Dear *|HTML:MMERGE5|*, 

We have so many exciting opportunities to connect with each other in September!

I hope I get to see you receiving massage and coaching in the office, growing in our mastermind group, or exploring in our next half-day retreat, (which is happening Sept. 25th). 


I'm curious: what changed for you during the pandemic?

For me, the 2020 shutdown was like honing a finely tuned microscope to my life and to the way I work. While we returned to massage work after a few months, there was a spark ignited within my soul to do work that could have a longer lasting, deeper impact.
While I was practicing coaching through group programs, I wanted to deepen my knowledge and my connection to you, my client. So I embarked on an educational journey that allowed me to extensively research and train to address burnout, trauma, and general disenchantment through coaching.
Here are some things that emerged along the way:
  1. Most health challenges, including chronic pain and disease, seem to be rooted in thoughts, beliefs, events, and patterns that were seeded energetically or emotionally at some point in life.
  2. The desire to make major shifts starts with a sense of self-worth, as in "I am worthy of this thing I so deeply desire". Many of us have lost our sense of self-worth during the last 2 years.
  3. The body stores all things that are not fully processed at the time they occur. This leads to pain, frustration, discontent, mental and physical imbalance, and often burnout. 
As we have emerged from this time, I have found that responding to my desires (think along the lines of work/job, relationships, integrity in how you show up) has become a non-negotiable.

It's no longer okay with me to live in half authenticity,

especially as the cost (see above) is so high! I have responded to this desire by launching a new brand, Gin Burchfield Coaching and I'm so excited about what will emerge from me following my heart.

Can you relate?
That's why I want to hear what changed for you!
How have you grown?
How have you responded to the calling of your soul? 

As I follow my intuition, it leads to self-healing and opportunities for me to share my acquired wisdom with you. If something here strikes a cord with you, I hope I will see you soon. We have two opportunities this month that are just for women, and we always welcome our male clients for massage therapy and 1-1 coaching. In November we will have a co-ed retreat opportunity as well. Stay tuned.
I can't wait to see you! I'm wishing you health, prosperity, and the fulfillment of your deepest desires,

- Gin

Gin Burchfield, PCC, NBC-HWC 
Health Coach & Leadership Coach
 NC LMBT #3018, CYT 
Leave space for the possibility of joining us on a half-day exploration of

The Divine Feminine Within

The Republic of Yoga
Sunday, September 25
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