
Hi <<First Name>>

When a bush fire is near, what should you do first? The adrenaline is pumping, you've got decisions to make, fast...

The preparations that you are making now will save you precious time - you'll know what to do next. 

Give yourself a pat on the back. Look at what you have achieved so far in the Challenge:

Escape routes and destinations READY
Triggers to leave READY
Fire clothing READY
Emergency Kit READY

Personal Grab Bag READY 
Sources of fire information 

Missed a week? No problem! You can catch up on our website »

For the final two weeks of the Challenge we've got some home evaluation and upgrades, and we'll start your plans for the big day. 


WEEK 5: 
Home Evaluation

Firefighters spot them all the time, houses that are so unprepared they are undefendable against a bush fire. This week you'll give your property the best chance it has. 

This week:
  1. Your Ignition Mission: A simple task that will save you time in a bushfire!
  2. Home Evaluation Checklist: The list that makes all the difference
  3. Insurance is not a dirty word
  4. Got a rental?
  5. Q&A

"How's the serenity"
It's your castle, lets get it battle-ready...



1. Make your Ignition Mission list

Here is a simple task that will save you precious time in a bushfire.

Make a list of trouble spots around your home. 

These are the places that could trap combustible debris - every home has them.

You will need to check them before, during and after a fire to ensure burning embers can't get a hold.

You will thank yourself because:

  • you can easily monitor them on a regular basis (eg. a yard chore list);
  • you can refer to it on the day of a fire;
  • if you decide to stay and defend your home this list could help you focus and stay calm; and
  • it gives you a reminder for places to check after a fire front passes.

HINT: Common ignition trouble spots are: the join in the corner of your roof or gable, behind water tanks, the carport, under the deck, and corner nooks. 

Make sure access to your roof cavity and under the house are always kept clear and that ladders are kept handy to reach them.

The weekly check: Give your list pride of place in your home, and check your trouble spots weekly during Bush Fire Season, especially after high winds.

How's the serenity...



2. Home Evaluation Checklist

This the list to beat all other lists.
From landscaping ideas to suggestions for simple home additions, tick off just a few of these and you'll have a safer nest. Copy it and make it yours!

Get the Home Evaluation Checklist »

TIP: If you are not able to do these things yourself or don’t have anyone to help you, you may be able to get help from the AIDER Program.


3. Insurance is not a dirty word

Tradie advice: Don't get caught being under insured. Australian's are under-insured compared to other nations. But chat to anyone who has lost their home and they will tell you there is no price that can be put on a quick recovery from a disaster.

Insurance is not a dirty word »


4. Got a rental?

Whether you're a landlord or tenant, safety is the main concern and is the responsibility of both parties. Find out more, including some legal advice from Blue Mountains Tenants Advice and Advocacy Service.

Check out our guide for Tenants and Landlords »

~ Q&A ~

"A house in my street has a garden that is so overgrown it is a fire hazard, what can I do about it?" 

\When considering your safety and possible escape routes to a safer place it's important to make note of hazards before a fire arrives. In Week One of the Challenge we did just that. Most hazards can be dealt with, and private property is no exception. You can report bushfire hazards, including those on private properties near you, directly to your local RFS fire control centre. The best way to do that is via this form on the RFS website.

The most resilient communities are the ones that work together, so a neighbourly offer of help will go a long way. But the RFS is here to help so please get in touch if you need it. 
Got a burning question? Ask us on Facebook


Well done!

Next week: What's Your Plan B?

Congratulations on your progress so far. Remember, we always love to hear your tall tales and truth bombs… send us a message any time on Facebook or our contact form.


Hear us on Blue Mountains Radio 89.1FM, Monday's at 8:30am.

Get Ready Weekend is coming up on 11 and 12 September, and there will be stacks of local online events around the Blue Mountains and NSW hosted by local brigades. We will be running an event on Facebook so stay tuned there. 

Thanks again for reading and we look forward to challenging your grey matter again, same time next week.

From the Katoomba/Leura Rural Fire Brigade
Community Engagement Team

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