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What is integrative cancer care? 

Integrative care starts with, but then goes beyond, the wise use of conventional care—the care that you’ll get from most cancer doctors and centers. Adding healing practices and evidence-informed complementary therapies can improve cancer outcomes, build your resilience, and ease symptoms and side effects common with cancer.

Learn more about integrative cancer care

You can join an online learning circle to explore integrative cancer care with others. Find answers to your questions and discover whether integrative cancer care may be a good approach for you.

Learning circles

Learn, reflect, and connect through learning circles offered through a partnership of CancerChoices and Healing Circles Global. Learning circles provide guidance on mining the CancerChoices website for information that can help you on your cancer path. We don't offer medical advice but instead open a space to explore and reflect on your cancer experience and care.

First learning circle: What Is Integrative Cancer Care?
September 6th, 10–11:30am Pacific Time on Zoom

In this first learning circle, we will begin to explore the CancerChoices website in more detail. We will briefly walk through some of the pages under Your Choices, starting with What Is Integrative Cancer Care? followed by Choices in Conventional Care, Choices in Self Care, and Choices in Complementary Care. We will then break into small groups so that each participant can reflect on how you might use the information in your own cancer care and learn from one another. Questions are encouraged.

Register for the learning circles

Join us for a webinar September 8th, 10-11:30am Pacific Time

Face to Face, Heart to Heart: Two friends share learnings from over 300 week-long cancer retreats

Join Host Michael Lerner in conversation with Janie Brown, founder of Callanish Society—a grassroots nonprofit organization in Vancouver, BC, for people living with, and dying from, cancer.

Register for the webinar

Turmeric and curcumin: cancer care in your spice cabinet

Turmeric, a main ingredient in curry powder, can be bought and used as either a spice or a supplement. Curcumin is turmeric’s main biochemically active ingredient. 

Curcumin can help manage high blood sugar and lower inflammation—two of the body terrain conditions known to favor cancer growth. Some evidence shows better tumor response to chemotherapy when using curcumin. 

Turmeric and curcumin also help manage some symptoms and side effects among people with cancer, including unintended weight loss and the severity of mouth sores.

You can explore all the ways that turmeric and curcumin can support your health and wellness, including the evidence underlying these ratings, on the CancerChoices website.

Learn more about turmeric and curcumin
Turmeric and curcumin is one of 30 complementary cancer therapies fully reviewed on the CancerChoices website, with more under development.
Visit our reviews of complementary therapies
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Our mission is to reduce suffering and support healing and resilience among people with cancer. Visit CancerChoices to explore the options available for integrating self care and complementary care with conventional care.

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