Greetings <<First Name>>,

Sometimes we stop doing a certain movement or pose because our bodies have changed from injury, pain or disuse.

But there is often always a way to modify or try to find the movement again in a different way. 

Here is a new short video on different ways to settle into Pigeon Pose, from seated in a chair to sitting on the floor to lying over a bolsterClick Here (5min)

If these are still inaccessible, please reply and I'll try to help you a way to find to access the mobility of this hip rotation. 
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"What’s New This Week"

  • Mudra:  Pranidhana (Mudra of Surrender). Taken from one of the Niyamas, Isvara Pranidhana, surrendering to the Divine or something greater than ourselves
  • Breath: Dirgha Purak (extended INHALES) to start; Dirgha Rechak (extended EXHALES) to end --notice how your energy changes given each version of this breath practice
  • Strong & Steady: "Core Strong" 60min --NO weight bering in hands and knees today. Core is the focus. But we'll be building strength in the upper body too. Breath. Exhale on the effort. Surrender to needing to be "right"
  • Chair Yoga: "A Rock from which to Rise" 60min--The theme this week is surrendering. But after we've provided some stability, a rock of support from which to rise. Grow longer, grow stronger And then surrender whether you've gotten it "right." 
  • Therapeutic Yoga: "Surrender & Grow" 60min--Emphasis on creating length and stability in the spine, from the neck down. By creating stability we can then grow from there. 
Remember you can FAVORITE  ❤️ content for easy access. 
To find the above practices, look for the NEW content or search for the key words in the practice in the library. 
Access Your On-Demand Library Here

Move your body, Center your mind,
Tianna Meriage-Reiter, DPT, C-IAYT

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