maintenance to impact September proposal submissions will be unavailable September 23-29 as its servers are moved to the cloud. This maintenance will impact faculty and staff who use and eResearch Proposal Management (eRPM) for funding opportunity announcements (FOAs) and proposal submissions.
To ensure faculty and staff are able to successfully submit federal grant proposals that are due during this maintenance period, please refer to the following guidance:
What components will be impacted?
- Application
- Application status update
-, eRPM: Cannot retrieve status updates of any submitted applications. The application status will remain static September 22-29.
How should I prepare?
- Determine your submission plans for late September and early October.
- Review specific federal agency guidance related to your FOA and this maintenance.
- The National Institutes of Health has extended most of its deadlines that fall during this maintenance window until October 3, 2022. Learn more
- If possible, we recommend you submit early for any opportunity that receives an extension to October 3. This will be the first major deadline after moves to the cloud, and there is potential for technical issues to arise, placing your proposal at risk.
- Before September 23
Important notes
Learn more
If you have any questions or concerns, please contact your local research administrator or your project representative within the Office of Research and Sponsored Projects.
Write Winning NIH R01 Grants returns to UMMS
The Medical School Office of Research welcomes back John Robertson, Ph.D., of Grant Writers' Seminars & Workshops, who will present "Write Winning NIH R01 Grant Proposals" on October 14.
This widely acclaimed seminar comprehensively addresses both practical and conceptual aspects that are important to the proposal-writing process. Emphasis is given to idea development, identification of the most appropriate granting agency, how to write for reviewers, and tips and strategies that are of proven value in presenting an applicant's case to reviewers.
This full-day workshop is an annual event for R01 Boot Camp participants, and will be open again this year to U-M faculty members, postdoctoral researchers and administrative staff interested in brushing up on NIH grant writing skills. The $359 registration fee includes a hard copy of The Grant Application Writer's Workbook, as well as session materials, a light breakfast and lunch.
Learn more and register
Apply for the Therapeutic Innovation Fund
The U-M Therapeutic Innovation Fund RFP is now available. This five-year, $2.5 million fund, offered by the Michigan Center for Therapeutic Innovation (MCTI) and Fast Forward Medical Innovation (FFMI), is designed to accelerate the discovery and translation of therapeutic candidates at U-M.
The fund supports the discovery and optimization of small molecule lead compounds for projects with a specific, novel and testable drug discovery hypothesis. Selected projects receive funding and resources to support medicinal chemistry efforts through MCTI and funding for drug design, assay development, cell biology, structural biology and pharmacology (<$150,000 in value for each award for 18 months).
Please note: a pre-submission application and meeting are REQUIRED and must be completed by August 26. To set up a meeting, contact Jason Rech.
DARPA launches a new fellowship 
The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) Innovation Fellowship is a two-year position at DARPA for early career scientists and engineers. The fellows will develop and manage a portfolio of high-impact exploratory efforts to identify breakthrough technologies for the Department of Defense.
Recent Ph.D. graduates and/or active-duty military with degrees in the sciences (within five years) may apply to become a DARPA Innovation Fellow. Bachelor- or master’s-level candidates with compelling submissions also may be considered. As DARPA is part of the Department of Defense, U.S. citizenship is required for the fellowship. Selected candidates will be required to undergo a background investigation.
The first class of fellows will likely start in January 2023, with an additional class starting every six months. To submit your resume for consideration or to ask questions about the fellowship program, email
Apply for MICHR's Study Team Workforce Development group
MICHR's Education and Mentoring Group is now accepting applications for the Study Team Workforce Development Working Group. Any study team member (faculty or staff) who does research on health or medicine or works in a non-MICHR research support office is encouraged to apply to serve on the Working Group to share knowledge, experience and skills related to study team training and education at U-M. Applications are due September 9.
More information is available here. For questions about the Working Group or your eligibility to apply, contact Nicole Exe.
U-M Software Directory and Software Services
U-M provides access to numerous software packages to students, faculty, and staff at no or reduced cost. The available software can be accessed through the Software Directory. For researchers and RD professionals looking for new tools to support their work, this is a great place to start before purchasing software. Exactly what you or a research team needs might already be available at no cost. The directory is still under development, and ITS is working to add more software title. If you are part of a unit that is interested in contributing, contact the ITS software team.
For RD professionals running big initiatives or handling large-scale proposals, ITS has also curated a list of project management software titles that are currently in use across campus. Trello, Asana, Airtable, and are popular options within the broader RD community, and all have free versions or trial periods. The OVPR Research Development and Proposal Services team uses Airtable! We use it for everything from to running day-to-day operations to managing large-scale proposals to planning this biweekly newsletter. We'd be happy to talk with you about how we make the most use of this tool. We also know that RD offices at peer institutions have found success with the other options listed above. Try them out to see which one might be the best fit for you and your RD work.
Internal Funding 
All currently open U-M campus-wide internal funding programs are posted in Research Commons.
Following is a select list of Calls for Intent to Submit and Limited Submissions internal competitions, coordinated by the U-M Office of the Vice President for Research (OVPR) and the Medical School. For a comprehensive list of currently open opportunities, visit the OVPR Limited Submissions Homepage.
Aug. 29, 2022- Internal Deadline
Nov. 1, 2022- Sponsor Deadline
Funding: $400,000
Limit: 1
Sept. 9, 2022- Internal Deadline
Nov. 3, 2022- Sponsor Deadline
Funding: $960,000
Limit: up to 9 nominations
Below are select external funding opportunities. For assistance finding additional federal and private funding opportunities, researchers may access:
NSF Dynamic Language Infrastructure - NEH Documenting Endangered Languages (DLI-DEL)
Sponsor: National Science Foundation and National Endowment for the Humanities
Proposals due: October 14, 2022
Funding: Up to $450k for 3 years
Program: This funding partnership between NSF and NEH supports projects to develop and advance knowledge concerning dynamic language infrastructure in the context of endangered human languages — languages that are both understudied and at risk of falling out of use.
Funding is available in the form of one- to three-year senior research grants and conference proposals.
Sponsor: National Science Foundation
Proposals due: October 20, 2022 (and October 20 annually thereafter)
Funding: Not specified but the budget needs to reflect the actual needs of the proposed project
Program: to support the scientific objectives of the NSF by fostering interdisciplinary research and synthesis of climate data. The goal of the interdisciplinary P4CLIMATE solicitation is to utilize observational and modeling studies to provide paleo perspectives addressing the two research themes: 1) Past Regional and Seasonal Climate; and 2) Past Climate Forcing, Sensitivity, and Feedbacks.
NIDA REI: Racial Equity Visionary Award Program for Research on Substance Use and Racial Equity
Sponsor: National Institutes of Health
Proposals due: November 14, 2022 (and November 14, 2023 and 2024)
Funding: Up to $700k per year for 5 years
Program: to support independent, early career or established scholars who self-identify as health equity, health disparities, or social determinants of health experts with the skills to make exceptionally creative contributions to the study of equity for underserved U.S. racial and/or ethnic minority groups that experience poorer outcomes related to substance use and substance use disorders.
Public Scholars
Sponsor: National Endowment for the Humanities
Proposals due: November 30, 2022
Funding: $5k per month for 6 to 12 months
Program: to support individual authors for research, writing, travel, and other activities leading to the creation and publication of well-researched nonfiction books in the humanities written for the broad public. The program encourages non-academic writers to deepen their engagement with the humanities by strengthening the research underlying their books, and it encourages academic writers in the humanities to communicate the significance of their research to the broadest possible range of readers.
RD ShopTalk: What do you do with reviewer comments?
RD Community of Practice
TODAY, August 18
12:15-12:45 pm
Mid-scale Research Infrastructure Planning Workshop
Friday, August 19
Noon-4 pm
EHR Core Research Informational Webinar
Tuesday, August 23; 4-5 pm
Monday, September 12, 3-4 pm
Policy-Related Metrics for Research Impact: Getting Started with Overton Interdisciplinary Database
Presenter: Judy Smith, Taubman Health Sciences Library
Wednesday, August 24
Noon-1 pm
Instrumentation Grants: S10s? MRIs? Help!
Presented by Research Development & Proposal Services
Friday, August 26
Noon-1:30 pm
SBE Build & Broaden Informational Webinar
Thursday, September 8
2-3 pm
Will NIH Repay Your Student Loans?
Presented by UMMS Grant Services & Analysis
Friday, September 9
Noon-1 pm