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On the first two Sundays of September we are gathering items for The Neighbor’s Place.  Bring donations along to Mass or drop them in the Gathering Space during the week.  These are the items needed now:·  - Unopened diapers, size 3-7 ·  Pull-ups ·  Cloth diaper supplies ·  Baby wipes ·  Baby hygiene supplies ·  Unopened baby formula ·  Feminine hygiene supplies or adult incontinence products ·  All-purpose cleaners ·  Toothbrushes and toothpaste ·  Shampoo, soap, deodorant ·  Laundry soap ·  Disinfectant ·  Toilet paper, towels
We invite children and teens in Kindergarten through 10th grade to participate in our Wednesday night Forming Young Disciples program. This is intended for all young disciples not enrolled in Newman Catholic Schools. Click on the image to learn more and to register.

WHO FORMS YOUNG DISCIPLES? That question is answered in a recent Quick Things Conversation. If you missed it, here's the link.
NEW NEIGHBORS: There are 27 million refugees in the world, many in camps for years, some for decades; all of them hoping to be welcomed somewhere, by someone, someday.  The agency working to re-settle refugees in Wausau is seeking sponsoring organizations to join this effort.  It’s what two groups of St. Anne parishioners have been doing for the past six months welcoming new neighbors from Afghanistan.
          The process of welcoming refugees begins with learning about the plight of refugees and considering what refugee sponsorship entails.  An informational meeting to initiate this discernment process will be at 6:30 p.m. Thursday, Sept. 8 in the Gathering Space.  If you are interested in learning more, please plan to attend.
COMMUNITY MEALS will resume Sept. 15. These are meals served at St. Matthew Church to people of the community who need and appreciate a nutritious meal and camaraderie.  St. Anne parishioners will serve Community Meals in alternating months. People are needed to help at the meals and to prepare desserts.  If you can help make this happen or to learn more, send an email to candbgiebel@ or
WELCOME MINISTERS: The first of the many ministers who make our Lord’s Day worship possible are the Welcome Ministers who greet people arriving for Mass and help to gather the collection.  More parishioners are needed to join in this essential ministry.  Orientation for new and returning Welcome Ministers will be at 5 p.m. and 6:30 p.m. on Thursday, Sept. 15 in church.  Please consider this need and your participation.
>> SUNDAY SCRIPTURE STUDY beginning Tuesday, Sept. 13 at 6:30 p.m.
The REALLY GOOD NEWS is that we have pledges totaling nearly 90 percent of our INSPIRED BY THE SPIRIT goal.
    The NOT-SO-GOOD NEWS is that those pledges are from just 16 percent of our parishioners. 
    But, then, the HOPEFUL NEWS is that you might be among the parishioners who have yet to make a pledge, and that this might be the week to turn hope into reality. As you consider your pledge, here’s an important reminder from John Knoll, one of our parish campaign co-chairs: In considering my family’s pledge, it was important to recognize that the commitment is spread over five years, but not a one-time contribution.  For those who haven’t pledged yet, please consider a contribution of $45 a month over these next five years.
    Pledge forms were mailed recently to parishioners who have not pledged.  Brochures and pledge forms also are available at church entrances.  THANK YOU!
FALL BOOK CLUB: In anticipation of a multi-year focus on the Eucharist by the U.S. Bishops, parishioners are invited to join a fall discussion of “Eucharist,” a book by Bishop Robert Barron.  What is the Eucharist, what are its many dimensions, what does it mean to be a eucharistic people?  These are among the questions Bishop Barron addresses and the group will discuss in every-other-week gatherings at 6:30 p.m. Tuesdays on Zoom beginning Sept. 20.  If you’re interested, send an email to Fr. Tom and purchase the book from a local bookseller or online.
VISIT THE ELDERLY - TOGETHER & OFTEN: Pope Francis recently spoke of the need to visit and honor older members of the community. Here is a link to the complete text from America magazine.  In his remarks, Pope Francis says “visiting the elderly must be done by many, together and often.  Fr. Tom is anticipating visits to homebound parishioners, and those in care centers, in the late summer or early fall, which raises the question - Might there be parishioners willing to join him — visiting together?  If so, please send an email indicating your interest. 
SHARING GRIEF: People who are grieving the death of a spouse, a family member or close friend are invited to participate in GriefShare, a program offered on Zoom over 14 weeks in which a friendly, caring group of people offer guidance and encouragement to those dealing with one of life’s most difficult experiences. St. Anne offers GriefShare at 6 p.m. Mondays.  To learn more about GriefShare or to register, send an email to
Parish worship and ministries depend upon the generosity of ALL parishioners. And, it couldn't be easier to make a contribution. Scheduling an ongoing contribution or making a one-time donation - is just a click away. Thanks to all who share generously with the parish.
LORD'S DAY LIVESTREAM: Worship in-person in our newly renovated church would be ideal, but if circumstances prevent you from gathering with the community, a livestream of Mass is offered at 8:30 Sunday morning. A link is at left, as well as at the parish web site and at St. Anne Parish on Facebook. The link can be watched anytime after 8:30. Here is a link to this week's worship aid and a link to Sunday's readings.
A NEW CATHOLIC PODCAST: Have you ever had a question about Catholicism that you couldn’t find an easy answer to? Or a question about a teaching or tradition that seemed to have five different answers, none of them satisfactory? Or maybe you even had a question you felt you weren’t allowed to ask. A new podcast from U.S. CatholicGlad You Asked, may be just what you are looking for. 
Here is a link to the June 19 Mass of Dedication, and a link to the worship aid.
    > Here is a link to the Dedication Evening Prayer, the first worship celebrated in our renovated church, and the worship aid.
    > Here's a link to a Quick Things Conversation about what happened during the Dedication Mass.


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