
Arlington Bridge Builders 
2022 Golf Invitational

The Tournament for Transformation is open!

Please register here:

You can register as a single player or foursome. There are separate categories for sponsorships. I’ve attached a flyer for your convenience.
This year we are playing at the beautiful Westfields Golf Club. We are guaranteed a shotgun start, and breakfast and lunch will be delicious.
Your investment in the tournament helps make our work possible.
Thanks for considering, and let me know if we can count on your support.
P.S. I hope you can support the tournament this year as our anti-poverty programs reach more than 1,000 people each month, helping them make ends meet. We also support entrepreneurs start, stabilize, and build their businesses. Every dollar helps us help more people in need. 
Joel C. White
Board Member
O 202-559-0192 | C 202-744-1806 | @jwhite_health

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