Newsphere August 2022
Greetings Wangapeka whānau,
In the quiet of winter, much has been happening both above and below the ground of Wangapeka. The recent AGM weekend saw a small but mighty group of members gather who, among other things, discussed and explored the proposed Year of Service, which now appears to be germinating and taking root.
A new Board of Trustees was elected, and it seems they have much energy and enthusiasm for the coming year, and are deeply committed to their roles in service to the Wangapeka community. Gratitude to all these beings for their efforts and dedication!
You can read some rich reports and reflections on the weekend below, as well as a Kumanu update from the Board, news of the new Wangapeka Community Forum initiative, Mike's Caravan conversion to volunteer accommodation, update on the new Teacher's Cabin, and a tribute to volunteer Simon Tyler who died recently.
And everyone will be pleased to know that the Wangapeka driveway managed to survive the recent torrential downpours in the region......Yay!
With love,
Chani Grieve and the Wangapeka Communications team
Here is a link to our May Newsphere
Earlier newsletters can be found on our Wangapeka Publications page.
Also, if you have forgotten to renew your membership, here is a link to renew your Annual Subscription. Membership fees are an important source of income for Wangapeka, and your support is greatly appreciated! As an added bonus, paid members will now have access to the Wangapeka Community Forum.
Wangapeka AGM 2022 - it was actually fun!
A brief summary by Dave Pooch
Some AGMs are boring and others fractious, but the 2022 Wangapeka AGM was really enjoyable. Thanks to the steady rain and Covid, just a dozen or so people turned up for the weekend. While caretaker Jacinta had optimistically written a list of jobs to be done on the blackboard, the combination of short rainy days and a cosy fire with ample tea and coffee supplies meant that people pretty much stayed in the main hall. A “catch up” weekend ensued. After a warming dinner made by Lily Redgrave, Cashy Yates led a sharing circle that had the theme of “Catch up”. We learned how others had fared over the not-normal past twelve months and it was clear that people appreciated the opportunity to reconnect in a leisurely way.
On the Saturday afternoon, Cashy led a loose discussion which explored the suggested Year of Service. There was lots of positive feedback and the members present concluded that we should do it. You can read a full report from Cashy Yates here : AGM/Hui 2022 Year of Service Proposal. There is also a wonderful article AGM/Hui 2022 Community Reflections sharing Lily Redgrave and Chris Petzold perspectives about the community's response to the proposed Year of Service.
Sunday morning brought the AGM. Your new trust Board comprises :
Cashy Yates - Coordinator
Tim Leyland - Secretary
Simon Jones - Treasurer
Dan Burgess-Milne
Elli Yates
Dave Pooch
At this meeting Simon joined for the first time and Shelley Taylor stepped down after a valuable two years as coordinator - thank you Shelley!
The annual accounts confirmed that we made the predicted loss thanks to the necessity of cancelled retreats due to Covid. The 2022/2023 budget was approved which predicted a break even situation assuming we paid just one caretaker rather than two. Jacinta read out Hadleigh and Malu’s caretaker report, and now being the only caretaker also gave an update. In particular she thanked sangha members including Chris Petzold, Tim Leyland and Graham Sandlant for coming up to help out.
Pretty well everyone strolled down to see progress on the conversion of Mike’s workshop into three volunteer accommodation units. They are nearing completion and Graham Sandlant had painted the interior very recently. There is still some electrical work and skirting boards to put in but completion is in sight. You can see a few before and after photos below.
You can read about the other recent Wangapeka developments here in this edition of Kumanu compiled by Elli Yates.
Jenny Kelso holding 14 month old Sol Milligan-Yates on one of the rare moments of sun during the AGM weekend
A new initiative from the Wanga Comms Team
Shea Dawson and Chani Grieve
The Wangapeka Community Forum is a new initiative developed by the Wanga Comms team in collaboration with the Board of Trustees. It is an online platform where all Board documents (Agendas, Minutes, Financial Reports etc) will be posted and stored for easy access. There is also a General Discussion area where members are able to participate in conversations relating to Wangapeka and its operations. Some sub-committees are already using the forum as a private channel for their internal communications, and there is scope for any working group to do this also.
This initiative is only open to current paid members (another good incentive to renew your membership!). All members will have received an email invitation to join from the Wangapeka Forum Admin. Accepting the invitation is not compulsory but we do hope it offers a useful and well-utilised addition to the channels of communication that currently exist. If you haven't received your invitation yet, please let us know :)
Why :
For a long time now, methods of communication from the Board out to the community have often been inconsistent and unsatisfactory, leaving members feeling uninformed about issues the Board are facing, and also unsure as to what help might be needed and how to offer it. The Comms Team have been working closely with the Board to come up with methods that allow Board communications to be shared with the community in a timely fashion, and for the community to have a channel to share ideas and work on projects together.
The Community Forum is open for any member to use. Currently Shea Dawson and Chani Grieve are overseeing the platform. You can direct any questions about this initiative to us at
Once you get started in the Forum you are welcome to post any questions or offer any feedback you may have in the Forum Help section and we'll get back to you.
If you have any questions or feedback specifically for the Board, the usual method applies - send a direct email to the secretary Tim Leyland,
We look forward to engaging in the Community Forum with you!
Mike's Caravan conversion to volunteer accommodation is nearing completion
The rooms are painted and finishing touches (window and door surrounds, switches and light fittings) are being done this week, but floor coverings are still needed.
New Teacher's Cabin - Update
Fundraising efforts for the new teacher's cabin continue with donations flowing in. We're over half-way there! With $161,030.91 of $250,000.
The aspiration behind building this new cabin is to provide accommodation for older teachers, like Bonni and Matthew, to practice, study, and teach at the Wangapeka as long as they are willing and able.
For People Living In New Zealand
Bank: Westpac NZ
Account Name: The Wangapeka Educational Trust
Account Number: 03–0703–0156597–000
Payments should be marked as “Donation” and “The Dwelling”
For People Living Outside New Zealand
Bank: Westpac NZ
Account Name: The Wangapeka Educational Trust
Account Number: 03–0703–0156597–000
Reference: Dwelling Don
We recommend using Use the reference "Dwelling Don", and the Wangepeka Centre e-mail address People outside New Zealand can also make deposits directly into the New Zealand account using money transfer services from their bank.
Keep up with the project here -
For more information you can e-mail Jane Hobday at
With heartfelt thanks,
Jane Hobday, Glenn Harley and Graham Sandlant - Project Team
Vale Simon Tyler
a tribute by Guy Nicholls
Simon the great (Maha) Umbrella Mender, a being who could casually and methodically repair an entire collection of broken umbrellas, an act of great determination. Simon master shepherd of flies from the main hall at night with headtorch. Simon the curious compassionate helper, you shall be missed at the Wangapeka.
Simon's Dana is massively generous given he was independent and mobilised himself many times over from England. His Bodhisattva expressions were always careful, original and curious, sometimes like a spontaneous theatre of disciplined activity. Nothing was ever broken for Simon, he fixed objects and re-employed abandoned tools, using whatever resources were available.
Simon sufferred through his polarities : Spring and Summer were energetic opportunities to sort, organise and beautify especially in the garden, while the gloom of winter was seemingly inescapable, with refuge being reduced to the shadowy infinity of complex Sudoku puzzles.
Namaste friend.
Our wonderful caretaker Jacinta at the water source
Exploring Kaitiakitanga of the Whenua o Wangapeka
How do we become better kaitiaki of the land?
with Rob McGowan, 26 – 28 August 2022
Dharmasphere are delighted to host Pā Ropata (Rob McGowan) as he guides us through a weekend of enquiry, connecting us to the whenua, it’s journey back to health.
As the old people said, “All you have to do is get to know the plants and they will tell you everything you need to know”.
Pā Ropata is generously giving his time and energy to this weekend and a dana/ koha bowl will be provided for anyone who wishes to give.
Don’t Just Do Something. Sit there!
with Duncan Mackay and Mark Schrader, 2 – 4 September 2022
Want to learn to meditate? Perhaps you have tried and need some more skills and extra encouragement? Or possibly, you already meditate and wish to develop your practice and drop into a full weekend of meditation. If so, then this weekend retreat will support you to explore this.
The retreat will predominantly be silent and offers you the opportunity to learn, strengthen and enliven your individual practice of breathing meditation. Alongside this there will be opportunities for sharing and questions as well as time for individual practice; including space to enjoy just ‘being’ at the Wangapeka Centre – a very beautiful environment.
This is the sixth year that this popular retreat – ‘Don’t just Do something! Sit there!’ – has run at Wangapeka.
Read more -
Sanctuary in Uncertainty
Insight Meditation Retreat
with Jeremy Logan and Kanya Stewart, 14 – 18 September 2022
In these unprecedented times of radical change and uncertainty, a new world is being born. Courage and compassionate presence strengthens us to face into the chaos and not turn away. With wisdom and determination, we can move forward together to create a world based on justice, kindness, and shared resources, rather than on greed, hatred and delusion.
The practices of Insight Meditation support our inherent capacity to awaken to wisdom and an open heartedness. In recognising our own suffering, we recognise our interconnectedness and see that our personal welfare and happiness is intimately interwoven with the wellbeing of all.
Read more.
Life As It Is
A Community Family Retreat
with Louise Petzold and Glenn and Karen Harley, 7 – 11 October 2022
Join us for 4 days as we practice as a community exploring the Buddha’s teaching on the Four Foundations of Mindfulness.
As human beings, we have a unique opportunity to investigate the comings and goings that make up the human experience. In the midst of our lives just as they are, this interest and exploration is always available to us- however difficult or easeful that may seem!.
Living in this way creates the possibility of opening to, and surfing all that arises, and inviting an open, inclusive and caring way of being, for the benefit of many.
There will be time for group and individual meditation practice, periods of silence and child-focused activities.
Wilderness Meditation Retreat
with Jaime Howell and Juliana Griese, 9 – 17 November 2022
A guided 8 day meditation retreat with emphasis on Nature connection and human wholeness.
Our intention is to guide our group to deepening the meditation practice inspired by the teachings of Tarchin. We are entering the heart of clear seeing and love.
Beyond this, Jaime and Ju are finding that it is not enough to meditate, we need to integrate the gifts of meditation into the hot messy creativity of our relational lives. We also believe we need to resource ourselves back into nature, we are calling this a process of Re-Wilding.
Foundations of Samadhi
Düntün (Seven-day) Retreat
with Jakob Leschly, 20 – 27 November 2022
This retreat is held under the auspices of Tibetan Buddhist master Dzongsar Jamyang Khyentse Rinpoche with Jakob Leschly as his resident instructor.
About the course
The practice of Buddhist meditation allows us to uncover and experience our natural heritage of wisdom though cultivating insight or vipashyana.
It is to establish a peaceful space of presence and mindfulness, allowing us to awaken a calmer and wider appreciation of our reality.
A retreat is an invaluable moment of clarifying and reaffirming our commitment to the vision and path of meditation. Jakob Leschly will lead the 7-day retreat, offering general instruction and individual interviews.
Read more.
Stardust, Starlight
with Bonni Ross, 3 — 10 December, 2022
We will explore the boundless practices of Loving Kindness, Compassion, Empathetic Joy and Peace in this slightly unconventional retreat.
The unconventional part is a special invitation to babies and their families to come at the beginning so that we can enfold them into our circle of practice with love, caring, patience and delight welling up from a deep recognition that on this planet we all start out the same way. All are welcome on Sunday, December 4.
Then, the formal work will review the traditional forms of Brahma Viharas and The Four Limitless Meditations before we evolve the practice in an accessible, delectable fashion.
The supports of movement, working with colour and form and community circle sharing will help deepen our practice.
Read more. --
Garden of Mindfulness Family Retreat (2022)
with Mira Riddiford, 28 December, 2022 – 04 January, 2023
Journey through the mindfulness looking glass with us! Nurture the wild creative within and enhance you and your family’s wellbeing through play and nature exploration.
A morning class will give the adults time to learn and practice a range of contemplations based on the above themes, while the children enjoy fun activities with our children’s coordinator.
In the afternoon families will have time to practice mindfulness and kindness together as well experiencing the joy of a range of nature archetypes and fun activities, such as forest walks, river swims, homemade water slides, badminton and bubble play.
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