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Dear Friends of Sue,

With college kids heading back to campus and families getting back into their back-to-school routines, it is hard to believe how quickly the summer has flown by. Summer has been a busy time on the campaign trail, and as of today, there are exactly 10 weeks until Election Day on November 8th!

We launched our "Front Porch Politics" series with Linda Fowler, Dartmouth College Professor of Government Emerita, an expert on national politics who is quoted in today's Valley News article about Gov. Sununu, the Free Staters, and NH politics.
Thank you very much to Hanover Representative Sharon Nordgren for hosting us! The weather was beautiful, and the discussion was thought-provoking. It is always a treat to spend an evening in the Nordgrens' back yard.
Now that the Merrimack County town of New London has been added to Senate District 5 through redistricting, I was delighted to attend the Merrimack County Democrats Harvest Party at the lovely Kimball Jenkins Estate in Concord. Here I am with Senate colleagues and candidates (from l to r): Christine Tappan, Richard Lobban, Senator Becky Whitley, myself, Senate President Donna Soucy, and Charlene Lovett.
With Mayor Pete back in the state this week to celebrate infrastructure investments in Berlin due to a US Department of Transportation grant, it was particularly fun that Facebook reminded me of his visit to downtown Lebanon in August 2019 during his presidential campaign, which I co-chaired in New Hampshire. Mayor Pete will be back in the state on September 24 as the keynote speaker for the NHDP's Eleanor Roosevelt Dinner, and I look forward to seeing him - and many of you - there!
I am very excited to have received the endorsement of the American Federation of Teachers - NH chapter for my re-election! Public schools, teachers, administrators, and staff work hard every day for our students and our communities. They deserve our respect and support!
Lastly, I am pleased to announce that SB408 - increasing reimbursement rates for birthing centers - and HB1256 - increasing rates for ambulance services - have been signed into law. I am proud of these efforts which I led in the Senate earlier this year. Will you consider supporting me with a financial contribution so that I can continue working hard to improve the lives of Granite State families?
Contribute Now!
With exactly 10 weeks to go from today until the November 8th election, I am reminded every day that campaigns are truly a team effort. None of this would be possible without you. Thank you so much for your support!

Best wishes,

Senator Sue Prentiss
New Hampshire State Senate, District 5
Hanover State Reps Jim Murphy, Sharon Nordgren, and Mary Hakken Phillips handing out yard signs in Lyme. Please let me know if you would like a yard sign!
I'll Take a Yard Sign!
Paid for by Friends of Sue Prentiss for NH Senate. Abigail Kennedy, Fiscal Agent.
6 Batchelder Ave, Lebanon, NH 03784

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Prentiss for NH Senate · 6 Batchelder Ave · West Lebanon, NH 03784-1902 · USA

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