August 31, 2022

Have you ever been thankful for crumbs?

Doug Bing, Washington Conference president
Most of the time when there are just crumbs left from a delectable meal it is because someone else ate all the good food before you got there.

But sometimes there is a meal in the crumbs!
Thankful for Crumbs
There's something for EVERY AGE of your family at Kitsap Regional Camp Meeting in Bremerton.

Add this destination to your family calendar for September 9-10! The planning team poured their hearts into this program and you definitely want to experience it!
Bremerton Road Trip Plans
NEXT STOP: Sequim!
Live in the South Sound area? We would really appreciate your help in promoting this community health and resource fair scheduled for Sept. 11 in Federal Way. Some services require appointments.
More Questions? Connect with Health Ministries
Discover on September 24 three spiritual habits for addressing anxiety, restoring your health and renewing your hope!
Free RSVP for Meals
Parents and Grandparents: One of the best ways to support Adventist Education is through your involvement like Cedarbrook school board is showcasing here!

There are many ways to get involved in the classroom, on field trips, for fundraising events, or on school-wide committees.
Contact Your Local Principal to Volunteer!
Find More Washington Adventist Events on Facebook!
Ways to Give
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ACTS Editor: Heidi Baumgartner