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Newsletter n. 3/2022 | June-August

Quale futuro per la qualità della regolazione? What future for Better Regulation? 

Nel quinto numero della newsletter - il terzo del 2022 - la Cattedra è lieta di annunciare l'evento "Buone Pratiche e il Futuro della Better Regulation", che si terrà il 14 ottobre dalle 11.00 alle 13.30, presso l'Università LUMSA di Roma (Aula Giubileo - Via di Porta Castello, 44 00193).

Il seminario è la fase finale del Contest Buona pratica regolatoria, lanciato dalla Cattedra Jean Monnet, con il supporto dell'Osservatorio AIR e il patrocinio del Ministro per la Pubblica Amministrazione e dell'OCSE. Durante l'evento, le pratiche selezionate saranno discusse e premiate da esperti del settore. Si tratterà inoltre di un'occasione unica per il mondo accademico e professionale di discutere il presente e il futuro della better regulation.

In the fifth number of the newsletter - the third of 2022, the Chair is pleased to announce the event "Good Regulatory Practices and the Future of Better Regulation", to be held on 14 October from 11 a.m. to 1.30 p.m., at the LUMSA University in Rome (Aula Giubileo - Via di Porta Castello, 44 00193).

The seminar is the final stage of the Good Regulatory Practice Contest, launched by the Jean Monnet Chair,  with the support of the RIA's Observatory and sponsored by the Minister for Public Administration and the OECD. During the event, the selected practices will be discussed and awarded by experts in the field. It will also be a unique opportunity for the academic and professional world to discuss the present and future of better regulation.
The news that appear in this number concern, for instance, the Better Regulation practices across European Union, the European Parliament’s activities undertaken in 2021 in ex-ante assessment and ex-post evaluation of legislation impacts, and the steps towards a unified regulation of stablecoins. The newsletter also shares the continuous work of the Chair in its research on the relationship between artificial intelligence and public administration, the publishing of the new “Handbook of Regulatory Authorities”, and RIA’s Observatorly quarterly review n. 2/2022.  

The website welcomes research notes, in English or in Italian, from whoever has special interest in the regulatory landscape.

You can read here past issues of the newsletter.

Latest News

The Penn Program on Regulation organizes a webinar titled Behavioral Insights, Public Consultation, and Regulatory Policy: Perspectives from Europe, that will take place on September 21 from 12:00-1:00 p.m. EDT (6:00-7:00 p.m. CEST), via Zoom.
Nicoletta Rangone, Professor of Administrative Law at LUMSA University in Rome, will present her research, and Christiane Arndt-Bascle, Head of Programme on Measuring Regulatory Performance at the OECD, will offer commentary drawing on the OECD’s work on public consultation.
PPR Director Cary Coglianese, the Edward B. Shils Professor of Law and Professor of Political Science at the University of Pennsylvania, will moderate the discussion.
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Newly published "Handbook of Regulatory Authorities"

The JM Chair on EU Approach to Better Regulation is pleased to share the news of the publication of the Handbook of Regulatory Authorities, edited by Professors Martino Maggetti, Fabrizio Di Mascio and Alessandro Natalini. The Handbook, characterised by an analytical collection of interdisciplinary research on regulatory authorities, includes Chapter 11 'Agencies regulating risks', written by Prof. Nicoletta Rangone (Chair), together with Dr Lorenzo Allio.
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The relationship between artificial intelligence and public administrations

The Jean Monnet Chair on EU Approach to Better Regulation continues its research on the relationship between artificial intelligence and public administrations.
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UE vs UK: approcci divergenti nella protezione dei dati personali [Repost]

On 16 June 2022, the UK government, in response to a consultation, built the foundations for a reform of the data protection framework. Prominent among the measures envisaged is the new 'opt-out' consent model applied to cookies and other tracking tools. The innovations supported by the government will allow the introduction of a more flexible personal data processing regime than that imposed by the GDPR, with beneficial consequences for the country's economic development. However, many dissenting voices point out the dangerousness of the reforms for users and the limited benefits to the data market.
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La legge annuale sulla concorrenza: stop and go - prof. Marcello Clarich [Repost Milano Finanza, 26.07.22]

"Bisogna tutelare la concorrenza perchè è il collante sociale del sistema capitalistico".

On May 20th the European Parliament published its annual report on activities undertaken in 2021 by its in-house research service EPRS in the ex-ante assessment and ex-post evaluation of legislative impacts, as well as of the added value of EU action.
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On 30 June 2022, the Council Presidency and the European Parliament finally reached an agreement on the Proposal for a Regulation on Markets in Crypto-assets (MiCA), amending Directive  2019/1937. The proposal was introduced on 24 September 2020 and aims to regulate the activities of issuers of unsecured crypto-assets (stablecoins), as well as trading platforms and portfolios in which crypto-assets are held. 
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In this July issue of the AIR Observatory's Quarterly Review, several relevant topics are addressed, from the use of better regulation tools to the relationship between regulators and the regulated in the different stages of the regulatory process, from policy-making to its application also through enforcement actions, up to an in-depth examination of the role of central banks in fundamental regulatory actions. Lastly, the usual article review focuses on a contribution to the history of evaluations of projects such as the high-speed Turin-Lyon.
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On June 28, the OECD published the 2022 Better Regulation Practices across the European Union report, the second in the series, which analyses current and developing practices for improving the quality of laws and regulations across all 27 EU Member States and the European Union. The preface was also signed by the Vice-president of the EC, Maroš Šefčovič.

On June 13, prof. Laura Palazzani led a lecture on “Nudging and bioethics”. The latter as part of the summer school on “Law&Economics and Ethics of Markets and Regulation” (co-organized by EMLE in Rome and the University of Arizona), and being among the Jean Monnet Chair activities.
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Submit your research note
The submissions should concern news on better regulation tools, simplification policies, markets regulation, new technologies and regulation, cognitive-based regulation, and competition advocacy. The note might regard a newly published paper or a European, international, national or local document as well as policy devoted to these topics.

[Registazione] Presentazione "Diritto amministrativo effettivo. Una introduzione" di Guido Corso, Maria De Benedetto e Nicoletta Rangone

Il giorno lunedì 23 maggio, alle ore 16:00, ha avuto luogo online la presentazione del manuale “Diritto amministrativo effettivo. Una introduzione” dei professori Guido CorsoMaria De Benedetto e Nicoletta Rangone. Gli autori hanno partecipato in dialogo con il prof. Marcello Clarich ed è stato possibile richiedere la copia saggio.
La news contiene la registrazione della presentazione.
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Featuring a comprehensive analytical collection of interdisciplinary research on regulatory authorities, this innovative Handbook presents the fundamental concepts, theories, practices, and empirical achievements and challenges in the contemporary study of regulatory authorities. Opening with a comparative overview of regulators across global regions, regulatory sectors, and regulatory types, the Handbook discusses the key regulatory conceptual issues of independence, politicization, and quality. Contributions from leading scholars and regulatory practitioners provide cutting-edge research on reputation, performance, and control in regulatory authorities. Chapters combine foundational theoretical concepts with empirical research to consider the emerging advances, challenges, and questions in the field, while also giving weight to critical examinations of complex and underexplored issues in research on regulatory authorities. Forward-thinking, the Handbook concludes by expanding its focus to analyse behavioural insights, innovation, agenda-setting, and new frontiers in regulation. With a cross-disciplinary approach, this all-encompassing Handbook will prove invaluable for students and scholars of politics, law, and economics with a regulatory governance perspective. Global in scope, it will be an essential point of reference for policy analysts, practitioners, and policymakers working in regulation and regulatory authorities.

Edited by Maggetti; Di Mascio; Natalini (2022)
Handbook of Regulatory Authorities (EE Publishing)

Featuring a comprehensive analytical collection of interdisciplinary research on regulatory authorities, this innovative Handbook presents the fundamental concepts, theories, practices, and empirical achievements and challenges in the contemporary study of regulatory authorities. Opening with a comparative overview of regulators across global regions, regulatory sectors, and regulatory types, the Handbook discusses the key regulatory conceptual issues of independence, politicization, and quality. Contributions from leading scholars and regulatory practitioners provide cutting-edge research on reputation, performance, and control in regulatory authorities. Chapters combine foundational theoretical concepts with empirical research to consider the emerging advances, challenges, and questions in the field, while also giving weight to critical examinations of complex and underexplored issues in research on regulatory authorities. Forward-thinking, the Handbook concludes by expanding its focus to analyse behavioural insights, innovation, agenda-setting, and new frontiers in regulation. With a cross-disciplinary approach, this all-encompassing Handbook will prove invaluable for students and scholars of politics, law, and economics with a regulatory governance perspective. Global in scope, it will be an essential point of reference for policy analysts, practitioners, and policymakers working in regulation and regulatory authorities.
This in-depth analysis, commissioned by the European Parliament’s Policy Department for Citizens’ Rights and Constitutional Affairs at the request of the JURI Committee, looks at the use of data for the purpose of regulatory assessment/evaluation. The author finds that data is needed to support evidence-based regulation, that information technology, and in particular AI, can enable more extensive and beneficial use of data, and that the use of data in ex-post evaluations can improve the regulatory process. The in-depth analysis offers policy recommendations.

This annual burden survey presents an overview of the work carried out by the Commission in 2021 in its efforts to reduce burdens and simplify EU legislation, including the first results of the ‘one in, one out’ pilot. It provides concrete examples of this work, in line with the Commission’s commitment in the Interinstitutional Agreement on Better Law-Making

Andrea Renda (2022)
Assessment of current initiatives of the European Commission on better regulation
The EU better regulation strategy was launched two decades ago, and was accompanied by very high expectations. Since then, several features were introduced in terms of methodology, overall scope, and instruments, and today the EU can claim to have an extremely comprehensive better regulation system, as recognised i.a. by the OECD. Among the key ongoing trends in the EU, most noteworthy are a transition from the use of cost-benefit analysis towards multi-criteria analysis; a move from pure evidence-based towards evidence-informed and also foresight-based policies; the completion of the policy cycle with the introduction i.a. of ex post evaluations and fitness checks; the emergence of a strong (but still insufficiently supported) regulatory oversight body; the growing role of the European Parliament in the better regulation domain; and the slow and partial development of the better regulation agenda in the Member States.

Nicoletta Rangone (2022)
Intelligenza artificiale e intelligenza umana a supporto di una buona amministrazione

Gli algoritmi supportano da tempo varie pubbliche amministrazioni italiane, si pensi all’attribuzione di sedi lavorative agli insegnanti, al calcolo delle tariffe di energia e rifiuti da parte dell’autorità indipendente di settore, alle sovvenzioni allo spettacolo, all’e-procurement (ricerca e acquisizione di beni mediante internet) con aggiudicazione al prezzo più basso.5 Oltre a questi algoritmi estremamente semplici, basati su una logica lineare, emergono applicazioni dell’intelligenza artificiale (IA) a supporto dell’organizzazione, della prestazione di servizi e del processo decisionale di varie amministrazioni, centrali e locali.

Nicoletta Rangone (2022)
Intelligenza artificiale e pubbliche amministrazioni: affrontare i numerosi rischi per trarne tutti i vantaggi

Lo scritto parte dall’analisi delle più rilevanti esperienze di uso dell’intelligenza artificiale nelle pubbliche amministrazioni italiane, che attengono all’assetto organizzativo, all’adozione di decisioni generali e all’attuazione amministrativa, per mettere in luce vantaggi e rischi. Ne emerge l’esigenza di un inquadramento normativo generale e di discipline procedurali delle singole amministrazioni, tali da assicurare reale accessibilità, comprensibilità e non discriminazione, oltre a meccanismi di controllo che consentano di verificare l’adeguatezza del ricorso all’intelligenza artificiale in luogo dell’intelligenza umana in un’ottica di effettività dell’organizzazione e dell’azione amministrativa.

Chiti; Marchetti; Rangone (2022)
L'impiego di sistemi di intelligenza artificiale nelle pubbliche amministrazioni italiane: prove generali

Questo scritto mira a fotografare e analizzare l’affacciarsi delle amministrazioni italiane sul mondo dell’IA, per individuare i processi in corso e alcune tendenze generali. Si considerano tre diversi tipi di amministrazioni: le autorità indipendenti, le smart cities e le amministrazioni centrali. Per ciascun gruppo di amministrazioni, si affrontano le seguenti domande: chi decide, all’interno dell’amministrazione, di ricorrere all’IA? Quali sono i tipi di sistemi che le amministrazioni stanno concretamente sperimentando o utilizzando? Per quali compiti e con quali obiettivi? E chi assicura la sorveglianza della macchina, correggendone gli eventuali difetti di funzionamento? Particolare attenzione è posta, nell’indagine, alle effettive pratiche amministrative e alla realtà giuridica e istituzionale.

OECD (2022)
Building Trust in Public Institutions

What drives trust in government? This report presents the main findings of the first OECD cross-national survey on trust in government and public institutions, representing over 50 000 responses across 22 OECD countries. The survey measures government performance across five drivers of trust – reliability, responsiveness, integrity, openness, and fairness – and provides insights for future policy reforms. This investigation marks an important initiative by OECD countries to measure and better understand what drives people’s trust in public institutions – a crucial part of reinforcing democracy.

Buone Pratiche regolatorie e il futuro della better regulation
14 October 2022

Convegno nazionale AIPDA "Discrezionalità e amministrazione"
7-8 October 2022

Behavioral Insights, Public Consultation, and Regulatory Policy: Perspectives from Europe
21 September 2022

The Jean Monnet Chair on EU Approach to Better Regulation aim is to contribute to solutions for the crisis of confidence in regulation at all levels of governance. Its research focuses on the key European tools of Better Regulation (impact assessment, regulatory burden measurement, ex-post evaluation, consultation), the in-practice application, the elaboration of how they can be reframed according to a cognitive-based approach. 
The Chair goal is also to inform and raise awareness among citizens on their rights and opportunities when confronted with a regulatory process or a regulation.  The Chair addresses all the above, with a theoretical/practical and multidisciplinary approach blending law, economics, and psychology, within its teachings. The latter are divided into three courses. The EU Approach to Better Regulation (40hrs) and Better Regulation Advanced (20hrs) Master courses for students that have traditionally received fragmented training in European Regulation and that - without this opportunity - would probably never come into contact with studies on European Regulation. The Intensive Professional Course (30 hours) for practitioners and future professionals which meets unanswered demands for training in the use of all Better Regulation tools. 

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