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Nigeria APC run March 2022
Returning to Nigeria for the APC was anticipated with great excitement, as the APC has not held a conference in the country since 2018. In 2019 the conference runs had to be cancelled because of political unrest, and then the global pandemic happened. Which meant we couldn’t have conferences in Nigeria for three years. The Local Organisers in Nigeria and the team (in South Africa) had been communicating online for months, considering various ways to ensure that this Run in 2022 would happen.
The APC team on this run consisted of: Mala Chindongo (Pastor from Antioch Baptist Church in Blantyre, Malawi); Joshua Bolaji (Pastor from Welkom Baptist Church, Welkom, South Africa); and Rose Khambule (Accounts Manager and book sales – Welkom, South Africa).
Nigeria is a year behind with the themes, thus the theme for 2022 was: The Scriptures in the Life of the Local Church.
Abuja Tuesday the 15th -  Wednesday the 16th 
Due to the country’s COVID-19 regulations, the team was instructed to quarantine for seven (7) days upon entry. This was not ideal as it meant they would be spending money on accommodation for seven days doing nothing that contributed to the purpose for being in the country. However, within 48 hours, it became apparent that this rule was not being enforced, because upon attending our 72 hours PCR test appointment, the officials seemed clueless about the whole matter. By the fourth day, the team decided to carry on with their normal APC duties – primarily getting the consignments ready for the upcoming conferences. The team stayed in the first apartment for five days before moving to House 35, which became their base for the remainder of their time in Abuja (a very nice place). They used the Bolt taxi service during their stay in Abuja as the driver provided by the Seminary was occupied. Due to the large number of delegates anticipated, and the large consignment, the team enlisted the assistance of five (5) workers to aid them in this task, considering they only had three days left to get the consignment ready. The workers were paid for this. Thankfully, 90% of the registration forms were ready, Rose was able to get these ready prior to the start of the conference. There were, however, a number of corrections due to handwritings that were difficult to read. The conference, overall, was well organised, and the Local Organiser went to great lengths to care for the team. The conference itself was well attended. However, these were largely students from the ECWA (Evangelizing Churches in West Africa) Seminary.
Delegates: We had 496 delegates at the conference and the delegates registered themselves as follows: 88 Pastors; 13 Reverends; 319 Bible Teachers; 8 Elders; 3 Ministers; 5 Missionaries; 2 Sunday School Teachers; 13 Reverends; 40 Student Pastors; 2 Evangelists; 1 Apostle and 1 Theological Student
Preaching: The delegates we very attentive, and genuinely seemed interested in the topic.
Books: 682 books were distributed there including two free books, which were:
Transforming Power by Jerry Bridges
9 Marks of a Healthy Church by Mark Dever
Questions that were asked in Q&A:
• How do we know which books in the Bible are true?
• What about prophets today?
• What will happen to people who have never read the Bible…who do not know the
God of the Bible?
• Please can you explain more about Inspiration – if the Writers were not in a trance,
how did their writing become inspired?

Comments by delegates:
One of the comments that stood out for me, and were probably the best of all the conferences was by a man who lived and ministered in one of the towns that had suffered at the hands of Boko Haram, he said, “Thank you, pastor, for these books and teachings, they really help us. Do you know why I am here at the college, pastor? I came here to learn more so that I can comfort my people with the Word of God. Where I live, we have suffered under Boko Haram, and the only way I can comfort my people is with the Scriptures.”
Abuja Thursday the 17th - Friday the 18th 
This conference did not get off to a good start. The team arrived at what they thought was the church premises where they were supposed to be at only to discover that there were two ECWA churches with similar names in the same area (we did not ask why). They finally arrived at the right site, however, the pastor there stood and looked at them as if they were aliens from another planet. Apparently, no one had told him they were coming. So, it was all very awkward. They later discover that, Dr Solomon had not informed them properly of  the coming of the APC and what we were there to do, and what they needed to do to assist the team. So, after an hour of phone calls, They were able to get about fifteen pastors to attend during the morning sessions, and more arrived as the day went on.

As Pastor Mala and Pastor Joshua began teaching, they looked with much suspicion that it seemed almost like they were 
unwelcome. They said concerning Pastor Joshua: “Well, we wondered what can this boxer have to say to us?” But glory be to Christ! By the end of the conference, their Chairman, and all their board leaders came to the team and personally invited us back for next year. They instructed APC to contact them directly, and said, “Do you know how many of our pastors we could have invited? If we include the elders, we are speaking of no less than three hundred (300)people.” Then they asked the team, “May we invite pastors of others churches apart from ECWA pastors?” To which the answer was, yes, please.

Delegates: We had 49 delegates at the conference and the delegates registered themselves as follows: 16 Pastors; 12 Reverends; 12 Bible Teachers; 5 Elders; 2 Ministers; 1 Missionary; 1 Sunday School Teacher

Preaching: The delegates we very attentive, and genuinely seemed interested in the topic.
Books: 465 books were distributed there including two free books, which were:
Transforming Power by Jerry Bridges
9 Marks of a Healthy Church by Mark Dever

Trinity Baptist Church
One of the highlights of the team's stay in Abuja was getting to fellowship with Pasto Abutu Joshua, and the congregation at Trinity Baptist Church – a confessional reformed Baptist church. His insights were greatly appreciated. As a result, it may be wise to have another conference in the centre of Abuja. These two conferences in Karu/Old Karu are really on the outskirts of the capital city. Pastor Abutu counselled that we were not reaching pastors in the capital itself. Pastor Mala and Pastor Joshua were given the opportunity to preach at their Sunday service gathering as our stay included two Sundays.

Lagos Wednesday the 23rd and Thursday the 24th
This conference was held at one of the new church plants by Sovereign Grace Bible Church. The area is one of, if not the most, populous districts in Nigeria. The conference was hosted at the premises where they convene for fellowship. This is a house that they have creatively arranged to suit their needs. Though the number of delegates was only 38 people, the book sales were amazing.
Delegates: We had 38 delegates at the conference and the delegates registered themselves as follows: 7 Pastors; 1 Student Pastor; 20 Bible Teachers; 1 Elder; 1 Minister; 1 Missionary; 6 Sunday School Teachers, 1 Student Pastor

Preaching: The delegates we very attentive, and genuinely seemed interested in the topic.
Books: 298 books were distributed there including two free books, which were:
Transforming Power by Jerry Bridges and 9 Marks of a Healthy Church by Mark Dever; both of which are published by Crossway.
 Questions for Q&A:

• What similarities do you see between the “Downgrade” of the 19th century, and the
current state of the church in Nigeria as you see it?
• How do we, or should we, convince other churches that don’t believe in the
sufficiency of Scripture, and its authority?
• What do we say to those who still believe in apostles and prophets today?
• Do miracles play no part today?
Lagos Friday the 25th and Saturday the 26th 
This conference was held at Sovereign Grace’s main branch. It was such a joy, personally, to see a Reformed Baptist presence in Nigeria, especially in Lagos. Praise the Lord for what he is doing through these brothers and sisters in what is hard ground to sow. There was a good turnout, and the engagements with the delegates were deep and intimate.
The delegates engaged Pastor Mala, and Pastor Joshua at every opportunity - it was even hard to get a break. Both welcomed this and thought their time with them was well spent. Many of the delegates came from a Christian background full of error and were thriving in their new biblical setting. Others, while not in such settings, were at the stage where they were questioning everything they have been taught and were open to sound biblical instruction. Of particular interest to many of the delegates was Pastor Joshua’s background in a church that they were all familiar with – this caught many of them off-guard and had them sitting up to listen even more.
Delegates: We had 55 delegates at the conference and the delegates registered themselves as follows: 11 Pastors; 1 Reverend; 30 Bible Teachers; 2 Elders; 2 Ministers; 3 Missionaries; 5 Sunday School Teachers
Preaching: The delegates we very attentive, and genuinely seemed interested in the topic.
Books: 757 books were distributed there including two free books, which were:
Transforming Power by Jerry Bridges
9 Marks of a Healthy Church by Mark Dever
Questions for Q&A:

Most of the questions concerned how they could reach family members, and friends, who were still in the churches they had come out of. This was very moving, as one could see their desire for their loved ones to know the truth.

Sovereign Grace Bible Church

Once again, Pastor Mala and Pastor Joshua were invited to preach at their Sunday service gathering at their main branch, and one of their church plants at Lekki (Lagos Island). Praise God for Pastor Tony for his years of faithfulness in the work of the gospel in Lagos. They have been going for twenty years, and continue to grow. Praise the LORD!
Port Harcourt Tuesday 29th - Wednesday 30th 
This was the first-ever APC in Port Harcourt (PH). There was so much humidity, the team was sweating profusely. Upon our arrival, the team was taken to their lodgings which were not conducive to their needs (electricity and refrigeration), so they searched for another guesthouse, and found one down the road –affordable, clean, electricity, fridge, and more secure than the previous place. The host, Dr Anie – a very charismatic character – was most hospitable. There was a good attendance, and excellent book sales.
Delegates: We had 109 delegates at the conference and the delegates registered themselves as follows: 70 Pastors; 2 Reverends; 21 Bible Teachers; 5 Elders; 7 Evangelists 2 Sunday School Teachers; 1 Minister, 1 Christian
: The teachings were well delivered, and provoked much thought among the
Books: 450 books were distributed there included two free books, which were:
Transforming Power by Jerry Bridges
9 Marks of a Healthy Church by Mark Dever
Questions for Q&A:
• Why is the preaching of God’s Word more powerful than miracles?
• If miracles are not needed, or important, then what do we make of all the pastors that
are doing miracles and wonders today? They are rich. God is blessing them. What are
we to say about this?
• Is it right to judge a good pastor, and a bad pastor?
• How are we to understand the new revelations that God is giving to pastors today?
APC thanks:
1. God for the great conferences in Nigeria.
2. God for travelling mercies, provision and help in preaching for the speakers.
3. For APC donors in the USA, UK and Australia for their generous financial support of these conferences.
4. Sovereign Grace Bible Church, Trinity Baptist Church Abuja and other Local Organisers who hosted the APC team in Nigeria

Please pray:
1. That God’s work in Nigeria, the most populace country in the continent, would prosper and that God would achieve His plans and purposes in His perfect timing
2. That the delegates would read and use the books, and that doctrinal errors would be corrected
3. That the talks would be remembered and applied both individually and corporately
4. That pastors would preach biblical sermons and that their congregations would benefit from them
5. For the ongoing work of the APC in training Pastors on the African Continent
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