This is Caversham Booksellers 67th weekly e-newsletter. Each month, we will let you know what we can about various this and thats, as well as some new titles we hope you'll be interested in. Thanks for subscribing!
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We have had some very nice cat haikus come in so thank you to all who contributed. There is no hard deadline so feel free to keep them coming!  I have just run out of tea as I type this so, though you won't really know it, I will scurry away to make more before I am finished with this week's newsletter intro. A book my mum bought me 25 years ago was staring at me, from its shelf, earlier this week while I was feverishly working on the newsletter by candlelight. Zen Guitar by Philip Toshio Sudo. It is a great book. It was easy to find a quote from it for the last item in this newsletter. We have never sold it before so I added it to our listings and, low and behold, I found out that Sudo passed away in 2002 about four months shy of his 43rd birthday. A great loss and some information I was not expecting. The book is wonderful and I managed to stumble on an enlightening interview with the author. Very sad I have to say.
Enjoy this week's features! Some local authors as well as some new, and less new, gems. I managed to acquire my second cup of tea. You can rest easy. We love you and your eyes.

-newsletter neil
We will continue our regular pickup hours while also being open for browsing with some limitations. Here are the limitations:

• Browsing is still a go.
• 3 people at a time.
• Please limit your browsing time so others can emulate your greatness.
• You must wear a mask. You must. If you cannot then we can bring you what you need while you stylishly wait outside. We have a beautiful red bench now.

Free shipping in Canada for all orders over $100 (pre-tax).  Expedited delivery available for $15. For more details go here if you please.
Hot off the Press!
Lots of new arrivals this month! Here is just a sample but please click here to view a (long) list of highlights.

Babble On: A Drug Memoir
Andrew Brobyn

Andrew Brobyn’s relationship was in shambles before he took the terrible acid that sent him on an almost decade-long journey seeking redemption. His immediate plans following university were to liquidate his illicit assets, sell his client list, pack up shop, and retire to his parents’ home in Toronto while he figured out what to do with a bachelor’s degree in philosophy and a quarter million in cash. As his drug use and bipolar disorder spiral, his situation gets stranger and stranger, taking him from his university campus to strip clubs, to psych wards and the slammer.[More. . .]

Treating Trauma in Dialectical Behavior Therapy: The DBT Prolonged Exposure Protocol (DBT PE)
Melanie Harned

Many DBT clients suffer from posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD), but until now the field has lacked a formal, tested protocol for exactly when and how to treat trauma within DBT. Combining the power of two leading evidence-based therapies—and designed to meet the needs of high-risk, severely impaired clients—this groundbreaking manual integrates DBT with an adapted version of prolonged exposure (PE) therapy for PTSD. Melanie S. Harned shows how to implement the DBT PE protocol with DBT clients who have achieved the safety and stability needed to engage in trauma-focused treatment. [More. . .]
SickKids Centre for Community Mental health has loads of great online courses!
Remember to use the code CAVERSHAM to SAVE 15%!

August 15: Preventing burnout and connecting to meaning: An acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT) approach for early career professionals w/ Matthew Boone

August 18: Evidence-informed sleep solutions for clinicians working with teens and young adults w/ Colleen Carney
August 29th - September 2nd: Integrating EMDR Into Your Clinical Practice: 5-Day Intensive in Vancouver w/ Esta Porter - in Vancouver!

November 4th: AEDP: The Process of Change and Its Spirit in Practice w/ Diana Fosha- online webinar!

Misogyny in Psychoanalysis
Michaela Chamberlain

In psychoanalysis, misogyny hides in plain sight, seemingly above and beyond the usual conventions of workplace etiquette or even a vague awareness of sexism. It is commonplace in psychoanalytic literature and in the presentation of case studies for a description of the female client’s attractiveness to be given as a diagnosis rather than an opinion, for the word ‘feminine’ to be used as a synonym for submission, for psychosexual development to still miss the glaringly important stage of menstruation, for women to still be described in terms of losing a penis but gaining a baby – not a vagina or clitoris – and for the fundamental experiences of pregnancy and birth to be overlooked. 
[More. . .]

How to Overcome Embitterment With Wisdom
Christopher Arnold and Michael Linden

Embitterment is an emotional reaction anyone can have to injustices, humiliation, and breaches of trust. We have probably all encountered embitterment in ourselves or others at some time in our lives. Like other feelings, feelings of embitterment normally subside, but in some cases they can persist and cause a great deal of suffering. When these feelings take control of your life and you can’t let go of the past negative events in your life, then support is needed. [More. . .]

Reflections on Contemporary Psychoanalytic Thought: The Lisbon Lectures
Rui Aragão Oliveira, Maria José Goncalves, and João Diniz (Eds)

A cutting-edge collection of psychoanalytic ideas edited by Rui Aragão Oliveira, Maria José Gonçalves, and João Diniz, with contributions from David Bell, Franco Borgogno, Luis J. Martín Cabré, R. D. Hinshelwood, Howard B. Levine, Andrea Marzi, Sérgio Eduardo Nick, Leopold Nosek, Fernando Orduz, Éric Smadja, and Virginia Ungar. 
[More. . .]

Your Better Instincts: Uncover Your Inner Power to Improve Health, Happiness, and Performance
Stacy Irvine

After a lifetime of working and coaching in the health and fitness industry, Dr. Stacy Irvine was puzzled that no one had been able to find a solution to successfully motivate our whole population to lead healthier lives. In North America, rates of many chronic diseases are increasing, obesity is still on the rise, our consumption of processed junk food continues, we’re sleepless, and our mental health is suffering. [More. . .]

A Story as Sharp as a Knife: The Classical Haida Mythtellers and Their World
Robert Bringhurst

The linguist and ethnographer John Swanton took dictation from the last great Haida-speaking storytellers, poets and historians from the fall of 1900 through the summer of 1901. Together they created a great treasury of Haida oral literature in written form.
Having worked for many years with these century-old manuscripts, linguist and poet Robert Bringhurst brings both rigorous scholarship and a literary voice to the English translation of John Swanton's careful work. He sets the stories in a rich context that reaches out to dozens of native oral literatures and to myth-telling traditions around the globe. [More. . .]
September 8th: The Freud Café: Propaganda and the Lies We Tell Ourselves w/ Gordon Yanchyshyn, Endre Koritar, and William Massicotte presented by Between Hours / Interdisciplinary Dialogues, Toronto Psychoanalytic Society

Reclaiming Calliope: Freeing the Female Voice through Undomesticated Singing
Fides Krucker

Here, author and opera singer Fides Krucker shows readers what it means to find--and use--our authentic voice, to sing wildly and uninhibited from the depths of our bodies and spirits. Part memoir, part radical vocal guide, and part feminist call to action, Reclaiming Calliope offers an intriguing look at the rarified world of opera, with fascinating behind-the-scenes details to which outsiders don’t typically have access. Through incisive critique, personal stories, and intriguing exposé, Krucker razes the male gaze that packaged characters like Carmen, Tosca, and La Traviota’s Violetta for viewer consumption--and radically envisions an empowered, new way of finding and fueling the authentic female voice. [More. . .]
“Express your song truthfully, in the face of all opposition.” - Philip Toshio Sudo, Zen Guitar
This is Caversham Booksellers' 67th weekly e-newsletter. Thank you for reading.
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