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Dear <<First Name>>,

As we end one month and begin another, moving towards the later part of the year, it’s a good time to look back for a moment.  Reflect on what has happened – this past year, this month, this week, or just this day - and think about how it has made you feel...

Let's reflect and take a moment to breathe...

Our past successes and mistakes can help us to understand better what we need in our futures.  Some lessons we will take forward with us and some we’ll leave behind.

Whether you process your experiences while walking the dog, or write them down in a journal, here are a few prompts to consider...
👉 Did anything happen that was out of your control?  How did you navigate those moments?  We often feel anxiety when faced with circumstances which are forced upon us, but we can only do what we can do in the moment.  Letting go of stresses about the things we cannot control gives us more energy to focus on the things we can change.

👉 Have you had time to relax or has it been so busy you haven’t had a moment to yourself?  It is very easy to let your day overtake you when there are so many things to do - but it is so important to allow for pauses.  If you look back through your day and realise you haven't been caring for yourself as well as you could, try be intentional in making time for it tomorrow.

👉 What have been your Wins?  Did you notice them when they happened?  It's a very human trait to allow our focus to dwell on the negative events of the day, and very often we will simply miss the moments which could have lifted us up.  Make an effort to see the positives if you can - they may be small but they always count.
You don't need to carry every experience forward with you - reflection helps us to identify the things which strengthen us and the things which we no longer need to carry the weight of. 

We can live with more vitality – it’s possible! – and my
Vitality Integration Programme can show you how.

If you need further guidance, advice or support, feel free to contact me below.
Contact Me
Although we are post-pandemic now, the repercussions from it onto our mental health are still being felt.  In a recent article the NHS reveals they have boosted their children’s mental health workforce by 40%, creating brand new roles to help identify and treat common mental health problems before they become more serious.
Chronic pain warriors live life everyday with challenges.  Things which others take for granted - looking after themselves, building and maintaining relationships, or having a career – are filled with extra hurdles, but every day they take a run at them.  If you are pushing through your everyday carrying the weight of pain, remember that you don’t have to do it alone.
Having the ability to focus on moments of positivity, even when they seem small or far away, is something worth nurturing.  The darkness may feel deep and overwhelming, but there ARE stars in there with you.  They may seem remote, but their light will reach you. Finding it hard to feel positive? Mindset Coaching can help!
Wishing you easier days, to lighten your soul and lift your heart.

Warm regards,

Get in touch to begin your journey towards wellbeing.
Call me on 07949785334 or email me at

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