We have Hope For you PMP Pals Logo

MeetUp2022: Recap

We can always use an extra hand with sponsorships, logistics, and outreach. Interested in helping out as a volunteer on the MeetUp2023 Planning Committee? Contact Charmaine at

(Pictured above: Charmaine offering a friendly wave; Thursday night HOPE Zoom co-moderators Charmaine with volunteer Pals Connie Conrow-Anderson (caregiver) and Jamie Voetsch (thrivor), aka “Pals Angels”; motivational speaker Joel Neeb with Charmaine at San Diego MeetUp2022.

PMP Pals Profile: Meet Charmaine,
Pals Board Member

Austin, Texas-based Pal Charmaine Skillman celebrated 25 years of life since her diagnosis in 1997. This excerpt below is just a piece of her full story which you can find onlline by clicking here.

On Oct. 29, I celebrated 25 years survivorship with PMP/appendix cancer. Anniversaries are a time for memories and reflections – here are mine.

My problems started with a hard lump in my abdomen and hurried surgery that found PMP/appendix cancer. Good news – it was “relatively benign” and “slow growing.” My local surgeon tried to keep it in check through debulking surgeries. After 11 years, my disease was advancing rapidly. I needed a new plan.

But, I could not get my foot in the door. The HIPEC specialist in my state considered me “too far gone,” with only a few years to live. No appointment; no surgery by him.

Then two heroes appeared. I found PMP Pals and its founder Gabriella Graham, who encouraged me to see Dr. Paul Sugarbaker, a leading specialist. He performed HIPEC/CRS in 2009. Since then, my status has been “no evidence of disease.”

Now, I volunteer with PMP Pals to help others find hope. Here are five important lessons we’ve learned…. Click on the button below find out!

Read Charmaine’s 25th anniversary story here

We want your recipes!

As a grateful group of people who enjoy eating, sometimes we tweak a recipe to make it easier to digest, make it more palatable, give it more staying power (or the opposite). Holiday favorites can be tricky, but enough of us have eaten our ways through holidays to know what works!

Submit your favorite recipe to share with other Pals in our upcoming cookbook (Title TBD). Be it appetizer, smoothie, main dish or dessert, we want your recipes. Due out November 22, 2022 in shareable, printable PDF format, this cookbook will arrive just in time for your Thanksgiving spread! We hope you will share it with friends and family.And let us know how you make out by posting a picture on our Facebook Page or on Instagram @pmp_pals.

Deadline for recipe submissions is Wednesday, November 18.

PMP Pals volunteer Lindsay B. is coordinating the effort. Be sure to complete the ingredients list and step-by-step instructions. If we have a question, we will call you for clarification.

Not a baker or chef? Share with us an inspirational quote.

Not feeling particularly profound? How about a photo!

Want to participate but computer forms are too much at this time? No problem - We can work with you over the phone or by email to include your recipe, quote, or photo.

Submit your recipe here
REMINDER: HOPE Zoom will not meet online November 24 or 26. Click here to register again for the new Zoom link, meeting ID, and password here.
November is National Family Caregiver Month & kicks off our fundraising season - Honor your special someone with a one-time or monthly recurring donation here