significance and impact that each moment offers.

Visit the “Made For This Moment” blog by clicking on Captain Gordon’s picture below.

Made For This Moment

I am traveling this week, so this week’s moments are taken from some previous Newsletters. I do think they are timely my thoughts centered around the start of a new school year.

Moments To Lead

Do you believe that you have been prepared for this moment?
For this situation?
You have.

Leaders lead.
Leaders adjust.
Leaders adapt.
Leaders overcome.

The moments may change. They may change dramatically and quickly but the determined, thoughtful leaders' response will be consistent with their day-to-day preparation.

You are here and prepared to lead in this moment because of what you have done every day up to this point.

You have adapted, overcome, been consistent and thoughtful in your decision making. Don't change that now.

This moment in time may seem more intense but you are ready and able. Continue to lead through it.

You are here, right where you are supposed to be, for this moment.

I'm cheering for you.

#leadership #motivation #coaching
#bebetter #beblessed

Moments To Be Better

There will be moments. There will be days. There will even be consecutive days. The struggles will be there. Challenges will come.

Embrace and accept the fact that they are going to happen. Don't lie in wait and lead from a negative place where you always look for them but just know that they will come.

When they come, work through them, and know that you will be better and stronger on the other side of them.

Your leadership is in a constant state of becoming and becoming better, which means you sometimes must be refined through the fire.

You can handle the tough times. You will be better because of the challenges and if you are better those around you will be too.

Moments From Social Media

Treat everyone you meet with dignity and respect.

Wait, you said everyone?

Yes, every single one in every single moment.

Moments From What I’ve Read

A passage from the “The Seed” by Jon Gordon and a good reminder for us when we think that are our life may just be something random or that what we do may not seem to have the meaning that we think it should.

“The other day I was reading an article about our planet, and it said that Earth is really a giant sphere made of mostly hot liquid and that it’s spinning approximately 1,000 miles per hour while traveling around the sun at approximately 66,000 miles per hour….Also consider that Earth is about 93 million miles from the sun. Any closer and it would be too hot to sustain life. Any farther and it would be too cold to sustain life. It’s all too perfect. Our existence didn’t come about by accident because the conditions were right. The right conditions were created on purpose to provide for our existence. We are here for a purpose. I have one. You have one. Everyone has one.”

There are no accidents. We are all here for a purpose and we are where we need to be to live out that purpose. Never stop believing that you have a purpose and pursue living out your purpose daily. There is always more to do and a reason to do it. Our purpose never stops evolving and being needed.

Moments You Remember

As school begins again it is important for educators, coaches, administrators and any other leaders working with people to remember their why.

This post was written back in February but is a good reminder for today as well.

My Purpose Statement:

To be intentional every day in helping others become the best version of themselves by being engaged moment by moment.

I had not done a good job of reminding myself of and remembering my purpose statement daily and it cost me. It cost me opportunities and moments. Moments I can’t get back.

As I was having the pity party in my head, I needed to remember my purpose is to help others. It doesn’t say that I would or could help all of them. The purpose may be to just help one person on any given day. By not doing what I needed to do for our coaches and directors I was missing the opportunity to help that one person.

Sometimes, often times, we need to be reminded of our why, our purpose, our calling. That reminder can help us become engaged like we need to be and be ready for the moments when we are needed.

Do you need help developing and writing your purpose statement?

Email me at and I will be happy to help you go through the process of writing yours.

I am here to help.

Thank You for reading and supporting Five Moments.

I appreciate you all so much.

Be Blessed!

Contact Todd


Call: 712-579-6015

Let me know how I can help you, your group, team or organization.

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